The explosion of Group 1 of the Fukushima nuclear power Plant on March 12,2022 in Japan caud heavy loss, which is not too heavy. The explosion caud by the nuclear radiation generated by the nuclear power plant would cau harm to the human body, which would spread faster than the virus and flu, and took one decades to fade.
Here some people will ask, what is nuclear power energy, how is it so harmful, why do human beings still u such dangerous energy? This is explained from the perspective of physics:社会经典语录
as we all know that matter is made up of molecules, molecules can be divided into atoms, atoms can be divided into nuclei, nuclei and positively charged protons, and uncharged neutrons, and outer nuclear electrons rotating at high speeds.
Becau protons, neutrons are tightly bound together by strong nuclear forces, so the nuclei are very strong, and if we can divide or polymerize, we can relea amazing energy, which is nuclear energy. So to u a positive energy, to stimulate the nucleus, make it fission, or aggregation, scientists in the bottom, trying to find this energy, in 1938, scientists
first ud the word to bomb a larger nucleus, the two energies collide, the huge energy, make it into two medium large nuclei.
With the additional neutron bombardment of the axis 235 nucleus, the nuclear energy relead when it divides also generates veral new neutrons, and the Chine word continues to bombard the测量角度
other axis nuclei. This ries of axis nuclei continued to fission, and relea a large amount of nuclear energy.
Now that China also has nuclear power plants to generate power, will it be possible to fail like Japan? So do we agree or disagree? Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, or do the disadvantages outweigh the benefits?
China is a big country, and nuclear power plants must be ud to supply electricity to the whole country, but we also need to be on high alert, the huge power of nuclear power. Should we find new energy and stop using nuclear power plants?