
更新时间:2023-05-04 09:14:48 阅读: 评论:0

1.本试卷共10页,七个大密,总分值120分,考试时间100分钟“清用蓝、器色水笔或 圆珠笔直接答在试卷上
第一节听卜而S段对讯 何段对话后有一个小题.欢题中所给的AB、(:三个选项中选出能正确答案. 并将其稣号填入题前括号内.每段对话读两
()1. Who is going to Caiwda?
A.Jack.B. Chris.C. Julie.
()2. When can Linda probably conic to the party?
A.A< 6:30. B. A< 7:00.C. At 7:30.
()3. What did Eric do last weekend?
A.He read a book B. He stayed ai home. C. He went mining.
()4. Why docs Peter look unhappy?
A.Becau he has a math problem.
B.Becau he failed in the nu(h(es(.
C.Bccaus-c he's lost his nuih textbook.
()5. How many people arc there in the boy's family?
A. Two.B. Three.C. Hour.
听下面儿段对话戒独白.何段对话或独白后有儿个小题.从题中所给的ABC三个逸项 中选出A4正确答案,并将其坏号城入BS前括号内.每段对话或单独读两奶
()6. How docs the woman like dogs?
A. They arc noisy. B. They arc peaceful. C. They are easy to train.
()7. What will the womim have a pet?
A. A cal.B. A dog.C. A bird.
()8. Where is (he womiin going?
A. To die bus Mation. B. To the train staiioo. C. To the aiipoit.
()9. How much docs the woman pay?
A. $40.B. S45.C. $50.
)10. How often docx Dennis btiy a new xlory book?
A. Every day. B. Every week. C. Every month. ))1. WTiat docs Dennis think of reading?
A. Fantasik.B. Boring.C. Relaxing.
)12. What dues Dennis want (o be when he growx up?
A. A tcaclKr.B. A writer.C. A reporter.
听卜面一段对话.答夏第13至第15三个小圈-()13. Who dg the woman buy a birthday prcnl fof?
A.Her sister. B. Her mother. C. Her daughter.
()14. What size swimming suit docs the woman want?
A.Small.B. Large.C. Medium.
()IS. Where can the wonum huy a cheaper swimming xui<?
A.On ibe first floor. B. On the cond floor. C. On the third floor. 笫三节
听下而篇短文.根据垃文内容.按照所听内容的先后顺序将以下图片掉序并埒;H标弓 城写在题号后的横戏上.短文波两碗。
二、单琐透择-Kate.arc youonly child in your family?
-Ycs.butnew baby is on the way.
A a;(hc B anzlhc C the.a D thc;(be・・Are you going out with Jade kwiighi?
-That's my.Mind your own.
A offer B business C question D chance・・Whm ;i bad day!
••Everyone has oiw of (Imho days whengoes right.
A nothing B anything C everything D somethingMy parents said they would come (o visit mc.l couldn'tto e them after veral months away
fromA wait B help C expect D afford
25.1 have been to quite a few rcslauranu.but I cun say this one is.
A good B belter C the belter D the besth's so cold outside.Remember to c!om! the dooryou when you leave.
A beside B before C with D behind- You look very prctty.If Isay so.
••Thinka l<M for saying that.
A muM B may C will D have to-Tlwre is soine knocking al the door.
It must be the computer rcpairinan.lhim to fix my comptitcr.
A call B have called C calkd D will call29/nie asked Tim lo go and<>u( if then: wax anyone el abn(.
A find B tending C to Gnd D tbundA stupid man tells a woman to shut up.while a wi man (ells her that her mouth is quite beautiful it is clod.
A unle^ B siitce C when D (houghWe arc going to take the high speed train to Xi'an tonu>rrow.so an early arrival a( the station.
A advis B is advid C is advising D was advidTh3lerx may Iwve ;i bright future if they can provide u movie experiencepeople can not gel at
A that B who C whom D whatEvcr)onc wants to reach the top of the mountain.but all the happiness happens while youit.
A climb B climbed C are climbing I) luve climbedAlnwst every university now has a website which allows us tothe infbrnution about it.
A look at B look after C look around D look through-Wha( did Tom say to you juM ik>w?
-He asked .
A why I am so happy today B what will 1 do for the weekend C who did I play foolball with D if I could go id (he movie with him tonight.
A man feared his wife wasn't bearing as well she ud to and he thought she might need some hearing aid(助听).Not quite sure how io 36 her, he called the family doctor u discuss (be problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a txuer 37 of her hearing loss.
“Here's what you do. " said (be doctor. **Stand about 40 tcc< away from bcr and in a 38
conversions .peaking xg ifttfl) e if she hears you. If m>i, go(o 30 feet, tl>en 2(>fee(. and so (m 39 you get a reply.*Thai evening, the wife was in the 40. and he was in the yard. He said to himlf **l am about 40tcd and lei me c whal will happen.* Then m a usual tone he a^ked. "Iloncy, what s for dinner?*

本文发布于:2023-05-04 09:14:48,感谢您对本站的认可!



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