confu的用法1: confu的基本意思是“使迷惑”, 指人头脑混乱,没法清楚地思维或理智地行动,做出了张冠 李戴的情况,强调极其难堪或迷惑不解。
confu的用法2: confu常用作及物动词,多接名词 或代词作宾语;也可与充满阳光的英文
介词with连用,表示“把…同…弄混 了”。
confu with (v. +prep・)
1.I t hink it' s a rious mis take to confu books with life・
2.This is an attempt to confu form and [ with ] substance・
这是企图把形式同实质混 淆.
3.People are apt to confu the two issues・ 人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来.
4.Don' t confu Austria with [ and ] Australia. 不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了.
5.Do not draw it on the chart, however, as this will confu the issue.
但不用把它画到图上去,因为那样反而会混淆问题的重 点。
6.To further confu the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
使问题进一步复杂化的是,每个人需要的睡眠时间千差 万别。
7.Don' t confu me with technicalities all
I need to know is how to turn the machine on and off.
细节性技术我搞不懂,别讲了,我要知道的只是机器怎 么开关.
8.I can" t e how anyone could confu you with another!
9.Don' t confu the issue, eg by introducing irrelevant topics.
10.Don' t confu liberty with overindulge.
11- He did not confu audiences by silly
12.I always confu Australia with Austria. 我总是把澳大利亚同奥地利弄混.
13.Don' t confu Au幼儿园评语
stria and / with Australia. 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了.
14.You confu me , and how can I transact business if I am confud?
15.Would it confu some animals and harm plants that are ud to regular day - night cycles?
它会不会把那些按照昼夜规律生息的动物、植物的节律 打乱,而对它们有所伤害?