A face as imperturbable as fate脸上坚毅沉着,仿佛相信命中早已注定
A face as pale as wax脸色蜡黄
vrmA face tempered like steel面色像钢板一样有韧性,不宜动怒(注:tempered steel回火钢)
A grim face like a carved mask面目狰狞,像张雕刻的面具
A radiant look came over her face她的脸上焕发了光彩
A smile flashed over her face, like sunshine over a flower她脸上闪过一丝微笑,仿佛阳光掠过鲜花
Emotions flashed across her face脸上掠过种种情绪
Her face changed with each turn of their talk, like a wheat-field under a summer breeze她的脸色随着他们谈话而变来变去,好像夏季微风下的麦田
英文美术字Her face collapd as if it were a pricked balloon法在我心中一脸颓唐,好像泄了气的皮球
Her face was as solemn as a maskcreate an account脸色严肃像抹了石膏
Her face was dull as lead脸色象铅一样了无生气
Her face was passionless, like tho by sculptor graved for niches in a temple她的脸色不偏不倚,像神龛里雕塑家留下的塑像
bored怎么读Here and there a solitary volume greeted him like a friend in a crowd of strange faces(漫步书海)无论那里总有本孤孤单单,淹没书海的书像他招手,就像在一群陌生人当中找到了故交。
His face burnt like a brandhypocritical烧红的脸,像燃着的木柴(见Alfred Noyes的歌two monthsThe Highwayman)
His face was glad as dawn to me他的脸好像破晓一样让我高兴
His face was often lit up by a smile like pale win try sunshine冷若冰霜的脸,时而也被冬日阳光般的微笑所融化
I saw a face bloom like a flower花朵般的娇颜
Quiet as a nuns face安静得像一张修女的脸
Shadowy faces, known in dreams, pass as petals upon a stream梦中模糊的脸庞,像流水中的花瓣漂得无影无踪 (镜中月,水中花?)
The dawn had whitened in the mist like a dead face薄雾中东方露出惨白,像一张死人的脸
The monks face whitened like a-foam那僧侣脸上一阵刷白,像浪花吐出的白色泡沫
The scullion with face shining like his pans那个厨房男佣的脸像他的盘子一样容光可鉴
The sudden thought of your face is like a wound when it comes unsought突然想到你的脸,这感觉就像不请自来的创伤公共标志
Under the willow-tree glimmered her face扶疏的杨柳下她的面容依稀可见