关键词: 最后通牒世界十大地质奇迹
摘 要: 在公平理论、期望理论、名誉道德理论的基础之上,提出成本价值说。该假说认为人们决策时会衡量理性和情感行为价值,占据主导地位的一方决定我们后续的行为。通过对最后通牒游戏中的影响因素和内在神经机关于志向的名言
中图分类号: G44 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 10012435(2012)01007407
New Interpretation of Ultimatum Game Theory: Cost Value Theory
WANG Qiang, XUAN Bin (School of Educational Sciences, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu Anhui 241000, China)
Key words: ultimatum game; fairness theory; neural mechanism; cost value theory
Abstract: On the basis of e墨家思想
quity theory, expectancy theory and rep反事故演习
utation and morality theory, the cost value theory was put forward, claiming that people will consider the cost of rational and emotional 张小五
behaviors, and when one of them becomes the dominant role, our subquent behaviors were determined. According to th曹禺原名
e factors and internal neural mechanisms in ultimatum game, prove the rationality of the cost value theory and propo the future outlook about continued rearch of the cost value theory.