英语阅读二(第二课)中英对照Women and tobacco

更新时间:2023-08-10 16:04:37 阅读: 评论:0

Text 2 
lng是什么意思Women and tobacco
1. When smoking amongst women was not as widespread as it is now, women were considered to be almost free from cardiovascular( a. 心血管的) dias and lung cancer. Unhappily, the situation has changed, and smoking kills over half a million women each year in the industrialized world. But it is also an increasingly important cau of ill health amongst women in developing countries.在女性吸烟人数还没有今天这样多时,人们认为女性几乎不会得心血管疾病和肺癌。不幸的是,现在已今非昔比,在世界工业化国家,每年因吸烟而致死的女性已超过50万。在发展中国家,吸烟也日益成为女性健康不佳的重要原因。
2. A recent WHO consultation on the statistical aspects of tobacco-related mortality(2 n. the number of deaths from a certain cau 死亡数) concluded that the toll (3 n. the cost in health, life, etc., from illness, an accident 重大的代价,损失,(事故的)伤亡人数) that can be attributed to smoking throughout the world is 2.7 million deaths per year. It also predicted that, if current patterns of cigarette smoking continue unchanged, the global death toll from tobacco by the year 2025 may increa to eight million deaths per year. A large proportion of the will be amongst women.最近,世界卫生组织朝辞白帝彩云间千里江陵一日还的意思是什么
3. Despite the alarming statistics, the scale of the threat that smoking pos to women's health has received surprisingly little attention. Smoking is still en by many as a mainly male problem, perhaps becau men were the first to take up the habit and therefore the first to suffer the ill-effects. This is no longer the ca. Women who smoke like men will die like men. WHO estimates that, in industrialized countries, smoking rates amongst men and women are very similar,, at around 30 per cent; in a large number of developed countries, smoking is now more common among teenage girls than boys.尽管这些数字令人吃惊,但吸烟对女性身体健康所造成的严重危险并未引起人们多大关注,这令人震惊。在许多人看来,吸烟仍然主要是男人的问题。这或许是因为首先是男人养成了吸烟的习惯并最先吃到了苦头。但现在的情形决不是这样了。像男人那样吸烟的女人也会像男人那样死去。据世界卫生组织估计,在工业化国家中,男人和女人的吸烟率非常接近,大约为总人口的30%;在许多发达国家中,未成熟的青少年中吸烟的女性超过了男性。
4. As women took up smoking later than men, the full impact (4 n. the force of an idea, invention, system, etc. 效果,影响,冲击)of smoking on their health has yet to be
en. But it is clear from countries where women have smoked longest, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, that smoking caus the same dias in women as in men and the gap between their death rates is narrowing. On current trends, some 20 to 25 per cent of women who smoke will die from their habit. One in three of the deaths will be among women under 65 years of age. The US Surgeon General has estimated that, amongst the women, smoking is responsible for around 40 per cent heart dia deaths, 55 per cent of lethal strokes (5 由中风引起的死亡)and, among women of all ages, 80 per cent of lung cancer deaths and 30 percent of all cancer deaths. Over the last 20 years, death rates in women from lung cancer have more than doubled in Japan, Norway Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom; have incread by more than 200 per cent in Australia, Denmark and New Zealand; and have incread by more than 300 per cent in Canada and the United States.由于女性的吸烟史短于男性,对她们身体的影响还没有充分表现出来。但有一些是毋庸置疑的,即吸烟史上最长的那些国家里的女性,比如英国和美国,吸烟能在男女性身上引起同样的疾病,而且所造成的死亡率差别正在缩小。根据目前的趋势看,大约有20%到25%的女性吸烟者会因此而丧生,其中三分之一死时年龄不超 过65岁。所美国卫生局医务主任估计,在这些65岁以下的女性中,因吸烟导致心脏病而死亡的人约占40%,因吸烟导致中风而死亡的占55%;如果包括所有的年龄段,因肺癌而死的占80%占因各种癌病而死的总人数的30%。在过去的20年中,在日本、挪威、波兰、瑞典及英国,女性的肺癌死亡率已翻了一番多;在澳大利亚、丹麦和新西兰翻了两番多;在加拿大和美国则翻了三番多。
