Reference Answers of Chapter 1
Ⅴ. Translation from English to Chine:
1。 如果一个小孩在繁忙的大道中间玩耍、如果一个工人使用机器时,不知道机器出了问题而面临危险、如果一个行人不知道靠近人行道的墙壁处于危险境地,面临倒塌的危险,他们将会发生什么?每一种情况都有风险的因素和不确定性存在。这个小孩也许不会收到伤害、机器也许会坚持到这个工人用完机器为止、靠近人行道的墙壁没有倒塌伤到这个人.但是在每一种情况都有可能造成严重的伤害。
2. 众所周知,每一个人对他的邻居的人身伤害和财产损失负有责任,不要伤害他的身体以及损坏他的财产。责任的产生也许是因一个房屋的所有权、一个宠物、户外运动或者一个简单的行为引起,比如穿越马路不开前方等等。在英国1968年卡拉克先生(Clark)起诉西普思顿(Shepstone)女士案件中,Shepstone女士突然从人行道走出来,没有看前方,致使摩托车驾驶者紧急刹车导致翻车,摩托车后座乘客Clark先生严重受损。他起诉Shepstone女士,最终获得了28,500英镑的赔偿。如果Shepstone女士没有购买个人公众责任保险,她就会面临严重的经济困难。
Ⅵ. Translation from Chine to English:
1。 Risk is uncertainty of loss and is the possibility of loss.
2. Risk is unpredictable, which refers that the actual results may differ from predicted results。
3. Flood is the peril and the hou near the bank of the river is the hazard.
4. Hazards are not themlves the cau of the loss, but they can increa or decrea the effect if a peril operates.
5. Physical hazard relates to the physical characteristics of the risk.
6. Moral hazard is a situation in which a party is more likely to take risks becau the costs that could result will not be borne by the party taking the risk.
7。 Where there is no risk, there is insurance.
8。 A financial risk is one where th家常红烧肉
e result or the outcome can be measured by money.
Ⅶ. Ca analysis:
1. Suppo you want to establish a small business。 The business is about a small grocery, lling foodstuffs and various houhold supplies. Describe the ways in which risk may affect your business。 How you deal with the business? Describe the pure risks and speculative risks。
At first, you must consider pure risks and speculative risks. You should identify the risks, then analyze them and take steps to control the risks. You may transfer the risks to insurance.
Pure risks include material damages to the grocery and stock by fire, storm, explosion or malicious damages or theft. Liability risks to employees or clients.
Speculative risks include pricing, marketing decisions and credit providing to clients。 You should take measures to minimize the frequency or verity by buying equipment, for example, fire protection, curity systems, burglar alarm, etc。 Besides, you should make some investigations on clients demand。
Pure risks are insurable. Therefore you should buy some kinds of insurance to transfer pure risks to insurance company。
2。 There is a large multi—nation petroleum company。 It spends a large sum of money each year on insurance premiums. Talk about the benefits for the co卧蚕
mpany, for the community and for the government。
Benefit for the companies: The company can have a peaceful mind and curity protection becau the company has transferred the risk to the insurance company。 If the company choos to retain the risk, it would have to hold large rerves to cover emergencies. Though the insurance premium is a certain loss, the balance of funds can then be invested in the business.
Benefit for the community: If the company is insured against a loss, it can stimulate the business activity and provide jobs for the community. Insurance can provide protection in the event of loss and keep people in employment.
Benefit for the government: Becau the premiums collected by insurance company are not needed immediately for claims, the premiums can be invested in the real estate, transportation, energy, etc。 The investments are helpful both for the government and industry。
Reference Answers of Chapter 2
Ⅴ。Translation from English to Chine:
1. 保险利益至少有四个特点。首先,必须是一些财产、权利、利益、肢体或者潜在的利益可以进行投保。第二,这些财产、权利、利益等等必须是保险标的。第三,被保险人必须与保险标的有一定的关系,也就是他能得益于财产安全、生活安宁以及不要承担责任,或者由于危险的存在和责任的承担,他会受到伤害。最后,被保险人与保险标的的关系必须得到法律的认可。
2. 很难估算失去一只眼睛或者一条胳膊的价值是多少.任何估价都是武断的,法庭依据以前的案例法已经设计了一个赔偿数额。对于特殊的伤害,这个数字不是固定不变的。例如,
Ⅵ。 Translation from Chine to English:
1。 When we talk about insurance, we always talk about the insurable interest.
2。 The propor's insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance is limited to the maximum sum insured。
3。 In marine insurance contract, the insured must be interested in the subject matter insured at the time of loss,
4. In life insurance contract, insurable interest is only required by the insured at inception.
5。 The applicant has insurable interests over himlf, his spou, his children and his parents.
6.Insurance companies have insurable interest in their liability to pay claims to insureds。
7. In life insurance, insurable interest is only required when the insured is insured himlf at the beginning.
8. General speaking, the transfer of life insurance contract can be valid only after the insurer is agreed.