
更新时间:2023-05-04 05:14:44 阅读:21 评论:0

Unit 2 Mixed feelings
Active Reading 1 How empathy unfolds
I. Warming-up exercis
1. Look at the following pictures and describe the emotion shown in each picture.
2. Discuss the question: Do you sometimes try to hide your emotions? Why or why not?
3. Skim the text, and find out the definition of empathy and sympathy in the passage.
Empathy originates from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another, which then evokes the same feelings in onelf. (Para. 3)
Sympathy is felt for the general plight of another with no sharing of what that other person is feeling.
4. Now decide whether the feelings or actions described below are a result of Sympathy(S)or Empathy (E).
nding a card to someone who is in hospital
feeling happy becau your friend has won a scholarship to a prestigious university
trying to comfort someone who has had bad news
reacting physically when you e that someone is in pain
collecting money to help the victims of a natural disaster
crying at the end of a film
Summary: Sympathy= I can understand your pain. Empathy= I feel your pain.
II. Text Organization
Cf. ppt.
III. Comprehending the text
1. What did Hope do when she saw another baby fall?
Tears welled up in her own eyes and she crawled off to be comforted by her mother.
2. Why did Micha小米食物 el give his teddy bear to Paul?
He did it to comfort Paul.
3. Who obrved and recorded the actions?
The babies? mothers obrved and recorded 心情愉悦的句子 the actions.
4. When do psychologists believe that humans begin to experience empathy?
They believe that humans begin to experience empathy virtually from the day they are born. 5. Which example shows that babies sometimes don?t realize they aren?t the ones who are suffering?
The example of babies who imitate the distress of someone el.
6. When was the word empathy first ud in English to describe such reactions?
The word empathy was first ud in English in the 1920s by E. B. Titchener.
7. Why was the word sympathy not appropriate?
It is not appropriate becau sympathy is felt for the general plight of another with no sharing of what that other person is feeling; empathy means actually sharing or imagining another person?s feelings.
8. At what age do children start to distinguish other people?s feelings f rom their own?
Around two and a half, children start to distinguish other people?s feelings from their own.
9. How can parents increa feelings of empathy in their children?
They can increa feelings of empathy in children by calling strong attention to the distress their misbehavior caud someone el.
ⅣWords & Expressions
empathy n. [U] the ability to understand how someone feels becau you can imagine what it is like to be them 同感;同情;移情
empathy with/for sb./sth.
empathy between A and B
e.g. There is a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson.
empathic a.(also empathetic) able to understand how someone feels becau you can imagine what it is like to be them 移情的;有同感的;产生共鸣的
e.g. He was very empathic about what the people were suffering there.
well up
1) (of a liquid) ri up to the surface and spill or be about to spill (液体)流出,涌出
e.g. I felt tears well up in my eyes. 我感到泪水夺眶而出。
2) (of an emotion) ari and become more inten (情绪)变得强烈
e.g. Anger welled up within him. 他怒火中烧。
crawl vi.
1) move along on your hands and knees with your body clo to the ground 爬,爬行;匍匐行进
e.g. A baby crawls (around) before it can walk.
婴儿先会(到处)爬, 然后才会走。
2) (of traffic, vehicles, etc.) move very slowly(指来往行人﹑车辆等)缓慢地行进, 徐缓而行
e.g. The traffic crawled over the bridge in the rush-hour.
retrieve vt.(fml) find something and bring it back (正式)重新找回;收回,取回
e.g. She bent down to retrieve her earring. 她俯下身去捡回她的耳环。
retrieve sth. from
e.g. The wreckage of the crashed plane was retrieved from the ocean.
trace vt.
1) discover the origin of something or how it developed 追究;追溯(来源)
e.g. The style of the paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.
2) find someone or something that you are looking for by asking questions and getting information 追查;追踪
e.g. She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.
infant n.[C] (fml) a baby or very young child 婴儿,幼儿

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