8D具体是指什么? |
8D最早是福特公司使用的很经典的分析手法 1D: 成立团队 公司明确团队队长由第一副总亲自担任; 质保部负责召集和组织团队的活动; 团队成员由包含与问题密切相关的技术人员或管理人员、相关的质量工程师组成。 2D:描述问题 为了容易找到问题症结所在防止问题再发生,应使用合理的思考及统计工具来详细地描述问题:发生了什么问题?发生地点?发生时间?问题的大小和广度?从这几方面收集关键资料。 3D: 围堵行动 为使外部或内部的客户都不受到该问题的影响,制定并执行临时性的围堵措施,直到已采取了永久性的改进。要确保围堵行动可收到预期的效果。 4D: 找根本原因 就问题的描述和收集到的资料进行比较分析,分析有何差异和改变,识别可能的原因,测验每一个原因,以找出最可能的原因,予以证实。 5D: 永久性纠正 针对已确认的根本原因制订永久性的纠正措施,要确认该措施的执行不会造成其它任何不良影响。 6D: 验证措施 执行永久性的纠正措施,并监视其长期效果 7D:预防再发生 修正必要的系统,包括方针、运作方式、 程序,以避免此问题及类似问题的再次发生。必要时,要提出针对体系本身改善的建议。 8D: 肯定贡献 完成团队任务,衷心地肯定团队及个人的贡献,并加以祝贺。由最高领导者签署 |
8-D手法 Corrective Actions Procedure 8-Discipline Approach 矫正措施 —— 8-D手法 一. What is "8-D"?(什么是 8-D?) 8-D : A systematic approach utilized for true root cau finding & problem solving.. 8-D: 是一个用于探索原因、解决问题的系统化流程。 Discipline 1. U Team Approach 组建团队 Discipline 2. Describe The Problem 描述问题 Disc卡布奇诺蛋糕 ipline 3. Immediate Corrective Actions 紧急对策 Discipline 4. Seek The Root Cau 根本原因 Discipline 5. Permanent Corrective Actions 永久改善措施 Discipline 6. Verification Of Effectiveness 效果确认 Discipline 7. Preventive Actions 防止复发 Discipline 8. Congratulate Your Team, Ca Clo 祝贺结案 二.When shall 8-D be ud? 何时用8-D? l Supplier's quality performance consistently exceeds the agreed goal. 当供应商品质持续超一封家书范文 出要求的目标时。 l Supplier meets the agreed goal, but one failure symptom concentrates more than 2%. 当单一不良现象达到2%,即使总体质量水平满足要求。 l A defect occurred that should have been contained within the supplier's process. 供应商制程不良导致品质异常。 l The failing parameter was not tested by supplier. 供应商未测试的参数导致不良。 三. Responsibilities 职责 l The originator: Initiate the 8-D. 发起人:提出8-D(CAR)的要求。 l The supplier: 供应商 1. Shall provide respons in 8-D format. 必须用8-D的报告格式向发起人作出回复。 2. Communicate 8-D details internally as necessary. 准备8-D报告的详细内容。 3. Respond with immediate/permanent corrective actions as per goals. 按照计划要求提出紧急对策及永久改善措施。 4. Provide weekly updates to the originator as per schedule. 每周按计划向8-D发起人通报改善措施落实情况。 5. Achieve goals on timescales for implementation of immediate/permanent corrective actions. 按时完成紧急对策及永久改善措施以符合目标。 6. Where immediate corrective actions has been requested, the supplier should perform a risk asssment of the exposure in their finished goods. This should normally be bad on a functional/visual screen of statistically significant sample. 当紧急对策必须执行时,供应商一定要采用有效的抽样检验方法来评估全面筛 选的风险。 四. Goals &nbosr p; 目标 1. Immediate corrective actions available within 2 working days upon receipt of 8-D. 紧教师实习心得 急对策:2个工作天内提出。 2. Immediate corrective actions implemented within 5 working days upon receipt of 8-D. 紧急对策:5个工作天内落实。 3. Permanent corrective actions plan available within 5 working days upon receipt of 8-D. 永久改善措施:5个工作天内提出。 4. Agreed permanent corrective actions in place within 10 working days upon receipt of 8-D. 永久改善措施:10个工作天落实到位。 5. Definitions 定义 l &n貂蝉技能 bsp; Immediate corrective actions – short term, temporary描写夏雨的诗句 fix. 紧急对策;短期的,暂时性的。 l Permanent corrective actions – Long term, permanent fix. 永久改善措施:长期的,永久性的。 五. Discipline 1: U Team Approach 8-D – 第一条:组建团队 1.Select and record internal and external team members. 选择并记录公首行缩进怎么设置 司内外的所有成员。 2.Select a team champion (management members who will remove roadblocks of the team 选择团队决策支持人(决策支持人要能排除障碍)。 3.Select a team leader (A member who directs efforts and takes responsibility for team 选择一个组长(组长代表小组向上级负责)。 六. Discipline 2: Describe The Problem 8-D – 第二条:描述问题 1. U terms understood by the customer. 用客户可完全理解的述语描述问题。 2. Describe the change in condition or pre-existing condition, which caud the problem. 描述导致问题存在或发生的条件。 3.Express the condition in quantifiable terms, if available. 如有可能,量化导致问题存在或发生的条件。 七. Discipline 3: Immediate Corrective Actions 8-D – 第三条:紧急对策 1. Define who, what, when & how you will capture and contain the defects now, and prevent them from getting the customer. 指明紧急对策的人、事、时及方法,同时防止在客户端再发生。 2.Consider the effect of the immediate corrective actions: 紧急对策应考虑到: l Cost 成本 l Delivery 交货期 l Inducement of other types of defects. 不可因而引起其他形式的不良。 八. Discipline 4: Seek The Root Cau 8D - 第四条 根本原因 1.Describe why the change in condition occurred, or identify the “Hole” in the system which allowed the pre-existing condition to go undetected. 描述为何发生,并指出该问题流出的原因。 2.Categorize the root caus, e.g. material, machine, Methods, Manpower, Maintenance, Environment. 将根本原因按人、机、料、法、环(4M1E)进行分类。 九. Discipline 5: Permanent Corrective Action 8D - 第五条:永久改善措施 1.Describe who, what, when & how you will implement in material, manpower, methods, etc. To totally eliminate the root cau of the problem. 描述排除不良根源的人、事、时以及如何使用这些资源。 十. Disci香港明天天气 pline 6: Verify Of Effectiveness 8D - 第六条:效果确认 1.Describe verification results in quantifiable terms. (E.g.: achieved CpK – 1.5 or decread defect occurrences to zero, etc.) 用量化指标来确认对策落实效果(例如CpK达1.5…) 2.Continue immediate corrective actions until permanent corrective actions are verified as being effective. 紧急对策不能停,直到永久改善措施被确认生效 十一. Discipline 7: Prevent Recurrence 8D - 第七条:防止复发 1.Describe the internal and/or external cultural or systemic changes that must be made to prevent the problem from recurring; 描述能预防问题再发生的内部及外部的文化、系统改善条件; 2.The team champion is responsible for taking the recommendation back to management and driving implementation. 决策支持人负责将改进非洲的地理位置 建议往上级呈报并推动落实. 十二.Discipline 8: Congratulate To Your Team, Ca Clo 8D - 第八条:祝贺结案 Champion and team leader recognizes team members for their role in solving the problem. 决策支持人和组长肯定小组成员对解决问题的贡献。 |
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