起来啊 快起来 Get up!
获得完胜的冠军是The winner, by
还有谁要来Who is next?
谁还有胆量来挑战我阿山哥Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?
-我能试一试吗 -嗯?-Can I try? - Hmm.
我有个机器人 是我自己做的I have a robot. I built it mylf.
闪开 小鬼Beat it, kid.
不知道规矩么 先付钱才能参加Hou rules. You gotta pay to play.
哦 对 这些够了吗Oh, uh, is this enough?
你叫什么 小鬼头What's your name, little boy?
滨田宏 叫我小宏Hiro. Hiro Hamada.
来吧 小狗Prepare your bot, Zero.
机器人对决Two bots enter,
谁将获得胜利one bot leaves.
准备Fighters ready?
刚刚只是热身 我能再试一次吗That was my first fight. I... Can I try again?
还嫌不够疼么 小鬼No one likes a sore lor, little boy.
回家喊妈妈吧Go home.
我还有钱I've got more money.
准备Fighters ready?
超级机器人 摧毁它Mega-bot, destroy.
什么What? Huh?
-阿山哥已经落山了 -什么 这- No more Little Yama. - But,
这怎么可能This is not possible!
其实我和你一样感到惊讶Hey, I'm as surprid as you are.
也许是侥幸Beginner's luck.
你想再来一次吗 阿山哥Do you want to go again, Yama?
-没人赢得了我 -喂 等等- No one hustles Yama! - Whoa.
给他点教训Teach him a lesson.
你们好啊 有话好好说嘛Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this.
-小宏 快上车 -阿正- Hiro! Get on! - Tadashi!
来得正好Oh, good timing!
额滴神啊Oh, mama!
-你没事吧 -嗯- Are you okay? - Yeah.
-没受伤吧 -没有- Are you hurt? - No.
那你脑子被门夹了吗 笨蛋Then what were you thinking, knucklehead?
啊Ow! Ow!
你十三岁就高中毕业了You graduated high school when you were 13,
就为了干这个吗and this is what you're doing?
找到他们了There they are!
抓紧我Hold on!
哇偶 棒Whoo-hoo! Yes!
给我回来Get back here.
机器人对决是违法的Bot fighting is illegal.
你想被关进监狱里吗You're goi小猫图片卡通
ng to get yourlf arrested.
机器人对决并不违法Bot fighting is not illegal.
靠机器人对决赌博 这才是违法的Betting on bot fighting, that's illegal.
不过这太好赚钱了But so lucrative!
现在我可是好运连连 大哥 没有什么能够阻止我I'm on a roll, big brother! And there is no stopping me!
哦不Oh, no.
嗨 卡斯阿姨Hi, Aunt Cass.
你们俩没事吧 快告诉我你们没事Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay.
-我们很好 -没事- We're fine. - We're okay.
太好了Oh, good.
那你们两个傻子脑袋被门夹了吧Then what were you two knuckleheads thinking?
十年了For 10 years,
我一把屎一把尿把你们拉扯大I have done the best I could to rai you.
我是个好家长吗 不是Have I been perfect? No.
我有照顾孩子的经验吗 没有Do I know anything about children? No.
我是不是该看本书学学如何管教孩子Should I have picked up a book on parenting?
我在说些什么啊 完全没说到重点Where was I going with this? I had a point.
-对不起 -我们爱你 卡斯阿姨- Sorry. - We love you, Aunt Cass.
我也很爱你们Well, I love you, too!
就是你们被关进去 害得我提早打烊I had to clo up early becau of you two felons.
今晚准备读垮掉派诗歌的On beat poetry night.
都怪你们 害我不停吃东西来缓解压力Stress eating. Becau of you.
过来 麻球Come on, Mochi.
真是美味This is really good!
必须好好弥补一下卡斯阿姨You better make this up to Aunt Cass
不然她会把咖啡厅吃个精光before she eats everything in the cafe.
好的For sure.
希望你能吸取教训 你个笨蛋And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.
你还想参加机器人对决You're going bot fighting, aren't you?
城里刚好有个决斗比赛There's a fight across town.
我参加了肯定能赢If I book, I can still make it.
你什么时候才能When are you gonna start doing something
用你的大脑去做事with that big brain of yours?
你是说 像你一样去上大学What? Go to college like you?
然后听别人跟我讲 我已经知道的东西么So people can tell me stuff I already know?
要是爸妈看到了会怎么说Oh, what would Mom and Dad say?
我哪知道I don't know.
他们已经去世了They're gone.
我三岁的时候就走了 不记得了么They died when I was three, remember?
-我带你去 -真的吗- I'll take you. - Really?
虽然我阻止不了你去参加I can't stop you from going,
但我也不能让你一个人去but I'm not going to let you go on your own.
来你们傻瓜学校干嘛What are we doing at your nerd school?
机器人对决往那边走Bot-fight's that way!
拿些东西Gotta grab something.
这要多久Is this gonna take long?
别着急 孩子 就待一会儿Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out.
话说 你还没来过我的实验室Anyway, you've never en my lab.
哦太棒了 我可以参观你的傻瓜实验室了Oh, great, I get to e your nerd lab!
-小心 -哇-Heads up! - Whoa!
电磁悬浮Electro-mag suspension?
-你哪位 -额 我- Who are you? - Uh,
神行 这是我弟 小宏Go Go, this is my brother Hiro.
傻瓜实验室欢迎你Welcome to the nerd lab.
我从没见过电磁悬浮自行车I've never en electro-mag suspension on a bike before.
零阻力 骑起来更快Zero resistance, faster bike.
不过 速度还是But, not
哦 喔喔喔Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
别往前走 站到线后面去Do not move. Behind the line, plea.
嗨 芥末 这是我弟 小宏Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother Hiro.
嗨 小宏 准备好见证奇迹Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.
-激光感应等离子体 -是的- Lar-induced plasma? - Oh, yeah.
还带有超精密的With a little magnetic confinement
磁约束for, uh, ultra-precision.
哇塞 你是怎么用这些做到的Wow. How do you find anything in this mess?