This is the cond of two units on changes affecting the practice of public relations in the 21st century. This looks at how the focus of public relations marketing has changed to make companies more profitable and more successful. It also discuss changes in the communication environment and their effect on marketing practices. Concepts such as integrated marketing and niche marketing are examined.
Skills focus
•understanding dependent claus with passives Writing
•expanding notes into complex ntences •recognizing different essay types/structures:descriptive analytical
comparison/evaluation argument
•writing essay plans •writing essays
Vocabulary focus
•nouns from verbs •definitions
common ‘direction’ verbs in essay titles (discuss ,analyze , evaluate , etc.)
Lesson aims
•extend knowledge of synonyms and word ts
(enables paraphrasing at word level)
•make nouns and noun phras from verbs (enables paraphrasing at ntence level)
Further practice in paraphrasing at ntence level with:•passives
•synonymous phras
•replacement subjects
Revi ways of paraphrasing ntences. Write the following ntences from Unit 6 on the board and ask students to say what changes have been made to the paraphrad ntences.
Original ntence: Product tampering by someone outside the organization is not the fault of the organization.
Paraphra: An organization does not have to take responsibility when damage to their product is caud by an external agent.(answer: change in word order, active to passive, u
of synonyms)
Original ntence: The PR agency also held discussions with the protestors.
Paraphra: Meetings were organized with the strikers. (answer: change in word order, u of synonyms, active to passive)
Exerci A
Set for pairwork or class discussion. Accept any reasonable answers. Discuss/clarify the difference between marketing and advertising at this stage, if you wish. Answers
Model answer:
They all relate to marketing.
Establish that some words (advertising, word of mouth and direct mail) are marketing tools; the others refer to strategies (localization– ensuring that events, rvices and products are embedded in local/regional/national ttings; internal marketing– making sure that staff within the organization market the organization well through behaviour, activities, etc.). The marketing tools and strategies will be discusd throughout the unit.
Exerci B
Set for pairwork discussion. Tell students to bear in mind the points they have just discusd. Feed back with the whole class. This could be quite a long discussion about the process of deciding on a strategy and the benefits/drawbacks of each marketing option, if the class shows enough interest.
Model answers:
1The diagram shows the steps marketing people go through to t up a marketing plan (the flowchart
人力资源培训师on the left), and the range of marketing options (on the right).
2 A – word of mouth
B – advertising
C – direct mail
Subject note
The term marketing mix, ud in the diagram, is a key marketing term which refers to the ‘four Ps’ of product, price, place and promotion. By offering
秘密花园15the right ‘mix’ of the four Ps, a company is thought to optimize its chances of success.Exerci C
Set for pairwork. You may wish to divide the work up between different pairs. For question 4, tell students to look out for words that can have the same form when ud as a noun or verb, nouns that can be only singular or only plural, nouns that change their meaning when ud as U or C, etc.
Feed back, building up the table in the Answers ction on the board.
Model answers:
See table below.
Exerci D
Set for individual work and pairwork checking. Make sure students understand that they should find a verb in column 2 with a similar meaning to one of the verbs in column 1.
Feed back with the whole class, discussing the extent to which the verbs are exact synonyms, and if not, identifying any differences in meaning.
Model answers:
Verb Noun Verb Noun achieve achievement manage (to)*–
allocate (to)allocation
rerve (for)rervation attract attraction appeal (to)appeal boost boost promote promotion decline decline go down –
gain gain profit profit
profitability perceive perception e –retain
*point out that manage to has a different meaning to manage .
Manage to infers an element of difficulty: The company managed to make a profit in the first year of business.消释是什么意思
Exerci E
This is an exerci in paraphrasing bad on word and ntence level techniques. As well as finding their own synonyms from memory and using the synonyms already discusd in Exercis C and D, students will u noun phras in place of verb phras as a
technique in paraphrasing. Students should also make passive ntences wherever they can.
1Set for individual work. Feed back with the whole class.
2Set for individual work and pairwork checking.3Set for pairwork; pairs then check with other pairs. A
lternatively, tell some students to prepare their answers on an OHT for discussion by the whole class.Answers
Model answers:
1Budget marketing = strategies that reduce the cost of marketing
2Possible synonyms (including synonyms from Exercis C and D):Budget marketing
Most small business are (undercapitalized ) short of capital. Even if they have (allocated ) rerved funds (to ) for marketing, new owners often find that the actual (expens ) costs are much higher.They also often find that marketing is a great deal less effective than they had (anticipated )
thought/expected. Therefore, companies need to u strategies that reduce the cost of marketing. For example, competitions appropriate to the product are very visible to the target audience. The
strategies can mean the difference between survival and (collap ) failure.
(Usually ) Generally, small business owners cannot call upon specialist external marketing support
without having to pay (costly ) expensive/high fees.So the more they can u the skills of in-hou
(staff ) employees/personnel, the less work they need to outsource, and the more cost-effective the
marketing becomes. The (perception ) idea/view that you can do without marketing altogether is (fal )incorrect.二级建造师延续注册
3Possible paraphras:Budget marketing
It is common for many small companies to be short of capital.
New business may have rerved funds for
marketing, but they frequently find that things are more expensive than they had expected.
ealSo budget marketing techniques may be important to ensure the continued existence of the business.Small companies generally do not have the funds to hire marketing people or companies.
If some marketing activities can be carried out by the company’s own employees, less money will need to be spent on marketing overall.
It would be a mistake to assume that marketing can be ignored.
Exerci F
Set for pair or small group discussion. Feed back with the whole class. Accept any reasonable suggestions.Answers
Possible answers:
1See table on next page.2Modules 1, 6 and 15.
3 A brochure that is unclear: Module 5, Product Information
High staff turnover: Module 2, Workplace Procedures; Module 14, Leadership
Spending more than the business earns: Module 12,Financial Management
Tell students to devi ntences using the following words or phras, ideally making the meaning of each one clear:cost-effective direct mail marketing outsource promotion strategy
word of mouth
General note
Read the Vocabulary bank and Skills bank at the end of the Cour Book unit. Decide when, if at all,to refer students to them. The Vocabulary bank ction Understanding new words: using definitions is relevant to Lesson 8.2; the Skills bank will be more relevant to Lessons 3 and 4.
Lesson aims
•understand essay types •interpret essay titles
•find the main information in a passive clau •
understand internal definitions (e Vocabulary bank )
Further practice in:•reading rearchpachinko
•finding the kernel of a long ntence
With the whole class, discuss how to u written texts
as sources of information when writing an answer for an essay question. Ask students:
1How can you choo uful sources?(to get an idea of whether a text might be uful, survey the , look at the title, look at the beginning and the end and the first line of each paragraph; in other words, skim-read to get an approximate idea of the text contents)
2If you decide that a text is going to be uful, what is it a good idea to do …
•… before reading?(think of questions related to the essay question to which you would like to find some answers)
•… while reading?(identify uful parts of the text; make notes in your own words )•… after reading?(check answers to the questions)