It’s often said that English is one of the hardest languages to learn.
Given the fact that many of the words we u in English stem from Latin and Ancient Greek words – in common with many other European languages – what is it about English that has attracted this reputation for being so fearsomely difficult? And is it really even that difficult, when so many other countries adopt it as their cond language and speak it a lot more fluently than we Brits speak other languages? We’ll leave you to make your own mind up…
It just makes no n!
One of the reasons why English is known for being difficult is becau it’s full of contradictions. There are innumerable examples of conundrums1 such as:
There is no ham in hamburger.
Neither is there any apple nor pine in pineapple.
If teachers taught, why didn’t preachers praught?
If a vegetarian2 eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian3 eat?
“Overlook” and “overe” have opposite meanings, while “look” and “e” mean the same thing.
As native speakers, we rarely stop to think how illogical many of the things we say really are – we’re just ud to them. Unless you’ve been brought up speaking English, how can you possibly begin to learn all the oddities? It’s little wonder that people trying to learn English end up feeling confud. But it gets wor.
Exceptions to rules
One of the har恐龙的牙齿
dest things about English is that although there are rules, there are lots of exceptions to tho rules – so just when you think you’ve got to grips with a rule, something comes along to shatter what you thought you knew by contradicting it. A good example is the rule for remembering whether a word is spelt “ie” or “ei”: “I before E except after C”. Thus “believe” and “receipt”. But this is English – it’s not as simple as that. What about “science”? Or “weird”? Or “ize”? There are loads of irregular verbs, too, such as “fought”, which is the past ten of “fight”, while the past ten of “light” is “lit”. So learning English 楚宫
isn’t just a question of learning the rules – it’s about learning the many exceptio1996多大
ns to the rules. The numerous exceptions make it difficult to apply existing knowledge and u the same principle with a new word, so it’s harder to make quick progress.
The order of the words
Native English-speakers intuitively know what order to put words in, but this is hard to tea
ch to tho learning the language. The diffe调皮的句子
rence between the right and wrong order is so subtle that it’s hard to explain beyond simply saying that it “just sounds right”. For example, we often u more than one adjective to describe a noun, but which order should they go in? We would say “an interesting little book” not “a little interesting book”. Both are technically4 grammatically correct, but the first “just sounds right”. It’s a bit of a nightmare for tho who are trying to learn, and it may prove one nuance5 too much. (In fact, there is some method to this particular English madness – but it’s quite involved, and beyond the scope of this article to explain it.)