3. Language Points
● 1. deceptive: likely to deceive; misleading
● e.g. Appearances are deceptive.
● The newspapers promid not to run deceptive ads in the future.
● The company was charged with deceptive advertising for a number of products.
● The play is also an obrvation about the deceptive nature of appearances.
deceptively adv. deceptiveness n.
● 2. for sb.’s (own) part /the part of: as far as sb. is concerned
● e.g. For my part I prefer living in the country.
● Some young students, for their part,
● can stay up late playing computer games.
● 3. definite: clear; that can’t be doubted
● e.g. I was wandering round the shop with no
● very definite aim.
● Doctors have found a definite link between
● smoking and lung cancer.
4.(all) of a piece: the same in all parts; the same as sth. el
e.g. The style of the book is all of piece, in both
illustrations and text.
The essays he completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work.
The testimony was all of a piece with the
professor’s version of events.
all of a piece = all of one piece
Other usages of piece
master piece杰作; 杰出的事
tear to pieces撕碎; 彻底摧毁; 痛斥
● 5. wrinkle: tighten the skin of the face into lines or folds
e.g. The woman was forty, but looked fifty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow.
● The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle.
● My dress wrinkles easily.
● Other usages: wrinkled her no in disdain.
● 6. in accordance with: in agreement or harmony with
● e.g. Students will be criticized or punished if their梦见发大水是什么意思
behavior is not in accordance with school regulations.
● Some young people are lf-centered, which is not in accordance with Chine traditional values.
● act in accordance with the rules 根据条例行事
● 7.elderly: (adj. & n. )(of) people rather old;(nior citizen)
● past middle age
● e.g. adj. to be getting elderly 年纪渐老
● He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes.
● Traveling at 97 km/h (60mph), an elderly driver may miss the information he or she needs or may act on the wrong information.
● Most of the residents in the old district are the elderly as their offspring have moved to new residential areas.
● 8.evidently: obviously; it appears that
● e.g. Evidently our living conditions are much better than before.
● He was evidently upt when he learned that he failed in the final examination.
● The stranger approached the microphone, evidently intending to speak.
● 9.mild: (of people or their manner) gentle and kind; not vere or harsh
● e.g. Peter is a mild man, never getting angry easily.
● She has inherited my husband’s milder nature, I’m glad to say.
● The weather is mild today;it is nei木瓜种植
ther hot nor cold.
● He has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cau.
● a mild chee 味不足的奶酪.
● 10.spicy: exciting, esp. becau of being slightly indecent; containing or tasting like spice
● e.g. You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers.
● People from Sichuan province like to eat spicy food.
● spicy criticism辛辣的批评
● a spicy magazine淫秽下流的杂志
● 11.something of: to some degree
● e.g. It’s something of a disadvantage nowadays if you can’t u a computer.
● They haven’t got a loan from the bank, which is something of disappointment.
● 12.instinct: a tendency that one is born with to behave in a certain way without
reasoning or training
● e.g. It is the mother’s instinct to protect her children.
● He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct.
● I knew by instinct that he had come to deliver bad news.
● Birds learn to fly by instinct.
● Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.
● Other usages: act on instinct凭直觉行动 夜晚说说心情短语
; by instinct出于本能 have an instinct for生来就有...的本能, 生性爱好, instinct with充满着...; 受...的鼓舞
● 13.clap: strike(the inner surface of one’s hands) together
● e.g. The noi of conversation ro, and the teacher clapped her hands for silence.
● The audience clapped enthusiastically as the singer stepped on to the stage.
● The nurry teacher clapped her hands to attract the children's attention.
● When the singer finished, we clapped
● He clapped his son on the back.
● c.f. applaud
● other usages: clap eyes on看见 It's many years since I clapped eyes on him.
● 14.oddly enough: ud to say that sth. ems strange or surprising
● e.g. oddly enough = strangely enough
● Children’s books, oddly enough, continued to have a big place in retail sales.
Oddly enough, some of the students don’t know how to log on the internet.