五年级家长会班主任发言稿专利名称:Method and system for desorption
atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
发明人:Robert G. Cooks,Bogdan Gologan,Zoltan
Takats,Justin M. Wiman,Ismael Cotte-
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摘要:A desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (DAPCI) system delivers
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a primary ion beam compod of an inert, high velocity gas and solvent ions to a surface to effect desorption and ionization of both volatile and non-volatile species prent on surfaces. A electrode having a tapered tip is connected to a high voltage power supply. The tapered tip projects outward from a capillary carrying a high-speed flow of gas. A vapor of a solvent is mixed into the annular gas flow surrounding the needle. The gaous solvent vapor is ionized in clo proximity to the tapered tip by virtue of the high voltage applied to the electrode. The high-speed flow of gas and solvent vapor ions extending outward from the capillary is directed toward a substrate on which an analyte of interest may have been deposited. The solvent vapor ions can blanket the surface of the analyte causing a static charge build up that facilitates ion desorption and additionally can provide positive ion adducts of the analyte freed from the substrate surface that can be directed toward an atmospheric intake of a mass spectrometer or other instrument capable of studying the analyte.
申请人:Robert G. Cooks,Bogdan Gologan,Zoltan Takats,Justin M. Wiman,Ismael Cotte-Rodriguez
地址:West Lafayette IN US,Hoboken NJ US,Budapest HU,Avon IN US,West Lafayette IN US愚人节快乐英语怎么说