1. prey:猎物,“prey on”,表示“捕食”
2. lay aside:搁置
3. devote onelf to something/doing something:致力于
daxian4. pilot:n.飞行员,作动词,相当于“fly a plane”中“fly”
5. at a glance:瞥一眼
6. distinguish A from B:将A与B区分开
7. a great many:相当于many,后接可数名词复数
8. be concerned with:关心、挂念
9. a great deal:大量,相当于“a lot”,“a great deal of…”=“much”,后接不可数名词,“a great many”=“many”,后接可数名词
10. clo at hand:近在眼前
11. clear-sighted:视力好的
12. a person of:……的人
13. bring down:降低
14. t to do:开始做
15. attempt:尝试,常用“attempt to do something
16. make (up) of:组成,和“make (up) from是一对表示“由……制成”的词组。“of”→看得见原材料,“from”→看不见原材料
17. apparition:幽灵、鬼怪、离奇出现的东西
18. toss:扔,“toss off something/doing something”指“快速且轻易完成……”
1. by chance:偶然地,随机地
2. little by little:一点点地
3. much too:+形容词,指“太……”
4. break into:闯入
5. peal:指持续时间长的、比较大的声音,比如笑声、雷声、钟声等
6. a gleam of :一丝…”,如“a gleam of light”
7. impenetrable:难以穿透的
8. sink into:陷入
9. bury onelf in:专心致志于
10. astronomer”,“asteroid”的词根是“aster/astro”= “star”(星星)补充同根单词:美国恐怖故事电视剧
11. on/upon+doing sth:一……就……欧洲杯2016
12. subjects:臣民,可联想“be subject to”→“屈服于……”
first name 什么意思13. under pain of:违反则受到……处罚
14. hold something against somebody:因为某事责备某人
arcticfox15. forbearance:宽容,相当于“mercy”,“tolerance”,但更正式
16. a matter of indifference:无所谓的事
17. fashion:时尚,方式。“in the fashion of”就是“以……方式”
18. should have done something:本该做某事而没做
19. an air of something:某事(物)的气息
20. t down (memories or experiences):写下(回忆或经历)tokio hotel
21. fumble:摸索tandberg
22. now good, now bad:时好时坏”
23. fair-to-middling:过得去