
更新时间:2023-05-03 20:40:31 阅读: 评论:0

高考英语阅读理解强化训练    Day 93
PaSSage 1
During this ShOPPing SeaSon, SaIeSmen Will COme UP With different StrategieS to get your bus in ess. Many PrOdUCt compa nies USe SPeCifiC colors to CaUSe POSitiVe emoti ons and COmPete for a sale. However, Sight is not the only Sensory (感官的)retail that compa nies u. SOUndSand smells Can also in flue nce con SUmerS    ' PUrChaS ing decisi ons
Nobel PriZe-W inning rearch shows that our SenSe of smell has great power to CaUSe an emotio nal resp on . A StUdy PUbIiShed earlier this year COmPared PUrChaS ing in a FrenCh flower shop Whe n the smell of lave nder 薰衣草)WaS盛的组词 give n off and Whe n it WaSn ' t. It found that the smell inCreaSed the number of conSUmerS    ' PUrChaSing
and the amount of their PUrChas.An earlier StUdy USing Nike shoes found that con SUmerS desired the shoes more, and Were willi ng to Pay more, Whe n the room had a mi
xed smell of flowers. ReaIiZ ing the SUbC on SCiOUS impact of smell, many StOreS apply artificial SCents (气味)through their heating and air-conditiOningVentS (通风口 ) or place SCe nt machi nes above their doors. For in Sta nce, a coc onut SCe nt might make that bik ini more appeali ng as you long for a VaCatiO n.
EVer felt frenZied due to a store    ' S fast-paced music? Or CaImed by a PieCe of light
music? A retailer ' S ChOiCe of music Can have a big impact on conSUmerS    ' moods.
StUdy found that Whe n SUbjeCted to loud music, con SUmerS will SPe nd less time in a store. BUt interestingly, the rearchers did not find a difference in sales or CUStOmerS SatiSfaCt ion. Ano ther in teresti ng finding from a rece nt StUdy WaS that CUStOmerS actually shop Ion ger Whe n expod to Un familiar music. JUSt as departme nt StOreS USe differe nt SCe nts in Certa in departme nts, many USe differe nt music in some areas to appeal to Vary ing con SUmers.
Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court PrObabIy isn '
t your best ChOiCeS as brands like CinnabOnand Panera Bread also USe SCents as Part of their分辨近义词 CUStOmerS experience. Online retailers (零售商)USe a Variety of other StrategieS to get your bus in ess, but you Can always n eglect tho and enjoy the familiar
SCe nts of home.
1.The passage is mainly about    .
A.consumers ' favorite sounds and smells while shopping
B.shopping malls ' strategies for satisfying consumers
C.some special rvices from super shopping malls
D.two factors affecting consumers    ' shopping decisions
2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.
B.Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.
C.Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.
D.The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.
3.How does music have an effect on consumers?
A.It controls consumers    ' desire for shopping.
B.It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.
C.It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.
D.Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.
4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word    frenzied in Paragraph
A.Satisfied.    B. Depresd.
C. Surprid.    D. Excited.
5.What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?
A.Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.
B.People should spend more time at home with family members.
C.People can choo to get rid of salesmen    ' s promotion strategies.
D.Smells and sounds are important for consumers    ' shopping experience.
Passage 2
With child behavior, there is almost much more than it meets the eye. Becau it occurs at so many different levels, child behavior that ems simple at one level can often be much more complex and meaningful at another.
For instance, a little child    ' s pattern of getting into cupboards, drawers and clod
rooms, even after being told not to, is easily considered as bad behavior. When viewed at
that level, the Pattern is Unacceptable and could Ie脚底脱皮是怎么回事 ad to PuniShment. BUt it Can be VieWed at a more complex and meanin gful level, n amely child explorati on. If a child regularly experiences an angry Parent who SeemS determined to PreVent any exploratory activities, the Child WiIl decide to COntinue to achieve future discoveries. When Parents VieW this behavior as born out of natural CUriOSity rather than SimPIe opposition,一岁宝宝辅食 they are more likely to accept and appropriately monitor it. Although it may lead to Warning responsto enSUre the child ' safety, it is less likely to lead to PUni Shme nt.
There are countless other examples. Holding a goldfish OUtSide its bowl is foolish
at one level but also Can be Seen as a young child    ' S attempt to express PhySiCaI affecti
for a pet. SPending time With friends rather than family is SeIfiSh at one level but also indicates a teen    ' S need for independence.
The point here is that child behavior is ofte n exhibited in SimPIe forms that Can
appear to be oppositi on al, SeIfiSh or gen erally Un acceptable if VieWed only at that basic level. However, When VieWed at a more meaningful level, the Same apparently SimPIe behavior Can be See n as SOmeth ing Iarger and pote ntially more adaptive. ThiS does n mean the behavior should be igno red, especially if it is in appropriate. BUt look ing at the bigger PiCtUre of a child    ' S behavior, adults might gain a fuller Understanding of What

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