SAE J2929-2011 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Battery

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J2929 FEB2011
Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion Battery System Safety Standard -
Lithium-bad Rechargeable Cells
Existing propulsion battery system safety documents define evaluation methods and make recommendations for battery system performance. They do not define specific pass/fail safety performance criteria. In order to provide consistency within the industry which supports innovation an
d public confidence, such criteria are necessary.
This SAE Standard defines a minimum t of acceptable safety criteria for a lithium-bad rechargeable battery system to be considered for u in a vehicle propulsion application as an energy storage system connected to a high voltage power train. While the objective is a safe battery system when installed into a vehicle application, this Standard is primarily focud, wherever possible, on conditions which can be evaluated utilizing the battery system alone. As this is a minimum t of criteria, it is recognized that battery system and vehicle manufacturers may have additional requirements for cells, modules, packs and systems in order to assure a safe battery system for a given application.
A battery system is a completely functional energy storage system consisting of the pack(s) and necessary ancillary subsystems for physical support and enclosure, thermal management, and electronic control.
1.1 Purpo
This SAE Standard should assure that a battery pack can safely be integrated into an electric or hybrid vehicle. Specifically, it is designed to assure that a single point fault will not result in fire, explosion, battery enclosure rupture or high voltage hazard. This Standard includes tests that simulate “normal” conditions and “off-normal” conditions that, although infrequent, may occur during rvice life. Pass/fail criteria are assigned to each test.
1.2 Future
In order to expedite the relea of the first version of this Standard, veral topic areas were deferred for consideration in future revisions. The items include, but may not be limited to, the following:
• Expanded flammability/thermal propagation considerations
•Enhanced definition of flammability test condition
•Expanded enclosure integrity test conditions
•Potential toxicity of vented materials under certain failure conditions
•Expanded compatibility with other related global standards
• Electromagnetic compatibility
2.1 Applicable Documents
The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwi indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1 SAE
Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.sae.thelady
SAE J1715 FEB2008 Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) & Electric Vehicle (EV) Terminology
SAE J1766 APR2005 Recommended Practice for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery Syste
ms Crash Integrity Testing
SAE J2380 MAR2009 Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries
SAE J2464 NOV2009 Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abu Testing
2.1.2 IEC
Available from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, P.O. Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel: +41-22-919-02-11,
Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle). Third
IEC60068-2-30 Environmental
Edition, 2005-08-01
2.1.3 ISO
Available from International Organization for Standardization, 1, rue de Varembe, Ca postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Tel: +41-22-749-01-11, www.iso.
ISO 20653 Road vehicles - Degrees of protection (IP-Code) - Protection of electrical equipment against foreign objects, water and access. First Edition, 2005-08-15
ISO 6469-1 Electrically propelled road vehicles - safety specifications - Part 1: On-board rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS). Second Edition, 2009-09-15
ISO/DIS 6469-3.2 Electrically propelled road vehicles - safety specifications - Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock. Revision of First Edition, 2010-07-23
2.1.4 UNECE
Available from UN Economic Commission for Europe, Information Service, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Tel: +41-0-22-917-44-44, www.unece.
Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria, 5th Revid Edition, 2009.
ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev. 5
2.1.5 United States Publications
Available from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jery Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, Tel. 1-888-327-4236, v.
初中英语mp3FMVSS 305 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 305 Electric-Powered Vehicles: Electrolyte Spillage and Electrical Shock Protection, June 14, 2010
2.2 Related Publications
The following publications are provided for information purpos only and are not a required part of this SAE Technical Report.
happiness是什么意思2.2.1 SAE
Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), www.sae.
SAE J1739 JAN2009  Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Design (Design FMEA), Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Manufacturing and Asmbly Process (Process FMEA)
SAE J2579 JAN2009  Technical Information Report for Fuel Systems in Fuel Cell and Other Hydrogen Vehicles
2.2.2 UL
Available from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, Tel: 847-664-3480,
UL 1642 Standard for Lithium Batteries, 4th Edition, September 19, 2005
2.2.3 UNECE
Available from UN Economic Commission for Europe, Information Service, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Tel: +41-0-22-917-44-44, www.unece.
Regulation No. 34 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles with Regard to the Prevention of Fire Risks, February 19, 2010
2.2.4 United States Publications
Available from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jery Avenue, SE, West Building, Washington, DC 20590, Tel. 1-888-327-4236, v.
FMVSS 304 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 304 Compresd Natural Gas Fuel Containers, October 30, 2000
Except as noted below, all definitions are in accordance with SAE J1715.
BATTERY CELL RUPTURE: Loss of mechanical integrity of the cell housing, resulting in relea of contents. The kinetic energy of relead material is not sufficient to cau physical damage external to the battery system
BATTERY CONTROL FUNCTION: The physical and/or functional portion of a battery system which monitors battery state (voltage, temperature, current) and controls the connection/disconnection of the battery system to the rest of the high voltage system.
