
更新时间:2023-08-11 14:30:16 阅读: 评论:0

附  录
About 大约
accounts payable 应付帐款
accelerated trade payment(ATP) 加速贸易付款
accounts receivable 应收帐款
Acceptance 承兑、接受
acceptance letter of credit 承兑信用证
acceptance draft  承兑汇票
accepting bank 承兑银行
Acceptor 承兑人
account party 开证方
Applicant 开证申请人
advance against collection 托收垫款
advanced B/L 预借提单
advice of shipment(A/S) 装运通知
advising bank 通知行
after date 出票日后
Account 帐(帐户)
Asia Development Bank(ADB) 亚洲开发银行
Address 地址
all in rate 包干费率
after sight 见票后
agent bank 代理行
above mentioned 上述
Amendment 修改
Amount 金额
Anti-date B/L 倒签提单
account of…… 入某人帐内
as per list 按照表列
Appendix 附表
Approximately 大约
all risks(A.R.) 一切险
Article 条款、货品
arrival notice(A/N) 到货通知
article number (Art.No.) 货号
Assignment 转让
assignment of proceeds 收益让渡
at sight 见票即付
automatic textile export licence 纺织品出口自动许可证
assortment list 花色搭配单
actual total loss(ATL) 实际全损
Ad Valorem(A.V.) 从价
average 海损
air waybill (AWB) 航空运单
application for transportation insurance 运输投保单
.                                                                                                                          B
back to back L/C 背对背信用证
bale (s), bag (s) 包、袋
bamboo baskets 竹篓
bank draft 银行汇票
bank relea 银行放单
Bank for International Settlements(BIS) 国际结算银行
banker’s acceptance L/C 银行承对信用证
Bank of China (BOC) 中国银行
Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) 波罗的海国际海事协会
barrel 桶装
bark packing 树皮包装
bearer 持票人
beneficiary 收益人
bill of ttlement receipt foreign exchange 出口收汇核销单
bill of ttlement payment foreign exchange 进口付汇核销单
bill for collection (B/C) 托收汇票
bill of exchange 汇票
bill of lading (B/L) 提单
bill purchad (BP) 银行议付汇票
bills department 押汇部
blank endorment 空白背书
both to blame collision clau (B. B. Clau) 船舶互撞条款
booking note B/N 托运单
bounced cheque 空头支票
brought forward 承前页
branch office (BO) 分公司
Brusls Tariff Nomenclature 布鲁塞尔税则目录
Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系
Bundesbank 德国央行
bundle 捆
bulk 散装
bunker adjustment factor(BAF) 燃油附加费
bunker surcharge (BS) 燃油附加费
business day 营业日
ca(s) 箱
cable address 电挂
canceling date 解约日
carbon copy 抄本、复写本
carried forward 续后页
carrier’s own container (COC) 承运人集装箱
carton(CTN) 纸箱
cargo receipt (C/R) 货物承运收据
cargo changes corre
ction advice(CCA) 货物运费更改通知单
carriage paid to…(CPT) 运费付至…
carriage & insurance paid to…(CIP) 运费保险费付至…
cash position 现金头寸
cash flow 现金流量
cash in order (CIO) 订货时付款
cash on delivery (COD) 货到付款
casks 桶装
cash with order (CWO) 订货时付款
cash in advance 预付货款
catalogue 目录
centiliter 毫升
certificate charge 认证费
certificate of inspection 检验证明书
certificate of quality 货物品质证书
certificate of quatity 货物数量证书
certificate of manufacture 制造证明书
certificate of origin (C/O) 原产地证书
certificate of origin form A 原产地证明书格式A
certificate of weight 重量证明书
certificate of inspection (C/I)  检验证书
certificate of payment foreign exchange 进口付汇证明
certificate of receipt foreign exchange 出口收汇证明
certificate of drawback 出口退税证明
certificate of entry cargos 进口货物证明书
charter party B/L(CB/L) 租船合约提单
China Insurance Clau(CIC ) 中国保险条款
certificate of analysis 化验证明书
China Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB) 中国商品检验局
China Commodity Inspection Corporation (CCIC) 中国商品检验公司
China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) 中国国际贸易促进委员会
China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp. (CNFTTC) 中国外贸运输公司
Chine Yuan (CNY) 中国元
cheque / check 支票
China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司
charter party (C/P) 租船合同
clean bill of lading 清洁提单
claud bill of lading  不清洁提单
clean bill of exchange/clean draft 光票
clean collection 光票托收
clean letter of credit 光票信用证
throughoutclean on board bill of lading 已装船清洁提单
claim 索偿
collecting bank 代收行
collection 托收
collection paper 托收票据
cloth bags 布袋
Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme (CISS) 进口商品全面监督计划