5. There are dramatically increasing trends in respiratory (6 a. connected with breathing 呼吸用的,呼吸系统的) cancer among women in developed countries, and the casual relationship of smoking, rather than air pollution and other factors, to lung cancer is very clear. In the United States, for instance, the mortality rate for lung cancer among female non-smokers has not changed during the past 20 years. During the same period, the rate among female smokers has incread by a factor of half. In South-East Asia, more than 85 per cent of oral cancer cas in women are caud by tobacco habits.在发达国家中,女性患呼吸系统癌病的人有大幅度增加的势头。而且人们已经清楚,在吸烟与肺癌―而不是空气污染或其它别的因素-存在着某种关系。比如在美国,在过去的20年中,不吸烟女性的肺癌死亡率并没有改变,而在吸烟女性中这种病的死亡率却增加了约50%。在东南亚,有超过85%的女性喉咽癌患者与吸烟有关。
Women's health is also affected by the smoking of others, that is, by passive or involuntary smoking; for example, it has been shown that non-smoking wives of heavy smokers run a higher risk of lung cancer.女性的健康还因其他人吸烟而受到影响,即所谓的被动吸烟。例如,不吸烟的妻子与其烟瘾很大的丈夫一样有较大的患肺癌可能性。
7. What can be done to halt (7 v. to (cau to) stop使停止) and rever (8. v. change to the opposite 颠倒,反向) the tobacco epidemic amongst women? The challenge is twofold, to reduce the already high level of smoking among women in the industrialized world and to ensure that the low level of smoking in developing countries does not increa. In order to achieve the goals, all countries need to develop comprehensive anti-tobacco programs which take into account and address the needs of women. Whilst the programs should be culture-specific and tailored to meet the local situation, experts agree that to be successful they must contain three key elements; protection, education and support.应该采取什么措施才能阻止并扭转在女性中流行的吸烟风气呢?应该从两方面入手,一是减少世界上发达国家中业已很高升。为做到这两点,所有国家都需要制订一套全面的反吸烟计划,在这些计划中必须考虑到并且突出女性的需要,这些计划应该考虑为了保证这些计划获得成功,计划中必须包含下述三方面主要内容:保护,教育和支持。
the zodiac
8. Young girls and women need to be protected from inducements (9 n. an incentive, something that helps bring about an action or a desired result 物,刺激,诱因) to smoke. Tobacco is multinational, multi-billion dollar industry. It is also an industry under threat; one quarter of its customers, in the long-term, had been killed by using its product and smoking is declining in many industrialized countries. To maintain profits, tobacco companies need to ensure that at least 2.7 milli
take it from me
on new smokers, usually young people, start smoking every year. Women haven been clearly identified as a key target group for tobacco advertising in both the industrialized and developing worlds. Billions of US dollars each year are spent on promoting this lethal product specifically to women.要保护年轻的女性免受吸烟的诱惑。烟草工业遍布世界各地,而且利润很高,但它又是一个随时都受到威胁的产业。烟民中的四分之一最终要因吸烟而死亡,吸烟习惯在许多工业化国家中正在逐渐被摒弃。为了确保利润不下降,烟草公司必须保证每年发展270万新烟民,通常都是年轻人。无论在工业化国家中还是在发展中国家里,烟草公司的广告明确地把女性作为其发展新烟民的主要对象。每年都有几十亿美元被用来促销这种致命的产品,这种促销尤其针对着广大的女性。
9.This strategy has be
en highlighted( 10 v. to emphasize or make prominent使显著) by veral tobacco journals which have carried articles on "Targeting the female smoker" and suggesting that retailer should "look to the ladies". Among the 20 US magazines that received the most cigarette advertising revenue(11 n. income, esp. that which the government receives as taxes 收入) in 1985, eight were women’s magazines. In the same year, a study on the cigarette advertising policies of 53 British women's magazines (read by more than half of all British women) showed that 64 per cent of the magazines accepted cigarette advertising, which reprented an average of ven per cent of total advertising r
