3. 抽象名词具体化
(1) The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a rarity.第二的英文一看到桌上的某道菜孩子们就笑逐颜开/兴高采烈/喜笑颜开/眉开眼笑,可见这是他们平时难得吃到的东西。
(2) The hotel is a massive effort of stone,wood and concrete.这家旅馆是用石头、木料和混凝土建成的巨大建筑物。
(3) She is a valuable acquisition to the firm.她是这家公司不可多得的人才。
electoral college
(4) Colour schemes, and interior decoration were modern, but still Chine, and much more beautiful than the attempts I had en in 1982 to produce a "Western-type" bar or disco or restauraht in some hotels.色彩的配置,内部的装饰都是现代化的,然而仍具有中国特色,比1982年我看到的有些饭店模仿西方建起来的酒吧、迪斯科舞厅和餐厅可漂亮多了。
(5) Perhaps it was the emotion welling up from the huge welcoming throng, perhaps it was the memories of his youth, but when he spoke to the crowd about his parents, he was near
tears and his voice cracked.或许是看到欢迎他的拥挤人群而感情冲动,或许是由于想起了他年前时的一些事情,他在大庭广众前谈到他双亲时,竟几乎哭了出来,声音也哽塞了。
(6) And I knew that many families today were conscious of abnces. 我明白,许多家庭今天都意识到他们家中有的人已不在人世了。
(7) In 1932, a Pullman pasnger would find only one or two berths occupied, but in the freight cars, humanity was den.1932年火车上卧铺旅客往往发现车厢内只有一两个铺位有人,可是火车上却挤满了人/人满为患。
(8) I think he'd tanked up a good deal at luncheon, and his determination to have my company bordered on violence. 大概是他午饭时喝多了,非让我陪他不可,简直是对我生拉硬拽。
Notes:英语中的抽象名词之所以能译成具体的人或事物,是因为它们本身的用法已经具有抽象和具体两重属性,如句1中的rarity,既可指抽象的the state or quality of being rare,激扬青春梦也可指具体的something uncommon, 作后一种解释时他就成了可数名词,既可加不定冠词
我们这里讨论的抽象名词分为两类,一类与动作有关或来源于动词,这类名词往往意味着该动作的结果,如例句2中的effort=something made or done as the result of trying; 3句中的acquisiton=something or someone acquired; 4句attempt=result of attempting, esp. unsuccessfully; 5句memory=an example of remembering. 这些词的翻译不能照搬词典解释,需考虑上下文,尤其是它的直接修饰语,如例句3acquisition 要和valuable结合起来,才好译成“不可多得的人才”;例句4attempt要和a western-type bar or disco等词联系起来,才好译为“模仿西方建起来的酒吧、舞厅。。。”,“建起来的”说明酒吧等是result of attempting老友记第七季,“模仿”暗示山鸡与凤凰unsuccessfully,既然人们一看就是“模仿”的,说明它确实不理想。
第二类来源于形容词,例句1.6.7.8均属此类。例句6的abnce给人的感觉应是具体的,例如吃饭时本来是某人的座位现在却空着,此句可能指战时家里有人牺牲了。例句7humanity来自human指human beings generally,是一个多数整体概念,与den连用,给人的感觉是人满为患。例句8的violence结合上下文完全可以想象出是一个具体动作,如
把bordered onwq是啥意思译成接近于暴力反而使原意模糊了。顺便说一下bordered on acu本来指具体形象,这儿却要抽象化,可见具体与抽象常相互转化。
Passage 3
“This is the sitting-room,”said Nan. “It’s the most terrible mess. But at least it is human; it’s lived in.” And lived in it clearly was---to an unfamiliar visitor (不常来的访客)like Peter the room appeared like a chart of some crowded group of islands. Deep armchairs and sofas covered in a faded flowered material stood practically(almost) next to each other, and 绛矾where the bewildered(深感意外而弄得有些不知所措的) navigator might hope to pass between them there was always some table or stool to bar his way. Movement was made the more dangerous becau some breakable object was balanced precariously on every available flat surface. There were ud plates and unud plates, half-finished dishes of sandwches, half-empty cups of coffee, ash trays standing days deep in cigarett
e ends; even the family photographs on the mantelpiece emed to be pushing half-finished glass of beer over the edge. It was impossible to sit down, for all possible places were filled with books, wing, opened-out newspapers and in one ca a tabby cat and two pairs of pliers. When at last they cleared some chairs the springs groaned and creaked beneath their weight as they sat down. In the one into which Peter unsuspectingly sank the springs were broken, and he hit the backs of his knees against the wooden frame.
动词 live in:
1. live in the hou where one works
2. the more=all the more;even more
eg. The living room is decorated in pale colors that make it all the more airy.(清新,明快lolong)
He told a lie about it,and that makes his fault all the wor.
Her husband’s leaving her makes her all the more unhappy at a time when she is actually laid off.
3. tabby cat= a cat with a grey or tawny coat mottled with black虎斑猫
同义词:sleep in