地震波 ismic wave
地震波传播时间 ismic travel time
地震波传播路径 ismic travel path
地震波频散 dispersion of ismic wave
地震波谱 ismic spectrum
地震波衰减 attenuation of ismic wave
地震波相位 ismic pha
地震散射 ismic scattering
地震虚反射 ismic ghost reflection
地震子波 ismic wavelet
波至 arrival ['raivl]
反射 reflection [ri'flekn]
反射波 reflected wave
反射波时距曲线 reflection wave time distance curve
反射点 reflection point
反射界面,反射层 reflector/reflecting interface
反射系数 reflection coefficien难的反义词
反射折射波 reflected refraction wave
双程时间 two-way time
单程时间 one-way time
双曲线 hyperbola [hai'p:bl]
干扰 noi; interference
干扰波分析 noi analysis
干扰波记录剖面 noi ction
干扰波压制 noi suppression
干扰源 disturbing source; the source of noi
干涉波 interference wave
背景噪声 background noi
信噪比 S/N; signal to noi ratio
惠更斯原理 Huygens principle
菲涅尔带 Fresnel zone
弹性波 elastic wave
视速度 apparent velocity
波长 wavelength ['weivle]
视波长 apparent wavelength
主频 basic frequency
视频率 apparent frequency
振幅 amplitude ['mplitju:d]
能量 energy ['endi]
谱 spectrum ['spektrm]
地震垂向分辨率 ismic vertical resolution
地震横向分辨率 ismic lateral resolution
地震盲区 ismic gap
地震模型 ismic model
地震频带 ismic frequency band
地震剖面 ismic ction
地震学 ismology [saiz'mldi]
海上勘探 offshore exploration
陆上勘探 onshore exploration
采集 acquisition [,kwi'zin]
采集参数 acquisition parameter
野外参数 field parameters
维度 (二维,三维) dimension [di'menn]
二维 2D; two-dimensional
三维 3D; three-dimensional
三维采集系统 three-dimensional collection system
三维地震采集 three-dimensional ismic exploration
方法学,方法论 methodology [me'dldi]
施工方法 operating methodology
野外工作方法 field procedure
野外施工资料 field engineering data
野外作业 field operation
测线,排列 line [lain]
地震测线 ismic line
主测线 main line
排列 spread [spred]
对称的 symmetrical [si'metrikl]
分散的 split [split]
中间放炮排列 split spread
端点放炮排列 end-on spread
连续覆盖中间放炮排列 continuous-coverage split-dip spread
非对称中间放炮排列 asymmetrical split spread
非纵排列 b家乡巨变
roadside spread
观测系统 geometry; field geometry
纵向观测系统 longitudinal layout
观测系统设计 layout ['lei,aut]
观测系统图 layout chart
覆盖次数 fold [fuld]
单次覆盖 single coverage
多次覆盖 multiple coverage
满覆盖 fullfold
地面覆盖 surface coverage
覆盖次数图 coverage plot
道 trace [treis]
道距 station interval /station spacing
站,车站,位置 station ['stein]
点号 point number
桩号 staion number
加密点 additional station
检波点 RP; receiver point
检波器,接收器 receiver [ri'si:v]
线距 line spacing
接收线 receiver line
接收线距 RLI; receiver line interval
密度 density ['densiti]
面元 bin [bin]
炮点 SP; source point
震点 VP; Vibrator Point
炮点距 shot point spacing
炮线 source line
炮线距 perpendicular offt
线号 line number
线束,(卫片中的)卫星扫描带 swath [sw:]
增量 increment ['inkrimnt]
线束编排 lay out the swath
偏移距 offt [':ft]
炮检距 source-geophone distance
零炮检距 zero source-geophone distance
大炮检距 long distance
纵向最大炮检距 vertical largest geophone distance
最大非纵距 largest cross line distance
最大炮检距 largest geophone distance
单束炮数 template shot points
起始桩号 from station
设计检波点 Rec postplot; recording postplot
设计炮点 shot postplot
纵横比 aspect ratio
正交 orthogonality [:g'nliti]
斜交形的 oblique ['bli:k]
砖块 大学有机化学
brick [brik]
高灵敏度 high nsitivity
组合 array ['rei]
检波组合 geophone array
线性组合 in-line array
面积组合 areal array
组合基距 array length
组内距 geophone distance
组合特性曲线 array respon curve
震源类型 focus type
激发组合 source array
可控震源 Vibrois ['vaibrsi:s]
炸药震源 explosive [iks'plusiv]
井炮 well shot
井炮组合 shot hole array
井口 hole top
井下 downhole ['daun,hul]
起爆雷管 blasting cap; detonator
高密硝胺 highly den aerolite
炸药 dynamite ['dainmait]
激发深度 shot depth
填井 tamping ['tmpi]
采集系统 acquisition system
地震记录 ismogram/ismic record
监视记录 monitor record / monitoring
时间采样 time sampling
采样间隔 sample interval
采样率 sample rate
记录长度 recording length
记录时间 record time
raw data
QC; quality control
standard; criteria
profession standard
incompetence [in'kmpitns]
defective record
single shot record
evaluation the single shot record
SPS; Shell processing support format
asss ['s]
competence ['kmptns]
acceptability [k,pt'biliti]
first order rate
reject rate
blown out shot
misfire / misfired shot
Qty; quantity ['kwntiti]
training program
assignment; programme
daily report
weekly report
岩性的,岩性学的,岩石的 lithological
泥岩 mudstone ['mdstun]
泥质的 argillic
页岩,泥板岩 shale [eil]
砂岩 sandstone ['sndstun]
砾岩 conglomerate [kn'glmrit]
石灰岩 limestone ['laimstun]
碳酸盐岩 carbonate rock
碎屑岩 clastic rock