Unit 12 Ships in the dert 译文与词汇

更新时间:2023-08-11 13:24:04 阅读: 评论:0

lap ( v) :move or strike gently with a lightsplashing sound such as a dog makes in lapping(波浪)拍打;泼溅
divert ( v) :turngotten asidedeflect转移;使(人或物)转向;岔开,使偏斜
Antarctic ( adj. ) :of or near the South Pole南极的;近南极的;南极区的;南极地带的;南极周围的
TransAntarctic (adj.) : crossing or spanning the Antarctic横贯南极的;横贯南极地带的
glacier ( n.) :a slowly moving river or mass of ice and snow that forms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate at which the snow melts冰河;冰川马伊姆 拜力克
accessible ( adj.) : easy to approach or enter能够接近的;能够进去的;易接近的;易进去的
trap ( v) : entrap诱捕;计捉
inexorable ( adj.) :that cannot be alteredchecked不可变的;不可抗拒的;无情的
graph ( n.) :a diagram consisting of nodes and links and reprenting logical relationships or quences of events(曲线anxious)图,标绘图;图表;图形
slab ( n.) :a piece that is flatbroadand fairly thick平板;厚片novel是什么意思
frigid ( adj.) :extremely cold极冷的,寒冷的,严寒的
snowmobile ( n.) : motor vehicles for traveling over snow (机动)雪车;(履带式)雪上汽车
rendezvous ( n.) : a place designated for meeting 指定集合地;会合点
hover ( v) :stay suspended or flutter in the air near oneplace盘旋
eerieeery ( adj. ) :mysterious or weird神秘的,离奇的;阴森的,可怕的.
hummock ( n.) :ridge or ri in an ice field冰群;(冰原上的)冰丘
collide ( vhoney意思小tip是什么意思.) : crash碰撞;猛撞;互撞
scenario ( n.) :a quence of events esp. when imagined (设想中的)未来事态;方案
controversial ( adj. ) : debatable争论的;引起争论的;
equator ( n.) :an imaginary circle around the earthequally distant at all points from both the North Pole and the South Poledividing the earth's surface into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere赤道
billow ( v) :surgeswellor ri like or in a billow(巨浪)奔腾;(波涛)
slash (v) :cut or wound with a sweeping stroke猛砍,乱砍
blot (v) :make blots onspotstain;涂污;玷污;把……弄模糊;遮暗(尤用于bolt out:把……弄模糊;遮暗,遮蔽;掩蔽)
noctilucent (adj.) :designating or of a luminous cloud of unknown composition夜光云的;夜间发光的
shimmer ( v) :shine with an unsteady lightglimmer闪烁;发出微光
translucent ( adj.) : partially transparentas frosted glass半透明的
英语四级听力下载buildup ( n.) :a gradual increa in amountpowerinfluenceetc.;expansion(在数目、力量、影响等方面)逐渐增加,扩大,扩充;集结
landfill ( n.) :the disposal of garbage or rubbish by burying it under a shallow layer of ground埋入地下的垃圾 
extinction ( n.) :the fact or state of being or becoming extinctbulletpoint (动物的)灭绝,绝种
rip (v) :cut or tear apart roughly or vigorously撕,扯
spectral ( adj.) : ghostly鬼怪()的;幽灵()
skirmish ( n.) :a brief fight or encounter between small groupsusually an incident of a battle小规模战斗;前哨战
disrupt ( v) :disturb or interrupt the orderly cour of扰乱;破坏
ultraviolet ( adj. ) :lying just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum and having wavelengths shorter than approximately 4 000 angstroms紫外(线)
equilibrium ( n.) :a state of balance or equality between opposing forces小升初个人简历平衡(状态);平均;相称
axiom ( n.) : maxim格言,箴言
cumulative (adj. ) :increasing in effectsize, quantityetcby successive additionsaccumulated累积的,堆积的;累加的;(作用、大小、数量等)渐增的
sustenance ( n.) :support生计;支撑;支持,维持
depletion ( n.) :the gradual using up or destruction or capital astsesp. of natural resources资产(尤指自然资源)的折耗,耗减
deforestation ( n.) :the act or action of clearing (land)of forests of trees毁林,滥伐森林
simplistic (adj.) : oversimplifying or oversimplified过分简单化的
at stake:  to be won or lostbeing risked 在胜败关头,冒风险
      例: This decision put out lives at stake.这一决定,我们的生命就凶吉难保了。

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