Chapter 1:
1.What are the design features of language?
The features that define our human language can be called Design Features.
2.What is Arbitrariness?
Saussure first refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs(symbol forms) bear no natural relationship to their meaning.
3.What are onomatopoeia words?
Words that sound like the sounds they describe.
4.How do you understand of claus language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level?
The order of elements in a ntence follows certain rules,and there is a certain degree of correspondence between the quence of claus and the real happenings.
5.What is duality?
By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures,such that units of the primary level are compod of elements of the condary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.(Lyons)
6.What is the advantage of duality?
It lies in the great productive power our language is endowed with.A large number of different units can be formed out of a small number of elements.And out qqkey
of the huge number of words,there can be endless number of ntences,which in turn can form unlimited number of texts.
7.How do you understand language is a system?
In terms of internal structure,language is hierarchical.There are 6 level.Speech sounds,morpheme,word,phra,ntence,text.
8.What is creativity?
By creativity we mean language is resourceful becau of its duality and recursiveness.(Chomsky Noam).The recursiveness refers to the potential of language to create endless ntences.
9.What is displacement?
Displacement means that human language enable their urs to symbolize objects,events and concepts which are not prent at the moment of communication.
10.What is the benefit of displacement?
Displacement benefits human beings by giving them the power to handle generalization and abstractions.
11.What are the 3 theory concerning to the origin of language?
First,the divine origin theory:Language is created by God.
Second,the invention theory:Language is created by man.(The bow-wow theory拟声说the
evidence is onomatopoeic words.The pooh-pooh theory感叹说the evidence is interjectionsThe yo-ho-yo theory劳动喊声说some rhythmic grunt.)
Third,the evolutionary theory:when men involved in a certain degree,they have the cognitive ability.There are two basices:Psychical basic(speech organ) and social basis(cooperate communication ),then language came into being.
12.What are the ven functions of language?
Informative信息功能,Interpersonal人际,Performative施为,Emotion感情,Phatic communion交感,recreational娱乐,meta-lingual元语言。
13.What are the six factors of speech event?
Speech event is consisted of two or more than two speech acts.
14.What are the metafuntions of language?
Halliday think language has ideational,interpersonal and textual functions.
15.What is informative/interpersonal/performative/emotion/expressive/phatic/recreational meta-lingual function?
When language is ud to record the facts or to reason things out,it rves the informative function.(ideational function)
When language is ud to establish and maintain people’s status in a society,it rves the interpersonal 河虾做法
Austin and Searle think when language is ud to perform acts or do things,it rves the performative function
When language is ud to change the emotional status of an audience for or against sb or sth.(Crystal).The expressive function can often be entirely personal and totally without any implication of communication to others.
Malinowski think that when language is ud to maintain a comfortable relationship between people without in风字开头的成语
volving any factual content.(Greeting,farewells,compliments,comments on weather,invitations)
When language is ud for the h快乐学习
earty joy of using it,it rves the recreational function.
When language is ud to talk about itlf,it rves the meta-lingual function.
16.What is linguistic? How it classified?
Linguistic is the scientific study of language.It classified into two parts:Micro-linguistic(general linguistic)普通语言学 is a study of internal structure of language;Macro-linguistic is a study of language in connection with other disciplines.
17.What is Phonetics?(语音学)language
Phonetics studies speech sounds,including the production of speech,that is,how speech sounds are actually made,transmitted and received,the description and classification of s
peech sounds,words and connected speech,etc.There are three branches.Articulatory phonetics(发音语音学)is a study of organs and how they move to produce speech sounds.Acoustic phonetics(声学语音学)investigate the properties of the sound waves.Auditory phonetics(听觉语言学)focus on the way in which a listener analys or process a sound wave.