It's already been a month since we took online class at home.During this month, many things happened, but one of the things that I remember the most was the first English online class!
I'm excited and new for the first time online class!Normally my mother won't let me u the computer, the internet class can also meet the teacher, I'm looking forward to it!The teacher prescribed a lesson at 6:30.I turned on the computer at 5:30 and then I turned on the live room. The computer only showed that the speaker was still on his way.After a while, I went into the live room again, still showing the words just now, I think I'm on the opposite side of the teacher, why now the teacher ems to be rushing back from abroad!
南洋理工大学I waited another twenty minutes, but I felt as if I had waited all day and all night. I felt as if I had caught fire.At last, I jumped for joy at the teacher's voice, old man.The division is finally here!
I sat down at once. I think I forgot something. Think about it carefully. Oh, that's right!I didn't say hello to the teacher. I presd the keyboard right away. Where did I type?"Mother, come here quickly!I can't play with this computer!"I shouted to Mama in a hurry."What's the matter?"Mother hurried.I said anxiously, "Mom, how can I type on a computer?"I can't!""Type from this information column and type like this!"Mother taught me to type as she spoke.moderated
The teacher has started the lecture, and it's using video. It's, it's amazing!It's like a teacher standing in front of me!As the teacher spoke, he called the students to the stage one by one.
The teacher called the first classmate. When the teacher called him up to the stage, we saw a black spot. The teacher called his name again, and the classmate sat upright. The teacher asked him what he was doing.Oh, he said, "Teacher, I'm tickling!"The teacher smiled and my mother and I burst into laughter.The teacher called another classmate. He couldn't e the classmate in the overhead frame. The teacher called his name. The clas
pleasure怎么读中山化妆培训smate ran out from behind the curtain. The teacher asked, "Why did you go there just now."Teacher, the curtains duced me, so I ran over there!" said the classmate with a look of frustration on his face.The teacher called another classmate, and this time we saw a big arm.Students e themlves being called by their teacher, immediately sit up straight!quotations
opinion是什么意思The teacher said, "What's going on here? Gymnastics?it's an English class!"The teacher also said to all the students, "You have to u the Internet to teach class as usual at school.Sit up straight and listen carefully!"The teacher later called in a few more students, and this time they all sat upright.
自然拼音英语The first English online class was so happy and meaningful!What a happy class!It's unforgettable!
不知不觉间,我们已经在家上了一个月的网课。在这一个月里,发生了许多事,但令我最难忘的一件事是“第一节英语网课” !
第一次上网课我很兴奋,也很新奇!平时妈妈是不让我用电脑的,上网课也可以和老师见面了, 我好期待啊!老师规定六点半上课,我五点半就打开了电脑,然后我打开了直播间,电脑上只显示说,主讲还在来的路上。过了一会儿,我又进了直播间,还是显示刚才那几个字,我想我就在老师的对面,为什么现在老师好像是从外国赶回来似的!
又等了二十分钟,可是我觉得就像等了一天一夜似的 ,我心急得像着了火一样!终于,听到了老师的声音,我高兴地跳了起来,老师终于来了!
我立刻坐好了,我想我好像忘了点东西,仔细一想,呀,对了!我没有向老师问好,我立刻摁了摁键盘,从哪打字?“妈妈,快过来呀!我不会玩这电脑!“我急匆匆地冲妈妈喊。妈妈赶紧跑来了:“怎么啦?”我着急地说:“妈妈 ,电脑怎么打字啊?我不会啊!”“从这个信息栏里打字,然后这样打!”妈妈边说边教我打字。
字,那个同学才坐正,老师问他干什么了,他说:“老师 ,我挠痒痒了!”老师笑了笑,我和妈妈一起哈哈大笑起来!老师又叫了一个同学,在头像框里看不见那个同学,老师叫了一声他的名字,这个同学从窗帘后面跑了出来,老师问:“你刚才干嘛去了?”同学满脸委屈的说:“老师 ,窗帘勾引我,我才跑过去的!”老师又叫了一一个同学,这次我们看见了一个大胳膊,这个同学看见自己被老师叫了,立刻坐正!
老师说: “这干嘛呢 ,做体操?这是英语课!”老师又对全体同学说:“上网课要像平时在学校上课一样,坐正,认真听讲!”老师后来又叫了几个同学,这次都坐正了!