package deal contract 统包合约
package development 组合发展;整体发展
package letting 把几个单位合为一组以一份合约出租
packer head 灌浆孔塞头
packer permeability test 压水试验;压水渗透试验
packer test 压水试验
pad foundation 垫式基础;垫式地基
paddle 桨叶;搅棒
padlock 挂锁;“荷包锁”
"pai lau" 牌楼
pail latrine 粪桶厕所
paint 漆;涂料;油
painted steel 涂漆钢
painter 髹漆工
pallet 垫盘;托板
pallet 铁路隧道
fork-lift truck 托盘叉式起重车
panel 拼板
panel wall 墙板
panic barrier 紧急栏障
panic bolt 太平门栓
panic-bolt door 太平门
pannelled door 格板门
paper pulp plaster 纸巾灰浆
paraffin 石蜡
parallel arm installation type [door clor] 平行臂式〔门气鼓〕
paramount interest 首要权益
parapet 护墙;矮墙;护栏
parapet wall 护墙;矮墙;护栏
parent building 原身楼宇
parent lot 未分割前原来地段
park rerve 园林护理区
parking area 停车处
parking place 停车处
parking space 停车位
parking utilization rate 停车位使用率
parkway 林荫道
part ownership 部分所有权
part with posssion 放弃管有权
part-built structure 半建成构筑物;半建成搭建物
partial closure 局部封闭
partial collap 局部坍塌
partial completion 局部完成
partial completion certificate 局部竣工证书
partial non-development clearance 非发展性质的局部清拆
partial performance of works 完成部分工程
partial rent abatement period 免缴部分租金期
partial upgrading 局部改善
partially penetrating well 非完整井
partially weathered rock 局部风化岩层
particle 微粒;颗粒
particle size 粒径;粒度
particle size analysis 粒径分析
particle size distribution 粒径分布
particular specification 特别规格明细表
Particulars and Conditions of Sale 卖地详情及条件
Particulars of the Lot 地段详情表
partition 间隔
partition wall 间隔墙
partitioned flat 分间单位;“ 房”
partitioning allowance 间隔津贴
partly lf-contained flat 半独立单位
part-payment 购楼的部分定金
part-time parking space 部分时间租用停车位
party room 联谊室
party structure 共用构筑物
party wall 共用墙
passage 通道;通路
passage lock 通道锁
passageway 通道;通路
pasnger hoist 载客升降机
pasnger lift 载客升降机
passing rent 现时租金
passive area 休憩用地
passive earth pressure 被动土压力
passive facility 休憩设施
passive failure 被动损毁;被动破坏
passive recreation area 静态康乐用地
passive recreational facility 休憩设施
passive recreational u 静态康乐用途;休憩用途
passive resistance 被动压力
patch repair 小块修补
patching 修补
patent defect 明显的建筑缺陷;明显的建筑瑕疵
path 路径
patrol guard 巡逻护卫员
paved area 已铺路面的地区;已铺筑地区
pavement 路面;行人道
paver 铺路机
pavilion 凉亭
paving 铺砌面
paving block 铺路砖
paving stone 铺路石;铺面石板
pea gravel 小卵石
peak load 最大荷载;高 负荷
peat 泥炭;腐叶土;腐植土
pebble 圆砾;小卵石
pedestal 座墩;柱脚;基座
pedestal fire hydrant 座墩消防栓;柱形消防栓
pedestal toilet 坐厕
pedestal water clot pan 坐厕
pedestrian and vehicular access system 人车通道系统
pedestrian deck [public rental housing] 天桥廊〔租住公屋〕
pedestrian elevated walkway system 高架行人道系统
n parapet 行人道矮墙
pedology 土壤学
peg out the boundary 以栓钉标明地界;量定地界
pell-mell rubble 抛筑毛石;抛石;杂石
penal rating 惩罚性差饷
penetration test 贯入度试验
penstock 水闸
penthou 屋顶房间;顶房;天台屋
percentage site coverage 覆盖百分比;覆盖率
perched water 上层滞水
perched water level 上层滞水位
percussion drilling 冲击钻探
percussion precast concrete pile 撞击式预制混凝土桩
performance area 表演场地
Performance Asssment Scoring System [PASS] 承建商表现评分制
performance bond 履约保证书;履约保函
performance venue 表演场地
pergola 花棚
pergola column 藤架柱;棚架柱;荫棚柱
period load 周期荷载
period of assignment 转让期
period of defects liability 保养期;保修期;维修责任期
period of final measurement and valuation 最终结算及估价期
period of Government lea 政府租契年期;土地批租年期
periodic tenancy 定期租赁
peripheral slope 围边斜坡
peripheral surface U channel 围边U形排水明渠
peri-urban area 市区外围地带
permanent building 永久建筑物
permanent construction 永久建筑