get crazyInformation Systems Outsourcing Life Cycle And Risks Analysis
1. Introduction
tattoosInformation systems outsourcing has obtained tremendous attentions in the informat ion technology industry.Although there are a number of reasons for companies to pursuing information systems
(IS)outsourcing , the most prominent motivation for IS outsourcing that revealed in the literatures was cost saving"mou. Costfactor has been a major decision factors for IS outsourcing.
Other than cost factor, there are other reasons for outsourcing decision. The Outsourcing Institute surveyed outsourcing end-urs from their membership in 1998 and found that top 10 reasons companies outsource were:
Reduce and control operating costs, improve company focus, gain access to world-class capabilities, free
internal resources for other purpos, resources are not available internally, accelerate reengineering benefits,function difficult to manage/out of control, make capital funds available, share risks, and cash infusion.
Within the top ten outsourcing reasons, there are three items that related to financial concerns, they are operating costs, capital funds available, and cash
infusion. Since the phenomenon of wage difference exists in the outsourced countries, it is obvious that Soutsourcing companies would save remarkable amount of labor cost. According to Gartner, Inc.' s report, world business outsourcing rvices would grow from $110 billion in 2002 to $173 billion in 2007,a proximately 9.5% annual growth rate.
In addition to cost saving concern, there are other factors
that influence outsourcing decision, inc luding the awareness of success and risk factors, the outsourcing risks identification and management, and the project quality management. Outsourcing activities are substantially complicated and outsourcing project usually carries a huge array of risks. Unmanaged outsourcing risks will increa total project cost, devaluate software quality, delay project completion time, and finally lower the success rate of the out sourcing project. Outsourcing risks have been discovered in areas such sdr是什么意思elizabethardenas unexpected transition and management costs,英国读博士需要多少钱 switching costs, costly contractual amendments, disputes and litigation, rvice debament, cost escalation, loss of organizat ional competence, hidden rvice costs, and soon.
Most publ ished outsourcing studies focud on
organizat ional and managerial issues. We believe that IS outsourcing projects embrace various risks and
uncertainty that may inhibit the chance of outsourc ing success. In addition to rvice and management related risk issues, we feel that technical issues that restrain the degree of outsourcing success may have been
overlooked. The technical issues are project
management, software quality, and quality asssment methods that can be ud to implement IS outsourcing projects.
Unmanaged risks generate loss. We intend to identify the technical risks during outsourcing period, so the technical risks can be properly managed and the cost of outsourcing project can be further reduced. Th main purpo of this paper is to identify the different phas of IS outsourcing life cycle, and to discuss the i implications of success and
riskfactors,softwar equality and project management, and their impacts to the success of IT outsourcing.
Most outsourcing initiatives involve strategic
planning and management partic ipation, therefore, thexai
decision process is obv iously broad and lengthy. In order to conduct a comprehensive study onto outsourcing project risk analysis, we propo an IS outsourcing life cycle framework to be rved as a yardstick. Each IS
生病英语distinguish related quality and risk management issues during outsourcing practice.
The following ctions start with needed theoretical foundations to IS outsourc ing, inc luding economic
2014江苏分数线theories, outsourc ing contracting theories, and risk
theories. The IS outsourcing life cycle framework is then introduced. It continues to discuss the risk implicat ions in precontract, contract, and post- contract phas. ISO standards on quality systems and risk management are
discusd and compared in the next ction. A conclusion
and direction for future study are provided in the last . ct: ion.