Complete streets at the municipal level: A review of American municipal Complete Street Policy
期刊名称: International journal of sustainable transportation
作者: Greg尿液发红是什么原因
g, Kelly,Hess, Paul
作者机构: Univ Toronto
年份: 2019年
号: 第6-10期过小年吃什么
关键词: Complete streets;complete street policy;municipal
policy;transportation policy non-motorized transportation
摘要:The Complete Streets Act of 2009 preceded a proliferation of municipal level comp孔子像
lete streets policies across United States. The policies aim to challenge auto-centr黄金市场分析
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andards in favor of \\"complete streets\\"
that are safe for urs of all abilities. This proliferation of \\"complete streets\\" policy is noteworthy progress in addressing the needs of non-motorized street urs and sustainable transportation. However, rearch that critically and systematically analyzes the specific content of the policies and how they attempt to guide street design decision-making is limited. We address this gap through a review of municipal level Complete Street policy. We sampled a total of 113 municipal level complete streets policies drawn from The National Complete Streets Coalition's databa. We reviewed the