| Project Name: C C P - Driver
| File Name: CCP.C
| Description:
tcd| Implements the CCP module .
| ud by the CANape CAN Calibration Tool.
| C O P Y R I G H T
| Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Vector Informatik GmbH. All rights rerved.
| A U T H O R I D E N T I T Y
| Initials Name Company
| -------- --------------------- -------------------------------------
| Bus Sabine B點herl Vector Informatik GmbH
| Ds Sven Deckardt Vector Informatik GmbH
high school love on| Hp Armin Happel Vector Informatik GmbH
| Tri Frank Triem Vector Informatik GmbH
| Za Rainer Zair Vector Informatik GmbH
| R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y
rick james|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Date Version Author Description
| ---------- ------- ------ -----------------------------------------------
| 2000-24-09 1.29.00 Za - New define CCP_CHECKSUM_BLOCKSIZE
| 2000-29-11 1.30.00 Za - #ifndef CCP_EXTERNAL_STATION_ID
gregor mendel| 2001-08-02 1.31.00 Za - new define CCP_DAQ_BASE_ADDR
| - new function ccpGetDaqPointer
| 2001-30-05 1.32.00 Za - Rerved word "data" in KEIL Compiler for C5x5
| - Prefix CCP_ for all #defines
| 2001-14-09 1.33.00 Za - #define CCP_ODT_ENTRY_SIZE
| 2001-28-10 1.34.00 Za - ccpSend return value removed
| - Transmission error handling should be done by the ur
| 2002-08-04 1.35.00 Za - #define CCP_CPUTYPE_32BIT
| - Max checksum block size is DWORD on 32 bit CPUs
| 2002-02-06 1.36.00 Za - #undef CCP_DAQ for drivers without DAQ fixed
| - double - float conversion for SHORT_UPLOAD, DNLOAD and DAQ高考地理答题技巧
| 2002-17-07 1.37.00 Ds - Fixed the version nr. becau the version was in
| the comment 1.36 but 135 was define.
| - Set #define CCP_DRIVER_VERSION to 137
| 2002-14-11 1.37.01 Hp - define CCP_MAX_DAQ only if CCP_DAQ is defined
| 2002-27-11 1.37.02 Ds - delete the query of extended id
| 2003-05-28 1.37.02 Bus - added V_MEMROM0
| 2003-08-11 1.37.03 Tri - implemented P_MEM_ROM and P_MEM_RAM to support M16C Mitsubishi.
| 2003-10-14 1.38.00 Tri - version skipped due to special version for TMS320
| 2003-10-14 1.39.00 Tri - version skipped due to special version for TMS320
| 2003-10-14 1.40.00 Tri - merge of versions: 1.37.03, 1.37.02
| 2003-10-16 1.41.00 Ds - minor bugfix t ROM to CCP_ROM
嫩芽的意思| 2003-10-16 1.41.01 Ds - change the position of CCP_ROM
| 2003-10-21 1.42.00 Tri - change the position of CCP_ROM
/* CCP Definitions and Parameters */
#include "ccp.h"
/* Version check */
#error "Source and Header file of CCP-Module inconsistent!"
#error "Source and Header file of CCP-Module inconsistent!"
#error "Version decread in CCP-Module"
/* Performance measurements */
#define SET_PORT_BIT(i)
>谢尔顿 威廉姆斯