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美国语言哲学家格赖斯为了保证谈话顺利进行,谈话怜爱是什么意思 双方必须共同遵守一些准则,特别是在1967年提出的“合作原则”。当谈话一方不遵守合作原则而又不是为了说谎为目的即故意违反准则,于是就产生会话含义。会话含义就是一种超出语句本身意义范围的意义,即说话者的“言外之意”。一般来说,人们可以通过违反合作原则中的质、量、关系原则和利用方式准则来表达或推导出会话含义,来表达与字面意思不同的没有说出来的含义,回避志杰说出想表达的意思,含蓄的表达自己的真实意图。会话含义一般可以分为两类:一般含义和特殊含义。一般含义是指在遵守合作原则中的默想准则是带有的含义。特殊含义是指在有意违反合作原则中的某项原则,在特定的语境中推导出来的含义。会话含义的特征可以归纳为:可取消性、不可分离性、可推导性、非规约性和不确定性。
二、 合作原则的几项原则:
关键词:会话含义 合作原则 违反 谈话
Conversat爱国诗现代 ional Implicature and Cooperative Principle
American linguistics H.P.Grice once gave in 1967.In the speech, Grice said, the two sides of the conversation must obey some basic rules, especially the “cooperative principle”, to ensure that the conversation can go on propitiously. When one side of the principle doesn’t want to lie, conversational implicature comes out. Conversational implicature is a kind of meaning, which is beyond the ntence itlf. Generally speaking, people can violate the maxim of quality, quantity, and relation and u the maxim of the manner to produce conversational implicature, which nd the unsaid meaning of the words. Generally speaking, conversational implicature can be divided into two kinds: generalized implicature and particularized implicature. Generalized implcature refers to an implicature,
which obeys the cooperative principle and also has the meaning. Particularized implicature refers to the implicature that violates some of the cooperative principle and makes the meaning in some specially context. The features of the conversational implicature: cancelability, no detachability, calcul步字组词 ability, non-conventionality and indeterminacy:
Key words:
Conversational implicature  cooperative principle  violate  conversation
Conversational Implicature and Cooperative Principle
American linguistics H.P.Grice once gave speeches in 1967.In the speech. Grice said, the two sides of the conversation must obey some basic rules, especially the “cooperative principle”, to ensure that the conversation can go on propitiously. He believed the two sides of the conversation should have a same wish: the two sides can understand each other. So both of them o隅开头的成语接龙 bey some cooperative principles to achieve the
aim. However幼儿园吃饭 , Grice said, not all the people in the conversation obey the rules. Once one side finds the other side not obey the cooperative principle, he will make himlf try his best to understand the unsaid meaning in the conversation. So the conversational implicature c应急预案范文 omes out.
As the conversational implicature has a clo relationship with the co operational principle, we will introduce the cooperative principle first. In a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperateOtherwi, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. This general principle is called the cooperative principle.
There are four main maxims in the cooperative principle:
The maxim of quality: make your contribution as informative as required(for the current purpo of the exchange)Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
The maxim of quality: do not say what you believe to be fal; do not say that for which you back adequate evidence.
The maxim of relation: the words have a relationship with other factors.
The maxim of manner: avoid obscurity of expression; avoid ambiguity; be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity); be orderly.
The conversational implicature is a meaning out of the ntence itlf; it is the speaker’s meaning under the literal. In the real life, people often violate some principles to nt some dark meaning.
The meaning related with the cooperative principle may become by the following ways:
First, to violate the maxim of quality
1. Offer the deficient information on purpo.
One farmer meets Sam and says:
“Hey, Sam, my hor’s got distemper. What did you give yours hen he had it?”
“Turpentine,” grunted Sam.
A week later they meet again and the first farmer shouts:
“Sam, I gave my hor turpentine like you said and it killed him.”
“So did mine.” nodded Sam.
2. The information is必看的书 superfluous
E.g. :
Second, to violate the maxim of the quantity.
1. Say some words that are not the truth. Some rhetoric offers the advantage to this.
1) He is a fine friend.
2) You are the cream in my coffee.
2.  Say some words which are cockeyed.
Third, to violate the maxim of the relation. Say some words, which are not related with the conversation.
Johnny: Hey, Sally, let’s play marrow bles.
Mother: How is your homework getting along, Johnny?
Forth ,to utilize the maxim of manner to understand the conversational implicature.
1. To be obscurity on purpo

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