Committee Maritime International (CMI) 国际海事委员会
commission 佣金
commercial paper 商业票据
commercial invoice 商业发票
combined transport operator (CTO) 多式联运经营人
combined certificate of value and origin (CCVO) 价值、产地联合证明(海关发票)
combined transport bill of lading (C. T. B/L) 联合运输提单
combined transport documents (CTD) 联合运输单据
composite board ca 夹板箱
confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证
consignee 收货人
consolidator’s bill of lading 拼装承运商提单
consolidated cargo manifest(CCM) 拼箱装货清单
consular invoice 领事发票
container load 集装箱装载
container load plan(CLP) 集装箱装箱单
contract of affreightment(COA) 包运租船
constructive total loss (CTL) 推定全损
container Freight Station (CFS) 集装箱货站
container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场
container yard/container yard (CY to CY
) 集装箱堆场至集装箱堆场
correspondent 代理行
cost assurance freight (CIF) 成本保险加运费价
cost and freight (CFR) 成本加运费价
corrugated fiberboard carton 瓦椤纸箱
courier 快递单
cost 成本
credit note (C/N) 贷项帐单(贷记通知单)
credit 贷方
Credit control 信用销售控制
crate 板条箱
currency adjustment factor(CAF) 货币贬值附加费
Customs Co-operative Council Nomenclature (CCCN) 海关合作理事会税则
cubic feet 立方英尺
customary quick dispatch (CQD) 习惯快速装卸(尽快装卸)
customs declaration 报关
customs broker 专业报关企业
cubic 立方
cubic metre 立方公尺
currency 币制
damage protection plan (DPP) 损害修理条款
dangerous goods list(DGL) 危险货物清单
dead freight(D/F) 亏舱费
debit note (D/N) 借项帐单
debit 借方
declaration customs documents 报关文件
deferred payment 迟期付款
deferred payment letter of credit 迟期付款信用证
delivery order (D/O) 提货单
delivered at frontier(DAF) 边界交货
delivered duty paid(DDP) 完税交货
delivered duty unpaid(DDU) 未完税交货
delivered ex quay(DEQ) 码头交货
delivered ex ship…(DES) 目的港船上交货
demand draft (D/D) 票汇
depository institution 存款机构
destination delivery charge (DDC) 目的地交货费
DHL International Ltd (DHL) 敦豪公司(信使传递)
discrepancies 不符点
discount 折扣、贴现息
discount rate 贴现率
dishonored cheque 空头支票
documents against payment trust receipt (D/P ?T/R) 付款交单凭信托收据借单2013年上海高考数学
documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单
documents against payment (D/P) 付款交单
documentary collection 跟单托收
documentary credit (D/C) 跟单信用证
document 单据、单证
lava lavadocumentation 单据/文件
dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位)
dozen (DZ.) 打
dock receipt (D/R) 集装箱场站收据
coordinationdrawer 出票人
drawee 受票人
drum 桶装
duty paid value (DPV) 完税价格
duplicate 副本、复本
e-commerce 电子商务
ECU 欧洲货币单位
electronic date interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换(无纸贸易)
electronic bill of lading 电子提单
emergency bunker surcharge (EBS) 应急燃油附加费
enclosure 附件
endorment 背书
engagement letter 委托书
equivalent 等于
equipment interchange receipt (EIR) 设备交接单
equipment reposition charge (ERC) 空箱调运费
errors & omissions excepted (E. & O. E.) 错漏当查
estimated time of arrival (ETA) 预计到达时间
estimated time of departure (ETD) 预计离港时间
et cetera (etc. ) 等等
Europe-Asia Trade Agreement (EATA) 欧洲贸易协定
exchange 兑换,汇票
exchange rate 汇率
exchange control 外汇管制
Express Mail Service (EMS) 特快专递
export processing zone (EPZ) 出口加工区
export licence 出口许可证
export trade finance 出口
ex works 工厂交货
expiration date 到期日
fair average quality (FAQ) 大路货、中等货
Federation Internationale de Associations de Transitaires                            et Assimeles (International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association, FIATA) 国际货运代理协会联合会                                      (简称“菲亚塔”)
FIATA combined transport B/L (F. C. T. B/L) 国际货运代理协会联合会联合运输提单
financial instrument 金融工具
final destination 指运地
financial rvice 金融服务
fire risks extension claus (F. R. E. C.) 火险扩展条款
flight date 飞行日
form of customs declaration for export cargos 出口货物报关单
form of customs declaration for import cargos 进口货物报关单
for account of  代、代表
foreign bills 外国汇票
foreign exchange(FE) 外汇
forfeiting 福费廷
foreign exchange market 外汇市场
foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率
formal invoice 形式发票
