Champagne, a champagne, 香槟 香槟
a champagne with a packet of Splenda in it. 一杯加了一包代糖的香槟
- You know what I call this drink? - A waste of champagne? -你知道我把这配方叫什么吗 -叫浪费香槟
No. A Dr. Cooper. 不是 叫库珀博士
健康的饮食习惯 因为...
He's also sweet and bubbly. 他本人也是甜到冒泡
All right. 行吧
A... A toast to Sheldon and Amy 敬谢尔顿与艾米
and the publication of your super-asymmetry paper. 成功发表超不对称性的论文
We are so proud of you guys. 我们好为你们感到骄傲
- Cheers. - Thanks. -干杯 -谢谢
Ooh! That is PhD-licious. 真是博士级的好喝啊
So, have you guys gotten any feedback yet? 你们的论文收到任何反馈了吗
Well, there are some comments online, 网上是有一些评论
but we haven't read them. We decided we don't care 但我们没读 我们决定了不要去
- what people say about our work. - Good for you. -管网上的那些言论 -干得好
People online can be so mean. 网上的人有时候可恶毒了
I posted a picture of mylf on Instagram, 我在社交平台发了张照片
and some jerk said I looked so skinny I might disappear. 就有傻逼说我瘦到快要消失了
And yet, somehow she soldiers on. 但她还是坚忍地活下来了
Although, Amy and I did give the world a gift. 不过呢 我跟艾米给了这世界一份礼物
It would be nice to read some of the thank-you notes. 读读一些人的感谢函也是不错
I'm surprid you're interested in some stranger's opinion. 我挺惊讶你居然会对陌生人的看法有兴趣
Well, as I always say, 正如我常说的
a stranger's just a friend who hasn't complimented me yet. 陌生人只不过是还没夸过我的朋友罢了
Okay. I'll read them. 行 我来读读
If any of them accu you of being too pretty, 如果有人指控你漂亮过了头
Penny can help you through it. 佩妮可以陪你一起度过
Okay, here's one from Dr. Saltzberg at UCLA. 加州大学的萨尔茨伯格教授说...
Wait, no, stop. I don't want to know. What if he's mean? 等等 别读 我不想知道了 万一他嘴很毒呢
Well, what if he's complimentary? 万一他嘴抹了蜜呢
I want to know. 我想知道了
Okay. 好的 他说...
- I don't want to know. - All right, -我又不想知道了 -够了 给...
let me e it. 给我看看
dsa是什么Okay, this is really positive. 这个... 非常正面的评论呢
afloatWow, it's, like, really positive. 妈呀 这简直要夸到天上了
He says it might be the discovery of the decade. 他说这可能是近十年最大的发现
He's right. They love it! 真的呢 大家都在夸
This is so exciting. 这真是太令人兴奋了
Oh, this may be the Dr. Cooper talking, 有可能是这杯库珀博士上了头
but pour me another Dr. Cooper. 但是再给我倒一杯库珀博士吧
Hey, Penny and I were thinking of getting 我跟佩妮在考虑
a big paintball game together. 组织一场漆弹大战
Oh, Leonard, why does she want to shoot you? 莱纳德 为什么她想射爆你狗头了
She doesn't want to shoot me. 她没有想要射爆我啊
- Who doesn't want to shoot you? - Penny. -谁不想射你了 -佩妮
No, that doesn't sound right. 不 这听起来不太对
She just wants to play paintball. 她只是想玩漆弹了而已
It combines my love of whimsy 这活动融合了我的无厘头
with her love of making grown men cry. 与她对把成年男人弄哭的喜爱
Sounds fun. Bernadette and I are in. 感觉很有意思 我与伯纳黛特加入
acute- You don't need to ask her? - No. I've been pretty annoying lately. -不用先问过她吗 -不用 我最近挺烦人的
She's gonna want to shoot me. 她肯定也会想射爆我的狗头
Dr. Cooper. 库珀博士
Ah, President Siebert. 塞伯特校长
神奇女侠2推迟上映What are you doing in the regular cafeteria? 你怎么在凡人的食堂吃饭呢
You're a superstar. 你可是个超级巨星
No offen, worker bees. 无意冒犯 工蜂们
You should join me in my private dining room. 你应该来我的私人饭厅吃饭
Dr. Fowler is already there. 福勒博士已经在那里了
Can I bring my friends? 我能带我的朋友们一起吗
No. 不能
- Can I bring my tater tots? - Yes. -我能带上我的薯球吗 -可以
All right, let's go. 很好 那走吧
Welcome to the inner sanctum. 欢迎来到内部密厅
Oh, I do love a good sanctum. 我确实喜欢好的密厅
Sheldon, look at my fruit plate. It's got kiwi on it. 谢尔顿快看我的水果盘 里面有猕猴桃呢
Ugh. I don't like kiwi. 我不喜欢猕猴桃
Neither do I, but it's so fancy. 我也不喜欢 但看起来好奢华
Well, this is nice. 感觉真好
Why have we waited so long to do this? 我们怎么拖了这么久才这么聚
Becau you never invited us. 因为你从没邀请过我们
Well, the important thing is you're here now, 最重要的是你们来了
and we're so excited about your work. 我们都对你们的成果感到很兴奋
This paper's going to do big things for all of us, 这论文会对我们有巨大的帮助
so if there's anything that 所以如果有任何需要...
You know, actually, I could u some barbecue sauce for my tots. 如果能给我的薯球来点烧烤酱就好了
Oh, wait. No. Ketchup. 等等 不 还是番茄酱吧
Can we have some barbecue sauce and ketchup over here? 可以给我们来点烧烤酱与番茄酱吗
Both? 两种都上吗
So this is how the other half lives. 原来上等人都是这么活的
I just want you to know that you have our full support, 我想让你们知道学校将会倾全力支持你们
and we're organizing a big media push. 我们还会组织盛大的媒体造势
black or white 张玮
Articles. Interviews. 报导 采访
Oh, you want us to do interviews? 你想我们受采访吗
Well, we're thinking a divide-and-conquer approach here, 我们的想法是走各个击破的路线