安全阀SV = safety valve
安全系数 safety factor
安全装置 safety device
安装 installation, erection
安装图installation drawing
伴热 heat tracing
伴热管heat tracing pipe
伴热蒸汽heat tracing steam
饱和因数;饱和系数saturation factor
饱和蒸汽 saturated steam
饱和蒸汽汽轮机saturated steam turbine
保护 protection
保护层 lagging
保温 thermal insulation
保温保护层thermal insulation lagging
保温层 insulation layer
保温结构 insulation structure
保温施工construction of thermal insulation
保温层施工construction of thermal insulation layer
保温层支承件装设installing of metal pieces for supporting insulation material 保温层砌筑施工laying of thermal insulation material
保温层浇注施工pouring of thermal insulation material
保温层喷涂施工spraying of thermal insulation material
保护层施工construction of insulation protection cover
爆炸性气体混合物explosive gas mixture
背压机组back-pressure unit
六年级上册英语翻译背压式汽轮机back pressure turbine
变工况off-design condition
并联运行parallel operation
闭式循环 clod cycle
闭式循环(燃)气轮机clod cycle gas turbine
闭式循环冷却水clod cycle cooling water
闭式循环冷却水(系统)CCCW = clod cycle cooling water(system)
闭式循环冷却水泵clod cycle cooling water pump
标准额定出力standard rated output
标准煤standard coal equivalent
标准煤耗consumption rate of standard coal equivalent
表面 surface
表面热处理surface heat treatment
表面式加热器 surface heater
表面式回热器surface recuperate;recuperative regenerator
表面式凝汽器surface condenr
表面式间接干式冷却系统indirect dry cooling system of surface condenr 冰荷载ice loading
波纹管 bellows
补偿器 bellows (note)
补充水泵make-up water pump
补充水箱make-up water tank
补给水 make-up water
补强板 reinforcement pad
不锈钢管stainless steel pipe
布置 arrangement
布置图 arrangement drawing
部分进汽partial arc admission
材料 material
材料性能 material performance
材料厚度material thickness
仓储式制粉系统bin storage pulverized coal system
柴油 diel
柴油发电机 diel generator
缠绕式保温 wound insulation
长半径弯头long radius elbow
厂用压缩空气系统rvice compresd air system
超压 overpressure
超压保护装置overpressure protection device
超高压锅炉super high pressure boiler
超高压汽轮机super-high pressure turbine
超临界锅炉supercritical pressure boiler
超临界汽轮机supercritical pressure turbine
超超临界汽轮机ultra supercritical turbine
超临界蒸汽supercritical pressure steam
超临界转子supercritical steam turbine rotor
超临界状态supercritical state
超声波探伤 ultrasonic test
沉头螺栓 countersunk bolt, countersunk headed bolt
成套设备 package unit
承插焊 socket weld
承插焊法兰socket welding flange
承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint
法律英语翻译城市供热 municipal heat-supply
城市供热规划development program of municipal heat-supply 断裂强度 rupture strength
2012安徽高考英语断裂塑性rupture ductility
齿轮泵 gear pumpboa constrictor
齿轮箱 gearbox
齿轮油 gearing oil
齿轮减速装置gear reducer
冲洗水 washing water
冲洗水箱washing water tank
抽汽 extraction steam
抽汽参数extraction steam conditions
抽汽系统ES = extraction steam system
抽汽式汽轮机 extraction turbine
抽汽背压式汽轮机back pressure extraction turbine
抽汽逆止阀extraction check valve
抽汽凝汽式汽轮机condensing steam turbine with extraction
抽汽压力调节装置extraction pressure regulator
抽气器air ejector
抽真空系统vacuum extraction system
出口端差final temperature differential
出口温度 outlet temperature
出口压力 outlet pressure
出力 output
出力曲线output capability diagram
出力性能曲线output performance diagram
初步设计 preliminary design
初步可行性研究preliminary feasibility study
除盐水 dematerialized water
除氧 deaeration
除氧头 deaerator head
除氧器 deaerator
除氧器储水箱deaerator storage tank
除氧器平台 deaerator platform
除氧器再循环水泵deaerator recirculating pump
除氧器暂态运行工况 transient operation condition of deaerator 除氧器喷嘴 deaerator nozzle
除氧器贮水箱water storage tank of deaerator
除氧器安全门safety valve of deaerator
除氧器定压运行fixed pressure operation of deaerator
除氧器滑压运行sliding pressure operation of deaerator
除氧器出水温度outlet water temperature of deaerator
除氧器出力 deaerator output
英文寓言故事除氧器额定出力deaerator rated output
除氧器温升temperature ri of deaerator
spurs储气罐air storage tank/vesl
储油箱oil storage tank
传热介质heat transfer medium
传热面 heating surface
吹灰器(燃气轮机的)soot blower(of gas turbine)
吹灰系统soot blower system
次烟煤sub bituminous coal
粗糙度 roughness
粗粉分离器classifier parator
粗粉分离器的循环倍率recirculation ratio of classifier
垂直面vertical surface
垂直荷载vertical load
垂直排列vertical configuration
大修major repair, overhaul
大小头 reducer
大气式除氧器 atmospheric deaerator
单轨行车monorail overhead trolley
单位燃料消耗量 specific fuel consumption
单吸风机 single-inlet fan
单循环 simple cycle
单元 unit
单元制系统 unit system
单元机组的经济负荷economical load of a unit
单元机组的最大容量maximum capacity of a unit
单元机组的可用容量available capacity of a unit
单元机组的最大容量利用因数utilization factor of the maximum capacity of a unit 单元机组辅助设备 unit auxiliaries
单元机组装置的负荷因数load factor of a unit
单元机组总热效率gross thermal efficiency of a unit
单轴汽轮机tandem compound turbine
单轴燃气轮机single-shaft gas turbine
单轴双缸汽轮机 tandem-compound turbine
单波、双波、三波补偿器、绞接式补偿器、合式补偿器corrugated expansion joint 弹簧 spring
弹簧垫圈 spring washer
弹簧吊架 spring hanger
弹簧恒力吊架spring constant hanger
弹簧恒力支架resting type spring constant support
弹簧支架resting type spring support
弹簧组件 spring rervoir
弹性极限 elastic limit
弹性模量modulus of elasticity
挡板damper, baffle plate
挡风板air baffle plate
挡板给煤机coal apron feeder
挡板式换向装置damper type deflector
当量直径equivalent diameter
导汽管 interconnecting pipe
导热系数thermal conductivity factor
低灰煤 low-ash coal
低灰熔点煤 low-ash-fusion coal
低挥发份煤 low-volatile coal
低碳钢 low-carbon steel,MS = mild steel
低位发热量net calorific value
低温试验ambient low temperature test
低压 low pressure
低压给水加热器low pressure feed water heater
低压旁路系统low pressure by-pass system
低压旁路系统容量capacity of low pressure by-pass system
低温核反应堆low temperature nuclear reactor
低循环倍率锅炉low circulation boiler
低背压low back pressure
低压缸low pressure casing,low pressure cylinder
低压锅炉low pressure boiler