孙子曰: 地形有通者、有挂者、有支者、有隘者、有险者、有远者。我可以往,彼可以来,曰通;通形者,先居高阳,利粮道,以战则利。可以往,难以返,曰挂;挂形者,敌无备,出而胜之,敌若有备,出而不胜,难以返,不利。我出而不利,彼出而不利,曰支;支形者,敌虽利我,我无出也;引而去之,令敌半出而击之,利。隘形者,我先居之,必盈之以待敌;若敌先居之,盈而勿从,不盈而从之。险形者,我先居之,必居高阳以待敌;若敌先居之,引而去之,勿从也。远形者,势均,难以挑战,战而不利。凡此六者,地之道也;将之至任,不可不察也。
故兵有走者,有驰者,有陷者,有崩者,有乱者,有北者。凡此六者,非天之灾,将之过也。夫势均,以一击十,曰走。卒强吏弱,曰驰。吏强卒弱,曰陷。 大吏怒而不服,遇敌怼而自战,将不知其能,曰崩。将弱不严,教道不明,吏卒无常,陈兵纵横,曰乱。将不能料敌,以少合众,以弱击强,兵无选锋,曰北。凡此六者,败之道也;将之至任,不可不察也。
四级考号 故战道必胜,主曰无战,必战可也;战道不胜,主曰必战,无战可也。故进不求名,退不避罪,唯民是保,而利于主,国之宝也。
luscious 从战争规律上分析,必然会胜利的,即使国君说不打,也可以坚持打;从战争规律上分析,不能打胜的,即使国君说一定要打,也可以不去打。进不求名利,退下避罪责,只求保全民众而有利于国君,这样的将帅,才是国家的珍宝。 解释英文
只了解自己的部队能打,而不了解敌人不可以打,胜利的可能只有一半;了解敌人可以打,而不了解自己的部队不能打,胜利的可能只有一半;了解敌人可以打,也了解自己的部队能打,而不了解地形不利于打,胜利的可能也只有一半。??? 所以,懂得用兵的人,他行动起来决不迷惑,他的对敌之策变化无穷。所以说:了解对方,了解自己,争取胜利就不会有危险;懂得天时,懂得地利,胜利就可保万全。
The Terrain
Sunzi said:
ishare There are the following six kinds of terrain: tong(通)—that which is aessible; gua(挂)—that which enmeshes; zhi(支)—that which is disadvantageous to both sides; ai(隘)—that which is narrow and precipitous; xian(险)—that which is hazardous; and yuan(远)—that which is distant. 我只在乎你日文版
Terrain which both armies can approach freely is called tong. On such a terrain, he who first oc
cupies the sunny high ground and establishes convenient supply routes has the advantage in battle.
Terrain which allows entry but is hard to leave is called gua. The nature of this terrain is such that if the enemy is unprepared and you go out to engage him, you might defeat him. But when the enemy is prepared and you go out to engage him, you will not only fail
to defeat him, but will have difficulty getting out. Conquently, you will be in trouble.
Terrain equally disadvantageous for either side to enter is called zhi. On this kind of terrain, even if the enemy tempts you, you must not take the bait, but should withdraw.Having lured the enemy halfway out, you can then strike to your advantage. 青岛英语口语培训
On ai terrain, if you can oupy the pass fist, you must fully garrison it and await the enemy approach. Should the enemy oupy and garrison such a pass first, you should not ek battle. But if he fails to garrison it, you may launch an attack.
As to xian terrain, if you oupy it first, you must take the high ground on the sunny side and await the enemy. In ca the enemy oupies it first, you must quit the place and refrain from pursuing him. And in the ca of yuan. that is when the enemy is some distance away, if both sides are evenly matched in strength, it is not easy to provoke a battle, and taking the battle to the enemy is not to your advantage.
驳船英文the boys 英文歌词 Now the are the six rules governing the u of t第一文库网errain. It is the mander's responsibility to study them with the utmost care.
In warfare, there are six calamitous situations, namely, flight, insubordination, deterioration, ruin, chaos and rout. The are not caud by nature; rather they are the fault of the mander.
When the strategic advantages of the two sides are about the same, for an army to attack an enemy ten times its size will result in flight. if the soldiers are strong but the officers weak, the result will be insubordination. If the officers are strong but the soldiers weak, the result will be deterioration. If a frontline officer gets into a rage and bees insubordinate and, on encountering the enemy, allows his rentment to spur him into unauthorized engagements, and the mander has no idea of that officer's capabilities, the result will be ruin. If the mander is weak and inpetent and his leadership lax, if there are no consistent rules to guide the officers and men and if his military formations are in disarray, the result will be chaos, if the mander, unable to asss his enemy, nds a small force to engage a large one, pits his weak forces against the enemy's strong, and operates without a vanguard of crack troops, the result will be rout. The are the six ways to certain defeat. It is the responsibility of the mander to examine them thoroughly.