forward foreign exchange 远期外汇买卖
forward market 远期市场
forward rate 远期汇率
forward rate agreement(FRA) 远期利率协议
forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU) 40英尺集装箱
frat rack container (FR) 框架集装箱
freight all kinds (FAK) 包箱费(均一费率)
freight forwarder 货代公司
freight prepaid 运费预付
freight to collect 运费到付
free alongside ship (FAS) 船边交货
free carrier (FCA) 货交承运人
free in (F. I.) 船方不负担装货费用
free on board (F. O. B.) 装运港船上交货
free out (F. O.) 船方不负担卸货费用
free in and out (F. I. O.) 船方不负担装卸费用
free in and out and stowed (F. I. O. S.) 船方不负担装卸及理舱费
free in and out and trimmed (F. I. O. T.) 船方不负担装卸及平舱费用
free in and out and stowed and trimmed (F. I. O. S. T.) 船方不负担装卸、理舱平舱费用
free of charge (F. O. C.) 免费
free of interest (F. O. I.) 免息
freely negotiable 自由议付
freight bill (FB) 运费帐单
freight 运费
freight ton (F/T) 运费吨
Fresh & Rain Water Damage (FRWD) 淡水雨淋险
franchi 免赔率
fuel adjustment factor (FAF) 燃油附加费
free from particular average (F. P. A.) 平安险
full container load (FCL) 整箱货
futures 期货
future value 终值
general average (GA) 共同海损
General Rules of International Factoring(GRIF) 国际保理业务总则
gallon 加仑
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) 关税及贸易总协定
good merchantable quality (G.M.Q.) 上好可销品质
Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 格林威治时间
general propo container (GP) 通用集装箱
General Post Office (G.P.O.) 邮政总局
greenback 美钞
gross 罗(十二打)
gross profit 毛利润
gross margin 毛利
gram 克
general rate increa (GRI) 整体费率上调
gross registered tonnage (G.R.T.) 注册总吨(总登记
gross weight 毛重
generalized system of preferences (GSP) 普惠制
generalized system of preferences certificate of origin Form A (GSP Form A ) 普惠制产地证格式A
芮成钢提问奥巴马General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局
gunny bags 麻袋
hedge 套期保值
Herstatt risk 跨国货币结算风险(赫思塔特风险)
HIBOR 香港银行同业拆借利率
hou airway bill (HAWB) 航空分运单
hou to hou (H/H) 集装箱门到门
Head Office (H.O.) 总行
hou bill of lading (HOUSE B/L) 仓/仓提单ene
hou to pier (H/P)  从厂、库到码头
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) 汇丰银行
H.S. code 商品编号
import declaration (I/D) 进口申请书
import/export (I/E) 进口/出口
import licen 进口许可证
import quota (I.O.U.) 进口配额
import permit (I/P) 进口许可证
import tariff 进口关税
IMF 国际货币基金
inspection certificate 检验检疫证书
inspection certificate of quality 质量检验证书
inspection certificate of disinfection 消毒检验证书
inspection certificate of temperature 温度检验证书
inspection certificate of fumigation 熏蒸证明书
inspection certificate of weight or quantity 重量或数量检验证书
inspection certificate of packing 包装检验证书
inspection certificate of container 集装箱检验证书
in duplicate 一式二份
in triplicate 一式三份
in quadruplicate 一式四份
in quintuplicate 一式五份
in xtuplicate 一式六份
in ptuplicate 一式七份
in octuplicate 一式八份
in nonuplicate 一式九份
天津黑利伯瑞国际学校International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 国际商会
institute Cargo Clau(ICC) 伦敦保险协会条款
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) 国际航运公会
international accounting 国际会计准则
international credit facilities 国际借贷措施
international financing 国际融资
international liquidity arrangement 国际间清偿办法
international market 国际市场
international monetary fund 国际货币基金
international monetary market 国际货币市场
international logistics 国际物流
id est (L.)=that is, i.e.  即是
inter-government organization (IGO) 政府间国际组织
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) 国际海运危险货物规则
International Maritime Organization (IMO) 国际海事组织
inch 英寸
indent 委托代购单
International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS) 国际贸易术语解释通则
insurance 保险
insured value 保险价值
insured 被保险人、投保人
insurer 保险人、承保人
insurance premium 保险费
insurance policy 保险单
insurance certificate 保险证明
insurance document 保险单据
instant 本月
invoice 发票
insurance policy 保险单
irrespective of percentage (I.O.P.) 计免赔率

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标签:国际   集装箱   交货   货物
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