写英语的邮件本就讲究技巧,写给老板的邮件更是如此,下面是 整理的给老板写英语邮件的七个技巧, 希望对大家有帮助。
If you really want to get your message across, make sure you understand the mindt of the person you’re emailing.
Below you’ll find ven tips to help you be a better email writer, which I have drawn from my 25 years’ experience as a strategy consultant. What the ven tips have in common is that they focus on the psychology of the reader. Why is that important? As soon as a reader
receives a text, he mentally pigeonholes it into one of veral, possibly damning categories: “ignore and ditch,” “read later,” “read now, but no action.” Obviously you want your reader to pigeonhole your textin the “read and act now” slot.
对你有所帮助。具体来说,关于这两个领域的一些基础知识,有两本书非常值得一读。第一本是罗伯特•希尔蒂尼(Robert Cialdini)的《影响力:说服的心理学》(Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion),这本书对顺从行为进行了心理学分析,即什么因素能让一个人答应他人的要求;另外一本是由理查德•塞勒(Richard Thaler)和卡斯•孙斯坦因(Cass Sunstein)合著的《推动力》(Nudge),这本书对各种系统进行了分析,帮助人们提高作出对自身更为有利选择的能力。虽然这两本书本身不涉及商务写作,但是包含了一些非常实用的相关理论。在这些理论的基础上,我总结出了以下的建议,它们与你在别的地方学到的那些常见的商务写作技巧,比如“避免使用被动语态”、“避免使用行业术语和缩略语”、“变换语句的长度和结构”等,将互为补充。
To get your reader to respond positively, it helps to understand a little about social psycho
logy and behavioral economics. Specifically, two great books rve as a good intellectual foundation to the fields. The first is Robert Cialdini’sInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion, which address the psychology of compliance, i.e. the factors that cau one person to say yes to another person. The cond is Richard Thaler’s and Cass Sunstein’sNudge, which examines systems that help people improve their ability to lect options that will make them better off. While the books don’t deal with business writing per , they contain relevant and applicable insights. They lead to tips that you will find complementary to the often technical tips about business writing that you find elwhere, such as “avoid the passive voice,” “avoid jargon and acronyms,” and “vary the length and structure of your ntences.”
Take into account where and when your boss reads your text.In today’s fast-paced world of instant, omniprent and byte-size hypercommunication, it伟大英文
is easy and tempting to fire off a text to your targeted reader as soon as you have finished writing it. But think about when and where he will receive your text. For example, it may not be a great idea to mail a request for a two-months leave of abnce to your boss on a Friday evening when he is waiting at an overcrowded airport for a delayed return flight home after three days of inten and unsuccessful negotiations with union delegates. Your request may be perfectly reasonable and eloquently worked out, but you’d better wait for a more auspicious time and place for it to land in your boss’s inbox',event)">inbox.
Stand out in a crowded inbox',event)">inbox by using clues.Busy as businesspeople are, they cannot afford to think too long about every decision they have to make. They often make fairly automatic decisions bad on past experience or just one written clue that is prented to them. It starts with simple things like the subject header of your mail: it should convey opportunity and benefit to the reader rather than effort and goodwill from him. For example, when you write an email to solicit participation in a benchmarking exerci, the heading “Study” may evoke more dreadful associations than “How to improve performance.” More profoundly, make your推荐一本书200字
lf likeable to your reader, for examp
le, by referring to shared interests or flattering him. Of cour you’re walking a fine line: you don’t want to mislead, deceive or manipulate your readers; you simply want to convince, persuade and facilitate.