Summary of the Text
2014年湖北高考分数线>bittersweet This essay surpass the very informal writing style of Charles Lamb, who was extraordinarily imaginative and enterprising, and indeed demonstrates the fun and beauty of logic. It is told by the main character who name is never revealed.
Though only 18 years old, I was the elite of my peers. One Friday afternoon I found my stupid roommate Petey Burch lying in bed in great distress. At first I thought he was ill but then I discovered he was desperate for a raccoon coat, the fad at that time, declaring he would give anything for it. It occurred to me that I could get an old raccoon coat from my father and exchange it for "something" I had been coveting for some time--his girlfriend Polly Espy.
人生最高的善终之法 The next Monday morning, I returned to school and showed him the hairy coat. He went crazy. However, he was not so happy when I told him my request. After long thought he gave in and allowed me to date the beautiful Polly.
My first date with Polly on Tuesday evening disappointed me so much that I almost returned her to Petey, for she emed too foolish to be my wife. However, her physical charms were irresistible so I decided to teach her to think and to learn logic.
no The next time, at the campus trysting place I taught her the fallacies called Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization, Post Hoc, and Contradictory Premis, but her head was logic-proof. Again I wanted to give her back to Petey. Yet, in for a penny, in for a pound. I decided to teach her Ad Miricordiam, Fal Analogy, Hypothesis Contrary to Fact, and Poisoning the Well. At this final fallacy, a glimmer of intelligence sparked in her eyes. I enthusiastically followed it up with a review of all I had taught her. My five grueling nights paid well: I had finally made a logician out of Polly. When next we sat under our oak tree, I tried to change our relationship from academic to romantic, only to find each of my romantic phras and proposals refuted by her as fallacies, finally rejecting me in favor of Petey! At my question for the reason of her not going out with me, she said that that very afternoon she had promid to go steady with Petey. I was furious, and asked her for the logical reason for her preference of Petey over me.
Polly's answer was that Percy had got a raccoon coat! The raccoon coat that I disliked and abhorred and had given to Petey for the privilege of dating Polly was now the very instrument of my undoing! Love is delusive and logically unpredictable!
Style & Appreciation
The title of the story, humorous and well chon, has two meanings: when fallacy is taken literally, the title means: "Love is deceptive and delusive." When taken with its logical meaning, the title means: "Love cannot be deduced from a t of given premis."
The story is satirizing a lf-conceited freshman in a law school-- the narrator of the story. He goes around smugly boasting and praising himlf at every chance he gets. From Para. 4, he begins to employ all the beautiful words he can think of, like "cool, powerful, preci" and "penetrating" to describe himlf. Meanwhile, he takes every opportunity to run down Petey Burch, calling him "dumb", "nothing upstairs", "unstable", "impressionable" and "a faddist", and Polly Espy as "a beautiful dumb girl", who might "smarten up" under his guidance.
The purpo of this essay is to demonstrate that logic is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma, far from being a dry, pedantic subject. Humorously, the writer exaggerates every situation, with the result that logic bees an interesting subject. The logical link of passage ideas is "logic-- a living thing" --- "exchange of a raccoon coat for a pretty but foolish girl"---"teaching her to be logical and clever”---"a Pygmalion bees a Frankenstein", thus the theme "Logic is fun; love is not for love's sake but for fashion's sake, for wealth' s sake."
旋窝 To achieve his purpo, the writer employs a variety of writing techniques and a lexical spectrum--from the ultra-learned terms ud by the conceited narrator to the infra-clipped vulgar forms of Polly Espy--to make his story valid, dramatic and colorful. His figurative language, grammatical inversion for special emphasis, short ntences, elliptical ntences and dashes throughout the story add to the immediacy of the story.
For instance, Polly Espy's exclamatory words like "Gee, Oo, Wow-dow and clipped vulgar forms like "delish, marvy, nsaysh," etc. create the impression of a simple and rat
her stupid girl, contrasting strongly with the boasting of the narrator, and thus increasing the force of satire and irony.
Again, every man has a fool up his sleeve. In Para. 145, the narrator argues that "the things you learn in school don't have anything to do with life", mitting a fallacy of Dicto Simpliciter himlf in his final desperate attempt to make Polly Espy forget the fallacies he has taught her and convince her that he loves her and that she should go steady with him.
Topic-centered paragraph writing is also one of the features. Take Para.50 for example. Its topic ntence is the cond ntence—He was a torn man." The writer develops the paragraph by describing the behavior of the man, using illustrative examples to develop the theme stated in his topic ntence.