Standard Test Method for
Measuring Shape Characteristics of Tin Mill Products1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation A987;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1Shape is a significant quality characteristic for tin mill products.Plate-shape is affected by mill process factors plus the temper,thickness and width of the material supplied.It is the purpo of this test method to define accurately the different plate shape characteristics and to describe the method(s)most commonly ud to measure particular characteristics.
1.2Quantitative limits are not addresd and should be established on an individual producer and ur basis,where appropriate.
1.3This standard does not purport to address the safety concerns,if any,associated with its u.It is the responsibility of the ur of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regula-tory limitations prior to u.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:2
A599/A599M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Elec-trolytic Tin Coated,Cold-Rolled Sheet
A623Specification for Tin Mill Products,General Require-ments
A623M Specification for Tin Mill Products,General Re-quirements[Metric]
A624/A624M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Elec-trolytic Tin Plate,Single Reduced
A625/A625M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Black Plate,Single Reduced
A626/A626M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Elec-trolytic Tin Plate Double Reduced
A650/A650M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Black Plate,Double Reduced
A657/A657M Specification for Tin Mill Products,Black Plate Electrolytic Chromium-Coated,Single and Double Reduced
3.1The substrate shall conform to all the requirements of the appropriate specifications as follows:Specifications A623, A623M,A599/A599M,A624/A624M,A625/A625M, A626/A626M,A650/A650M,and A657.
4.Significance and U
4.1The definitions and procedures for measuring shape characteristics of tin mill products are provid
ed so that pur-chars and suppliers have common measuring procedures and definitions of shape characteristics.The procedures provide definitions and measuring techniques of shape characteristics. The intention of the definitions and measuring methods is not to provide a dimensional specification for shape characteristics, but rather common procedure(s)for quantifying shape anoma-lies.
5.1Measurement of shape often has been subjective,at best. Successful measurement of various shape anomalies on quan-titative terms requires recognition of veral factors that can interfere with accurate measurements.
5.1.1Flat surfaces are required.Measurement of veral anomalies require laying of the sample on aflat surface.A machinedflat surface is recommended.Laying a sample on a floor may introduce error due to areas on afloor that are not flat.
1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,
Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.20on Tin Mill Products.
Current edition approved March1,2005.Published March2005.Originally
approved in1998.Last previous edition approved in2000as A987-00.
2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,www.astm,or
contact ASTM Customer Service at rvice@astm.For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
5.1.2Several anomalies are measured by hanging the sheet.Hanging by holding the sample with a hand can introduce error from pressures exerted by fingers.A mechanical single device clamp to help hold the samples is recommended.
5.1.3Stepblock gages or tapered gages should be checked regularly with a calibrated hand micrometer.Wear or dirt build up could affect accuracy.
5.1.4Computer-bad shape measuring instrument 3table must be clean and the nsors must be in good condition.The sheet sample must be damage free.
6.1Appropriate tools to measure shape anomalies are de-scribed along with drawings (attached)as required.
6.1.1Flat Surfaces —Accurate measurements of shape anomalies require a flat surface,machined flat preferred.
6.1.2Machined Stepblock Gage —See Fig.3,typically,steps are in 1⁄16-in.increments.
6.1.3Tapered Gage —See Fig.4.
6.1.4Standard Ruler or Tape Measure.6.1.5Hand Micrometer.
6.1.6Shape Test Jig —Fig.5,or other shape test jigs of appropriate design.
6.1.7Light-Weight Straight-Edge.
6.1.8Computer-bad shape measuring instruments 3are designed for flatness measurements on samples of cold rolled sheet products or tin mill products.The system consists of a large steel table,computer-bad operator’s console,and a motor-driven bridge containing one or more LVDT position nsors to contact the strip or by u of a lar nsor,noncontact measuring system.
Definitions and Measuring Methods of Shape
7.1Wavy Edge (See Fig.6):
7.1.1Definition —A ries of rolling direction edge devia-tions from a recognized flat surface.When a sample is placed on a recognized flat table,wavy edges will appear as undula-tions along the edge,having the height (A )and a measurable cycle (B ).This defect can be quantified using the “I ”unit (e Section 8)or steepness calculations.7.1.2Measuring Methods : sample of approximately 3ft [0.9m]in length by coil width is placed on a flat table.Measure the height (A )at the peak point of each wave from the recognized flat surface with a tapered gage or a stepblock gage.Also measure the cycle length (B )from peak to peak of each wave with a ruler or tape measure. using the computer-bad shape measuring instrument or other instrument of appropriate design.
