Some people em easy to understand: their charact er appears obvious on first meeting. Appearances, however, can be deceptive.
A Friend in Need
Somert Maugham
1 For thirt y years now I have been studying my fellowmen. I do not know very much about them. I shrug my shoulders when people t ell me t hat their first impressions of a person are always right. I think they must have small insight or great vanit y. For my own part I find t hat the longer I know people the more they puzzle me.
2 The reflections have occurred to me becau I read in this morning's paper that Edward Hyde Burton had died at Kobe. He was a merchant and he had been in business in Japan for many years. I knew him very little, but he interest ed me becau once he gave me a great surpri. Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action. It was more st artling becau both in appearance and manner he
suggest ed a very definite type. Here if ever was a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow, not much more than five feet four in height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes. I suppo he was
about sixty when I knew him. He was always neatly and quietly dresd in accordance with his age and st ation.
3 Though his offices were in Kobe, Burt on often came down to Yokoha一年级数学手抄报
ma. I happened on one occasion to be spending a few days there, waiting for a ship, and I was introduced to him at the British Club. We played bridge together. He played a good game and a generous one. He did not talk very much, either then or later when we were having drinks,
but what he said was nsible. He had a quiet, dry humor. He emed to be popular at the club and afterwards, when he had gone, they described him as one of the best. It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hot el and next day he asked me t o dine with him. I met his wife, fat, elderly, and smiling, and his two daught ers. It was evidently a united and affectionat e family. I think the chief thing that struck me about Burt on was his kindliness. There was something very pleasing in his mild blue eyes. His voice was gentle; you could not imagine that he could possibly rai
it in anger; his smile was benign. Here was a man who attract ed you becau you felt in him a real love for his fellows. At the same time he liked his game of cards and his cocktail, he could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlet e. He was a rich man and he had made every penny himlf. I suppo one thing that made you like him was that he was so small and frail; he aroud your instincts of protection. You felt that he could not bear to hurt a fly.
4 One aft ernoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel when Burton came in and ated himlf in the chair next to mine.
5 "What do you say t o a little drink?"
6 He clapped his hands for a boy and ordered two gin fizzes. As t拘留和逮捕的区别
he boy brought them a man pasd along the street outside and eing me waved his hand.
7 "Do you know Turner?" said Burton as I nodded a美丽的荷花
8 "I've met him at the club. I'm told he's a remittance man."
9 "Yes, I believe he is. We have a good many here."
10 "He plays bridge well."
11 "They generally do. There was a fellow here last year, oddly enough a namesake of mine, who was the best bridge player I ever met. I suppo you never came across him in London. Lenny Burt on he called himlf. I believe he'd belonged t o some very good clubs."
12 "No, I don't believe I remember the name."
13 "He was quite a remarkable player. He emed to have an instinct about the cards. It was uncanny. I ud to play with him a lot. He was in Kobe for some time."
14 Burton sipped his gin fizz.
15 "It's rather a funny story," he said. "He wasn't a bad chap. I liked him. He was always well-dresd and smart-looking. He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks. Women thought a lot of him.
There was no harm in him, you know, he was only wild. Of cour he drank too much. Tho sort of fellows always do.
A bit of money ud t o come on for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card-playing. He won a good deal of mine, I know that."
16 Burton gave a kindly chuckle. I knew from my own experience that he could lo money at bridge with a good grace. He stroked his shaven chin with his thin hand; the veins stood out on it and it was almost transparent.
17 "I suppo that is why he came t o me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine. He came to e me in my office one day and asked me for a job. I was rather surprid. He told me that there was no more money coming from home and he wanted to work. I asked him how old he was.
18 "'Thirt y-five,' he said.
19 "'And what have you been doing hitherto?' I asked him.
20 "'Well, nothing very much,' he said.
21 "I couldn't help laughing.
22 "'I'm afraid I can't do anything for you just yet,' I said. 'Come back and e me in another thirt y-five years, and I'll e what I can do.'
23 "He didn't move. He went rather pale. He hesitat ed for a moment and then he told me that he had had bad luck at cards for some time. He hadn't been willing to stick to bridge, he'd been playing poker, and he'd got t rimmed. He hadn't a penny. He'等边梯形
d pawned everything he had. He couldn't pay his hot el bill and they wouldn't give him any m高压锅使用方法
ore credit. He was down and out. If he couldn't get something to do he'd have to commit suicide."
24 "I looked at him for a bit. I could e now that he was all to pieces. He'd been drinking more than usual and he looked fifty. The girls wouldn't have thought so much of him if they'd en him then.
25 "'Well isn't there anything you can do except play cards?' I asked him.
26 "'I can swim,' he said.
27 "'Swim!'
28 "I could hardly believe my ears; it emed such an insane answer to give.
29 "'I swam for my universit y.'
30 "I got some glimmering of what he was driving at. I've known too many men who were little tin gods at their university to be impre儿童理发
sd by it.
31 "'I was a prett y good swimmer mylf when I was a young man,' I said.
32 "Suddenly I had an idea."
33 Pausing in his st ory, Burt on turned to me.
34 "Do you know Kobe?" he asked.
35 "No," I said, "I pasd through it once, but I only spent a night there."
36 "Then you don't know the Shioya Club. When I was a young man I swam from there round the beacon and landed at the creek of Tarumi. It's over three miles and it's rather difficult on account of the currents round the beacon. Well, I told my young namesake about it and I said to him that if he'd do it I'd give him a job.
37 "I could e he was rather t aken aback.
38 "'You say you're a swimmer,' I said.
39 "'I'm not in very good condition,' he answered.
40 "I didn't say anything. I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded.
41 森林防火演讲稿
"'All right,' he said. 'When do you want me to do it?'
42 "I looked at my watch. It was just aft er ten.
43 "'The swim shouldn't take you much over an hour and a quart er. I'll drive round to t he creek at half past twelve and meet you. I'll take you back to the club to dress and then we'll立才学校
have lunch together.'
44 "'Done,' he said.
换衣服,然后一起吃午饭。‟ “…就这样吧,‟他说。
45 "We shook hands. I wished him good luck and he left me. I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only just managed to get t o the creek at Tarumi at half past twelve. But I needn't have hurried; he never turned up."
46 "Did he funk it at the last moment?" I asked.