专利名称:Selling machine
fee发明人:カーペンティア,バート,ロエケンズ,ユルゲン,フェルトリン,アントニオ,ヴァン エスチ,ウィ
collap什么意思リー,デッシング,ヤコバス ペトルス マリア南京英语培训机构
摘要:This application provides a product sales module for lling a large number of products. The product sales module includes a product line configured to hou a large number of products therein. Also, the product sales module includes a product gate positioned around the product line. The product gate is pivotable from a clod position preventing access to a number of products to an open position preventing access to the rest of the plurality of products while allowing access to one of the multiple products Yes, including the urging ba. The product sales module further compris a product locking system associated with the product gate, the product locking system including a locking pin releasably engaging the biasing ba. The locking pin is movable from a first position allowing rotation of the product gate towards the clod position to a cond position limiting rotation of the product gate towards the clod position.(FIG.
kenko申请人:ザ コカ・コーラ カンパニー
地址:アメリカ合衆国ジヨージア州アトランタ市 ノースウェスト,コカ・コーラ・プラザ1国籍:US
代理人:稲葉 良幸,大貫 敏史,江口 昭彦,内藤 和彦更多信息请下载全文后查看youjizz是什么