BATTERY ENCLOSURE: The physical housing surrounding battery system components, particularly battery cells and modules.
BATTERY ENCLOSURE RUPTURE: Openings through the battery enclosure which are rapidly created or enlarged by an event and which are sufficiently large for a 50 mm diameter sphere to contact battery system internal components (e ISO20653, IPXXA).
CHARGE/DISCHARGE CONTROL FUNCTION: The physical and/or functional portion of a battery s
ystem which controls the amount of energy and power flow into and out of the battery system.
DISCONNECT: A condition in which the battery system is deliberately disconnected from external circuitry, as for example by an automatic disconnect device. Such disconnect normally requires that both the positive and negative HV source leads be disconnected in order to isolate the battery system from propulsion system and other external circuits.
ELECTRICAL ISOLATION: The electrical resistance between the vehicle high-voltage system and any vehicle conductive structure.
FIRE: The emission of flames from a battery (approximately more than 1 s). Sparks are not flames.
EXPLOSION: Very fast relea of energy sufficient to cau pressure waves and/or projectiles that may cau considerable structural and/or bodily damage.
LITHIUM-BASED RECHARGEABLE CELLS: Rechargeable battery cell chemistry in which lithium ion is the charge carrier.
RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION: The organization which is responsible for overeing the required tests and assuring the propriety of the tests and results. Examples are vehicle or battery system man
ufacturers or independent test authorities.
VENTING: The relea of excessive internal pressure from a RESS cell, module or pack in a manner intended by design to preclude rupture or explosion.
4.1 General Requirements and Considerations
4.1.1 Common Test Conditions
Except where specifically noted to the contrary, battery state of charge (SOC) shall be at the maximum which is possible during normal vehicle operation and battery temperature shall be 25 °C ± 5 °C prior to initiation of the test. If the responsible organization is aware that a different temperature within the normal operating temperature range of the battery system may reprent a more vere condition, the responsible organization shall alternatively specify this temperature. If the responsible organization is aware that a different SOC within the normal operating range of the battery system may reprent a more vere condition, the responsible organization shall alternatively specify this SOC.
腐蚀性Unless otherwi stated, re-u of the battery system and/or components in multiple evaluations is acceptable at the discretion of the responsible organization.
Unless otherwi stated, all battery system electronic control modules are to be connected and in either the “operational” or “off” state during testing, as determined by the responsible organization.
4.1.2 Data
All data necessary for asssing conformance to the requirements included in this Standard shall be collected. Additional data, as suggested by a referenced test procedure or as determined by the responsible organization, may be collected at the discretion of the responsible organization.
4.1.3 Subsystem
All tests specified within this Standard are intended to apply to a complete battery system and the responsible organization is strongly encouraged to conduct the tests using a complete battery syst
em. However, if, in the judgment of the responsible organization, a complete battery system test is not appropriate, subsystem testing may be conducted instead. Unless otherwi indicated, the responsible organization shall define and document the specific subsystems to be tested in order to achieve the system requirement and meet the intent of the test. A subsystem should consist of the t of components that in a complete battery asmbly are thermally, mechanically and/or electrically connected such that the subsystem behavior accurately replicates the complete battery system behavior for the specific test.
4.1.4 Design
In the ca of a revid battery system design, conformance to this Standard must be re-tested for all conditions where the changes in the design potentially change safety performance. The responsible organization shall make this determination. U of subsystem testing, as described above, would also apply to this situation.
4.1.5 Additional Obrvation Period
For all test conditions in this Standard in which battery system temperatures increa above ambient as a result of the test condition, temperature shall be monitored during the test and any post-test obrvation period. If, at the end of the prescribed obrvation period, the temperature is not decreasing and approaching ambient temperature, the obrvation period shall be extended until such time as temperature is decreasing toward ambient. In this ca, the extended obrvation period shall be considered to be part of the test and all requirements shall be met during this time.
4.1.6 Safety
The responsible organization and all organizations involved in conducting tests outlined in this Standard are cautioned that many of the tests and conditions may result in hazardous conditions both during the test and with the test article following the test. Proper care should be taken to protect personnel and property during the test and afterward. If appropriate, battery system external surface temperatures may be monitored and test personnel advid to avoid direct contact with the test article until the battery system has reached near ambient temperatures. In some instances, hazardous conditions may not be evident until an extended period of time has pasd.reason
If, in the judgment of the responsible organization, a test cannot be conducted while maintaining the
safety of test personnel, rationale for not conducting the test shall be provided and documented. Documentation shall include analysis demonstrating the expected results of the battery system, had the test been performed.
4.1.7 Vent System Considerations
charmerFor battery systems that are equipped with a vent or a vent system, adequate design considerations should be made to mitigate any external displacement of flammable, corrosive, and/or toxic materials from the battery system. Vented materials fitting this description are normally reported on a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

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