•If there is an emergency, call for help immediately. (紧急情况下,立刻寻求帮助。)
•Dial the emergency rvices number and give them all the relevant information. (拨打紧急服务电话并提供所有相关信息。)
•Press the emergency button to alert the authorities. (按下紧急按钮以通知相关部门。)
•Start CPR by placing your hands on the center of the person’s chest. (进行心肺复苏时,将双手放在患者胸部中央。)
•结果英文Perform chest compressions by pushing down firmly and quickly. (进行胸外按压时,用力且快速地向下按压。)
•Remember to give rescue breaths by tilting the person’s head back and covering their mouth with yours. (记得进行人工呼吸,将患者的头向后仰,并用自己的嘴覆盖住患者的嘴。)
•In ca of an explosion, take cover under a sturdy object or ek shelter in a safe place. (在爆炸发生时,寻找坚固的物体躲避,或者前往安全的地方寻求庇护。)
•If you are caught in a fire, remember to stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames. (如果你被困在火灾中,请记住停下、趴下、滚动以扑灭火焰。)
•Evacuate the area immediately and call the emergency rvices if you witness a bomb threat. (如果你目睹炸弹威胁,请立即撤离该区域并拨打紧急服务电话。)
•Move the person to a cool and shaded area if they are experiencing heatstroke. (如果有人中暑,请将其移到阴凉处。)
•Offer the person water and have them rest until medical help arrives. (给患者提供水,并让其休息,直到医疗救援到达。)
underconstruction•If someone is having a stroke, call for an ambulance immediately and note the time the symptoms started. (如果有人中风,请立即拨打救护车电话,并记下症状开始的时间。)
•fuchsiaApply pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage to control bleeding. (用干净的布或绷带对伤口施加压力来控制出血。)
•Elevate the injured limb to reduce swelling if there is a fracture or sprain. (如果有骨折或扭伤,请抬高受伤的肢体以减轻肿胀。)
•If an object is impaled in the body, do not remove it. Stabilize the object and ek medical help. (如果身体上有异物穿刺,不要将其拔出。固定住异物并寻求医疗救助。)
•If someone is experiencing paralysis, avoid moving them and call for medical assistance. (如果有人出现瘫痪,请避免移动他们,并呼叫医疗援助。)
•Perform the Heimlich maneuver if someone is choking and unable to breathe. (如果有人窒息并无法呼吸,进行海姆立克急救法。)
•Clear the airway by using back blows or abdominal thrusts if the person is still choking. (如果患者仍然窒息,通过背部敲打或腹部挤压来清除气道。)
•Do not touch a person who is being electrocuted. Turn off the power source or u a non-conductive object to parate them from the electrical current. (不要触碰正在遭受电击的人。关闭电源或使用非导电物体将其与电流隔离。)
•Perform CPR immediately on someone who has drowned and is unresponsive. (对于溺水且无反应的人立即进行心肺复苏。)
•Drain the water from the person’s lungs by tilting their head back and lifting their chin. (通过将患者的头向后仰且抬起下巴,排出患者肺部的水分。)
•Remove the person from the source of the burn and cool the affected area with cold water for at least 10 minutes. (将患者远离烧伤源,并用冷水冷却受伤部位至少10分钟。)
•黑长臂猿Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick dressing or a clean cloth to protect it from infection. (用干净、不粘的敷料或干净的布料覆盖烧伤部位,以防感染。)
•Do not apply ice or adhesive bandages directly to the burn as it may worn the injury. (不要直接使用冰或胶带敷料覆盖烧伤部位,这可能会加重伤势。)
•Immobilize the injured area by using a splint or a makeshift splint made from stiff materials like boards or magazines. (使用夹板或用板条或杂志等硬材料制作的临时夹板固定受伤区域。)
•Apply an ice pack or a cold compress wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. (使用包裹在布料中的冰袋或冷敷物来减轻肿胀和缓解疼痛。)
•Seek medical attention to properly diagno and treat the fracture or sprain. (寻求医疗协助以正确诊断和治疗骨折或扭伤。)
•If someone is experiencing a vere allergic reaction or anaphylaxis, administer an epinephrine auto-injector if available and call for emergency help. (如果有人出现严重的过敏反应或过敏性休克,如有必要使用肾上腺素自动注射器,并呼叫紧急救援。)