10. Rearch in industrialized countries has shown the subtle(12 a. delicate, hardly noticeable, and esp. pleasant 精巧的,敏感的) methods ud to encourage young girls to smoke. The impact of such methods is likely to be even greater in developing countries, where young people are generally less knowledgeable about smoking hazards(13 n. danger 危险,冒险) and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent(14 a. having plenty of money or other posssions 丰富的,富裕的), desirable images of the female smoker. This is why WHO, together with other national and international health agencies, has repeatedly called or national legislation banning all forms of tobacco promotion, and for an appropriate "high price" policy which would slow down the "enthusiasm" of young women for tobacco consumption.在工业化国家所做的研究表明,为了鼓励年轻女性吸烟,在烟草广告中使用了一些细微巧妙的方法。这些方法在发展中国家所产生的影响可能会更为巨大,因为那里的年轻人一般对吸烟的害处了解较少,因而更容易被吸烟女性那副充满魅力,显得富有和令人羡慕的形象所吸引。这就是为什么世界卫生组织及其他国家和国际卫生组织反复呼吁各
11. Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage that smoking can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressures to star smoking or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated school and preschool health education programs which have successfully reduced girls' smoking rates; but this education should not be restricted to
玉米爱心基金what happens in school. There are many other examples of effective cessation (15 n. a short pau or a stop 停止)programs in the workplace and primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have the opportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally been less successful with women than men.年轻女性有权知道吸烟对她们的健康可能造成的损害。她们也需了解一些方法来抵制学吸烟时的压力或戒烟。有些国家创建了综合学校并制订了学前保健教育计划,这些措施都成功地降低了女性吸烟率。但这种教育不宜只局限在学校范围内,还有许多例子说明在工厂和基层保健中心同样能实施有效的戒烟计划。遗憾的是,许多妇女并没有参加这些活动的机会,而且一般来说,这类计划对女性的成功率不及男性。
12. In order for women to become, and remain, non-smokers they need support. Support over the
difficult days when the addiction cycle is broken. Support to help them deal in other less damaging ways with the reasons that caud them to smoke. Environments need to be created which enable them to break free of this health damaging behavior, to make the healthy choices the best choices.为了让女性成为不吸烟者并坚持下去,她们需要支持,在她们烟瘾发作的困难时刻帮助她们。对她们的支持要能帮助她们用较少有害的方式去消除掉想吸烟的各种理由。要创造出一种坏境,在这种环境中,使她们能够摆脱掉这种对健康有害的行为,让她们把选择健康作为她们的最佳选择。
13. Smoking amongst women has already reached epidemic proportions and will continue to escalate (16. v. ri one after the other 逐步上升) unless action is taken now. Delays can only cau further suffering and deaths of women; this is hwy WHO's new program on Tobacco or Health is giving high priority to action to protect women and children.女性吸烟已经到了四处蔓延的程度,而且如果不采取行动还将继续蔓延下去。拖延时间只会加重女性的痛苦并导致更多的女性死亡。为此世界卫生组织提出了“要香烟还是要健康”的新行动纲领,并优先付诸实施以保护妇女和儿童。
14. But what can be done to tackle(17 v. deal with (a matter) 处理,解决) this problem? Community health workers can develop health education programs for young girls. Primary care workers can ensure that all women receive information, advice and support to help them give up the habit. Governments, national and international organizations, and WHO in particular, can act as advocates
(18 n. a person who speaks for or supports an idea, way of life , etc. 鼓吹者,提倡者)for women's health to ensure that the issue of women and tobacco is put high on the health and political agenda, by pressing for action to protect women.但是应该做些什么来解决这个难题 呢?

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