中国签证申请表CHINESE VISA APPLICATION FORM 中国大使馆地址/Address of Chine Embassy in Canberra: 15 Coronation Drive, Yarralumla, Canberra, ACT2600
办证时间/Office Hours: 星期一至五Monday- Friday上午9:00am-12:30pm电话咨询时间/ Telephone Inquiry Hours: 下午2:00pm-4:00pm 电话/Tel :02-62734783 传真/Fax:02-62739615网址/Website: au.china-embassy Plea read important information on the rever prior to completion of this form. All boxes in the form must be completed.
a. 申请人应在计划进入中国前1至2个月内递交签证申请。
b. 在中国出生的华人必须在本表第1项“中文姓名”栏内
c. 请认真填写表中各项,不适用的栏目请用“N/A”标注。
d. 用于签证申请的证明材料递交后不再退回,如有需要请
e. 护照上有使用同一护照偕行人的申请者应该在申请前通
f. 签证申请递交后不能再做更改。透传
g. 请以现金、银行支票、邮局汇票或公司支票支付签证申校准英文
h. 持标有“X”、“Z”、“D”、“J-1”字签证的人员须在入境
罗斯福演讲collectionj. 居住堪培拉地区以外的申请人可通过邮寄方式申办签证,但申请人需自行承担邮寄过程中可能造成的邮件损坏或遗失等一切风险。A. Plea apply for your visa 1 to 2 months before your planned date to enter China.
B. People born in China must provide their names in Chine characters to column “1” of this form.
C. Plea fill in every column of this form, using “N/A” if not applicable. The application for a visa may be declined if the applicant fails to provide with true and complete information in the form. The applicant shall bear all the conquences arising therefrom.
D. The supporting documents will not be returned once lodged with the application. If necessary, plea make copy beforehand.
groceryE. Applicants who have accompanying persons included in the same passports should contact the embassy by phone for more details before application.
F. Plea be aware that no modification will be accepted once the application is lodged.
G. Plea pay for the visa by cash, bank cheque, money order or company cheque. And the "payee" should be CHINESE EMBASSY.
H. The person holding X , Z , D , or J-1 visa shall go through residential formalities in the local public curity department within thirty days since the date of entry.
advertiment是什么意思I. Employment in the territory of China is prohibited without approval.
J. Tho applicants living outside Canberra area could lodge their visa applications through mail, but they must bear the responsibility by the applicant himlf (or herlf) for any mishandling or loss of mail in the cour of delivery.
(正常第4工作日取证 ) ( Normal Collection on 4th