loverboy “For millions of people throughout this world, during the past three centuries, America has symbolized plenty wealth,and abundance of goods.” In the 21th century, American become the single largest market in the world. The world bank estimates that exports make up about one-quarter of the global economic output.catkin
The united states is the biggest producing country, it holds the world’s largest
Trading and control the world economy.
1 美国建立的原因
south china In 1776,the british colonial ttlers declared their independence from English and established a new nation , the united states of America .In so doing , they defied the king of england and declared that the power to govrn would lie in the hands of the people .They were free from the power of the kings form then on.
2 新品发布会 英文拓荒者的开荒历程及在此过程中形成的价值观
gamma是什么More and more people form other countries came to the united states. The frontier esperience began when the first colonists ttled on the east coast of the continent . As one frontier area was ttled , people began moving farther west into the next unttled area . By ttling one frontier area after another , Americans moved across an entire continent that was 2700 miles wide.
Within this period, ttlers came to beliece that material wealth come from hard work. Their purpo was to rai their standard of living. For the cast majority of the immigrants who came here, this was probably the most compelling reason for leaving their homeland. Becau of its incredibly abundant natural resources, the
united states appeared to be a land of plenty where millions could come to ek their fortunes. The phra “ going from rags to riches “ became a slogan for the “ American Dream “.
Acquiring and maintaining a large number of material posssions is still of great importance to most Americans . Becau of material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status in the united states. In order to achieve this aim , Americans have paid a price : hard work .
hkg是哪个地区的缩写Only by hard work could they have a more comfortable standard of living.. hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history.
In addition , Americans hope everyone have th equality of opportunity to get rich . but American values such as equality of opportunity and lf-reliance are iderls that may not necessarily describe the reality of American life . In reality , some people have a better chance for success than others. Tho who are born i
nto bu This has usually been accomplished through successful business careers . all of the great private fortunes in the nation were successful in rich families have more opportunities than tho whos are born into poorer families , so people must to work hard to get rich
A high standard of living has been at the heart of the American Dream—a hou in the suburbs , one or two cars , a cure job , and enough to go on vacations and to nd the children to college. eness , so president Coolidge said that “The business fo American is business “ , the united states is a business country . Business institutions are at the heart of the American way of life .
3 美国梦与商业是怎么紧密联系的
Americans think that the competition is a part of their life , it is very important . Since competition is en as the major source of progress and prosperity by mos
t Americans , competitive business institutions have traditionally been respected . Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power . In contrast to one all-powerful government , many business compete against each other for profits . theoretically , if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers , it will lo to a competing business which treats its customers more fairly . Where many business compete for the customers , they cannot afford to give them inferior products or poor rvice . Becau of competition , people get richer and richer
After the world war ii , new technologies have incread the hectic pace of life in the united states , and they have caud some important changes . more and more LDM was built . technological revolution prompt American business into a new situation . global business come out .
4 美国商业的崛起与企业家的关系
pacers Becau of the many beliefs that connect business to the wealth and the traditi
onal values of the united states, people who are successful in business have sometimes becime heroes to the American people . the fact that the early entrepreneurs built great industries out of very little made them em to millions of Americans like the heroes of the early frontier days , who went into the vast wilderness of the united states and turned forests into farms , villages , and small cities. The entrepreneur, like the earlier hero of the frontier, was en as a rugged individualist . entrepreneurs often began as common people themlves , without the aid of inherited social title or inherited money, they became “lf-made” millionaires . they were thus perfect examples of the American idea of equality of opportunity in action.