1. AM - 上午 (morning)
2. PM - 下午 (afternoon/evening)
3. ASAP - 尽快 (as soon as possible)
4. RSVP - 请回复 (plea respond)鸡蛋黄的功效与作用
5. FYI - 供参考 (for your information)
6. AKA - 也称为 (also known as)
7. ETA - 预计到达时间 (estimated time of arrival)
8. FAQ - 常见问题解答 (frequently asked questions)
9. VIP - 重要人士 (very important person)
10. CEO - 首席执行官 (chief executive officer)
11. CFO - 首席财务官 (chief financial枫树简笔画
12. COO - 首席运营官 (chief operating officer)
13. HR - 人力资源 (human resources)
14. IT - 信息技术 (information technology)
15. PR - 公共关系 (public relations)
16. USA - 美国 (United 微信男人头像
States of America)
17. UK - 英国 (United Kingdom)
18. NGO - 非政府组织 (non-governmental organization)
19. DIY - 自己动手做 (do it yourlf)
20. ASAP - 尽快 (as soon as possible)。