1. a flush of (表情绪的名词)=a =a feeling/一阵...
3. (表情绪的名词) flooded over sb=swept over sb
仿写:1) 当他看着自己的孩子时候, 一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头(十分自豪)。
A flush of pride swept over him as he watched his children. He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children.
2) 我感到高兴极了。A wave of happiness flooded over me.
3) 他感到非常恐慌。A flush of panic spread across one's face/cheeks. A flush of fear flooded/swept over him.
1. ...could feel one's heart pounding wildly in one's chest.
仿写:1) 上台领奖时我感到心砰砰直跳。I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.
sc是什么意思2) 我的心开始咚咚跳,嘴里发干。My heart started to beat, and my mouth was dry.
3) 他打开信,心在咚咚跳着。He unfolded the letter, his heart racing
1. Tears blurred one's eyes. 2. One's eyes got misty. 3. One's eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊
4. ...be clo to tears几乎要哭了5. tears (roll down one's eyes/cheeks/face)泪水落下
仿写:1) 当得知我被重点大学录取时,我妈差点儿就哭了。
My mother was clo to tears when she heard I was admitted to a key university.
2) 他站在一个角落里,泪流满面。He stood in a corner with tears rolling down his face.
tremble//shiver/shake (with fear, panic excitement, )
仿写:1) 她双唇颤抖着,泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。Her lips shivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks.
2) 他握紧拳头,气得发抖He clenched his fists, trembling with rage.
3) 他躺在那里很长时间,害怕得发抖。He lay there for a long time, shivering with fear.
1. It was like doing sth好像...2. It emed as if/ 好像...
仿写:1) 我似乎觉得所有的希望都破灭了。It emed to me that all hope faded/died.
2) 我们聊呀聊呀,就像遇到了久别的朋友一样。We talked and talked, and it was like meeting a long-lost friend.
3) 好像进入了另一个世界。It was like entering another world.
4) 我丢了工作,感觉我的世界崩溃了。I lost my job and it was like my world collapd.
I lost my job and it emed as if the world was at an end.
1. Sb did sth, wondering what to do next. 2. Sb did sth, not knowing what to do next.
雅思英语培训机构3. Sb did sth, unsure of what to do next. 4. Sb was at a loss what to do.
手足无措5. Sb was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.感到难以决定...
仿写:1) 他吃惊地站在那里,不知道接下来做什么。He stood there in shock, unsure what to do next.
2) 老师突然出现,他不知所措。The teacher suddenly appeared, and he was at a loss what to do.
【场景7】表示"某人想到/明白...; 有了主意"
1. It suddenly occurred to sb that 从句=It hit sb that 从句=It struck me that 从句 =It dawned on sb that 从句
2. (idea, ) occurred/came to sb.=...came/flashed into one's mind=...crowded in one's mind
3. One's mind began to race
It suddenly dawned on me that I didn't really need the things to be happy.
2) 突然他想到一个好主意。Suddenly a brilliant idea flashed into his mind.
3) 他的头脑开始快速转动,试图想出办法。His mind began to race, trying to think of a way out.
4) 我突然想到我没有锁门。It struck me that I had left the door unlocked.
1. 倒装句:Not until 时间状语 did sb realize/notice that 从句
2. 强调句:It was only时间状语 that sb realized that 从句
仿写:1) 直到那时他才意识到有什么不对劲。Not until then did he realize that something was wrong.
It was only then that he realized that something was wrong.
鸭肫怎么读2) 他这才恍然大悟,他哥哥想为他买圣诞礼物。
Not until then did he realize that his elder brother wanted to buy a prent for him.
It was only then that he realized that his elder brother wanted to buy a prent for him.