Although genetic mutations in bacteria and virus can lead to epidemics, some epidemics are caud by bacteria and virus that have undergone no significant genetic change. In analyzing the latter, scientists have discovered the importance of social and ecological factors to epidemics. Poliomyelitis (poliomyelitis: n.小儿麻痹症, 急性骨髓灰白质炎), for example, emerged as an epidemic in the United States in the twentieth century; by then (by then: 到那时候), modern sanitation was able to delay exposure to polio (POLIOMYELITIS) until adolescence or adulthood, at which time polio infection produced
paralysis. Previously, infection had occurred during infancy, when it typically provided lifelong immunity without paralysis. Thus, the hygiene that helped prevent typhoid epidemics indirectly fostered a paralytic polio epidemic. Another example is Lyme dia, which is caud by bacteria that are transmitted by deer ticks. It occurred only sporadically during the late nineteenth century but has recently become prevalent in parts of the United States, largely due to an increa in the deer population that occurred simultaneously with the growth of the suburbs and incread outdoor recreational activities in the deer’s habitat. Similarly, an outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever became an epidemic in Asia in the 1950’s becau of ecological changes that caud Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits the dengue virus, to proliferate. The stage is now t in the United States for a dengue epidemic becau of the inadvertent introduction and wide dismination of another mosquito, Aedes albopictus.
1. The passage suggests that a lack of modern sanitation would make which of the following most likely to occur?
(A) An outbreak of Lyme dia
(B) An outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever
(C) An epidemic of typhoid
(D) An epidemic of paralytic polio among infants(C)
(E) An epidemic of paralytic polio among adolescents and adults
2. According to the passage, the outbreak of dengue he我的领居是exo
morrhagic fever in the 1950’s occurred for which of the following reasons?
(A) The mosquito Aedes aegypti was newly introduced into Asia.
(B) The mosquito Aedes aegypti became more numerous.
(C) The mosquito Aedes albopictus became infected with the dengue virus.
(D) Individuals who would normally acquire immunity to the dengue virus as infants were not infected until later in life.(B)
(E) More people began to visit and inhabit areas in which mosquitoes live and breed.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that Lyme dia has become prevalent in parts of the United States becau of which of the following?
(A) The inadvertent introduction of Lyme dia bacteria to the United States
(B) The inability of modern sanitation methods to eradicate Lyme dia bacteria
(C) A genetic mutation in Lyme dia bacteria that makes them more virulent
(D) The spread of Lyme dia bacteria from infected humans to noninfected humans(E)
(E) An increa in the number of humans who encounter deer ticks
4. Which of the following can most失眠搞笑图片
reasonably be concluded about the mosquito Aedes albopictus on the basis of information given in the passage?
(A) It is native to the United States.
(B) It can proliferate only in Asia.
(C) It transmits the dengue virus.
(D) It caud an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the 1950’s.(C)
(E) It replaced Aedes aegypti in Asia when ecological changes altered Aedes aegypti’s habitat.
5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
(A) A paradox is stated, discusd and left unresolved.
(B) Two opposing explanations are prented, argued, and reconciled.
(C) A theory is propod and is then followed by descriptions of three experiments that support the theory.
(D) A generalization is stated and is then followed by three instances that support the generalization.(D)
(E) An argument is described and is then followed by three counterexamples that refute the argument.
6. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author’s asrtion about the cau of the Lyme dia outbreak in the United States?
(A) The deer population was smaller in the late nineteenth century than in the mid-twentieth century.
(B) Interest in outdoor recreation began to grow in the late nineteenth century.
(C) In recent years the suburbs have stopped growing.
(D) Outdoor recreation enthusiasts routinely take measures to protect themlves against Lyme dia.(A)
(E) Scientists have not yet developed a vaccine that can prevent Lyme dia.
It was once assumed that all living things could be divided into two fundamental and exhaustive categories. Multicellular plants and animals, as well as many unicellular organisms, are eukaryotic—their large, complex cells have a well-formed nucleus and many organelles. On the other hand, the true bacteria are prokaryotic cell (prokaryotic cell: 原核细胞), which are simple and lack a nucleus. The distinction between eukaryotes and bacteria, initially defined in terms of subcellular structures visible with a microscope, was ultimately carried to the molecular level. Here prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have many features in common. For instance, they translate genetic information into proteins according to the same type of genetic coding. But even where the molecular process are the same, the details in the two forms are different and characteristic of the respective forms. For example, the amino acid quences of various enzymes tend to be typically prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The differences between the groups and the similarities within each group made it em certain to most biologists that the tree of life had only two stems. Moreover, arguments pointing out the extent of both structural and functional differences between eukaryotes and true bacteria convinced many biologists th
at the precursors of the eukaryotes must have diverged from the common ancestor before the bacteria aro.