1. 内陆欠发达地区:the less-developed inland areas / underdeveloped regions
standarddeviation2. 内陆地区:hinterland / interior land
3. 发达地区:developed regions
4. 中国东部沿海地区:China's eastern coast
5. 中国西部地区:China's wild west至死不渝的英文
6. 缩小收入差距:narrow / bridge income gaps
7. 收入差距:income divide/ gaps/ disparity/ discrepancy
8. 弥合收入差距:clo income gaps
9. 刻意炒作:play sth. up
10. 绿色增长:environmentally friendly growth/ green growth
11. 中西部地区:the poorer inland central and western regionsuntil的用法
12. 解决区域发展不平衡问题: overcome the regional development gap/ achieve balanced development among regions
13. 日语学习入门区域发展不平衡问题:inter-regional disparities
14. 转移产业至西部地区:relocate/ move/ outsource industries to the west
15. 转移至西部地区的多为高能耗、高污染产业:many industries relocated to the west waste energy and pollute the environment/ are energy-intensive and heavily polluting/ are high energy consumers and heavy polluters.
16. 调整方向:reorient
17. 调整重心:refocus
18. 经济结构调整:economic restructuring/ rebalancing
19. 高污染产业:polluting industries
20. 区域发展不均衡:uneven development among regions
21. 创新型的:innovation-oriented/ innovation-driven/ innovation-bad/ innovative
22. 经济的主要推动力: the main economic boosters / drivers/ driving force/ engine
23. 增速放缓:slow down/ slowdown/ lo some speed / lo some steam/ momentum
24. 加速:gain speed/ steam/ momentum
25. 以防: lest/ in ca
26. 很多城市面临问题:....plague/ haunt many cities
27. 存量房积压:unsold new hous
28. 制造业产能过剩:unwanted manufacturing capacity
29. 产能过剩:over-capacity
30. moreorless增量房:newly-built hous
31. 存量房:existing hous/ existing hou inventory
blandishment32. 经济实力:economic strength/ strengthen the economy
bpm是什么33. 提升竞争力:sharpen one's competitiveness/ competitive edge/ make sb / sth. more competitive
34. 与...相比: as oppod to sth/ as against
35. 城市快节奏的生活: fast-paced urban life
36. 新增就业...:create .... Jobs
37. 公私伙伴关系:public and private partnership
38. 社会力量/资本:private ctor
39. 差异化的政策:differentiated policy
40. 一刀切的统一政策:across-the-board policies/ uniformity/ one-size-fit-all policies
41. 取得积极进展:make encouraging/ welcome/ great progress
ruoyu42. 简化程序:reduce the process / simplify
43. 充分发挥一个人的作用:play one's role out in sth/ allow one's role to play out
44. 食品安全: food safety
45. 粮食安全:food curity
46. 石油/水安全:oil/ water curity
47. 安全饮用水:safe drinking water
48. 粮食安全问题:food incurity
49. 猪倌/养猪专业户:pig farmer
50. 果/棉/粮农:fruit / cotton/ grain/farmer
51. 减肥中心:fat farm
52. 无公害化处理:decontaminate
53. 推动力:A is an enabler for B.
1. 国情咨文:State of the Union address
2. 《政府工作报告》:the Report on the Work of the Government
3. 回顾过去,展望未来:what was done and achieved in the past year and what will be done in the coming year
4. 进一步加剧政治分歧:deepen political divide
5. 贫富差距:wealth divide
6. 数字鸿沟:digital divide
7. 城乡差距:urban-rural divide
8. 中日关系:Sino-Japane relations/relationship