7.2Ridge Buckle,Quarter Buckle,Center Buckle (e Fig.7):
7.2.1Definition —The buckles are continuous deviations from a recognized flat surface occurring usually in narrow width areas parallel to the rolling direction other than at the sheet edges.
7.2.2Measuring Methods :abode sheet sample of approximately 3ft [0.9m]by coil width is placed on a flat table.Push material diagonally along the sample to within 4in.[10cm]of the lected corner and measure the vertical uplift using a tapered gage or a stepblock gage.
超越自己7.2.2.2Shear through the center line of the shape anomaly and measure as an edge wave using a ta
huobiterenpered gage or a stepblock gage. using the computer-bad shape measuring instrument or other instrument of appropriate design.7.3Full Center (e Fig.8):
7.3.1Definition —Any overall deviation of a sheet from a recognized flat surface occurring over a major portion of the sheet width parallel to the rolling direction other than at the sheet edges.
7.3.2Measuring Methods : sheet sample of approximately 3ft [0.9m]by coil width is placed on a flat table.Push material diagonally along the sample to within 4in.[10cm]of the lected corner and measure the vertical uplift using a tapered gage or a stepblock gage. through the center line of the shape anomaly and measure as an edge wave using a tapered gage or a stepblock gage. using the computer-bad shape measuring instrument or other instrument of appropriate design.7.4Edge Lift (e Fig.9):
7.4.1Definition —Any deviation of one sheet edge other than a wavy edge.This edge lift is parallel to the rolling direction and ris when placed on a recognized flat surface.7.4.2Measuring Method —A sheet sample of approxi-mately 3ft [0.9m]by coil width is placed on a flat table.Push material diagonally along the sheet to within 4in.[10cm]of the lected edge and measure the vertical distance (A )with a tapered gage,a stepblock gage,or a standard ruler.7.5Coil Set and Rever Coil Set (e Fig.10):
7.5.1Definition —A bow condition or deviation in the sheet as measured from a recognized flat surface.The deviation runs parallel with the rolling direction and takes the shape of a coil.Rever coil t revers the shape of a coil.The degree of coil t usually is determined in a vertical,free-hanging position when held against a straight-edge.U of the shape test jig (Fig.5)is highly recommended for this measurement.7.5.2Measuring Methods : sheet sample of approximately 3ft [0.9m]by coil width should be held by a clamp or with the thumb and index finger.Hold the sample in the center of the rolling direction dimension.Hold the sample’s edges against a recognized
The sole source of supply of the contact or noncontact flatness measuring instrument known to the committee at this time is SP&C Computer Systems,Inc.,7292Park Drive,Bath,PA 18014.See Figs.1and 2of the noncontact,lar nsor,Shapemaster TL 1000shape gage in u.Other instruments of appropriate design also may be ud.If you are aware of alternative suppliers,plea provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee 1,which you may
straight edge,and measure the deviation(A)from the edge to the center of the sample.U a rule accurate to1⁄16in.[or1 mm]. the edge ri(A)of the sheet laying on a recognizedflat surface.
7.6Twist(e Fig.11):
7.6.1Definition—A combination of shape anomalies that results in a twisting of the sheet where diagonal corners will bow in opposite directions when the sheet is held in a vertical, free-hanging position.
7.6.2Measuring Methods:
trigger warning意思7.6.2.1A sheet sample of approximately3ft[0.9m]by coil width should be placed on aflat table.Measure the edge lift(A) on one side then turn the sheet over and measure the edge lift on the other side of the sample.Measure using a tapered gage or a stepblock gage. sheet sample of approximately3ft[0.9m]by coil width should be held by a clamp or with the thumb and index finger in the center of the rolling direction dimension.Measure the amount of the twist by the deviation of one of the corners from aflat surface using a ruler.Flip the sample180°and measure the deviation from vertical of the other corner,using
a ruler.
7.7Crossbow(e Fig.12):
7.7.1Definition—An edge deviation in the sheet running perpendicular to the rolling direction.Both roll
ing direction edges are raid measurable amounts(A)from a recognizedflat surface.The degree of cross bow usually is determined in a vertical,free-hanging position held against a straight edge.U of the shape test jig(Fig.5)is highly recommended for this measurement.
7.7.2Measuring Methods: sheet sample of approximately3ft[0.9m]by coil width should be held by a clamp or with the thumb and the indexfinger in the center of sheet dimension that is perpen-dicular to the rolling direction.In ca of dispute,a clamp no more than2in.[50.8mm]wide shall be ud to hold the test sample.Hold the sample’s edges against a recognized straight edge,and measure the deviation(A)from the straight edge to center of the sample.U a rule accurate to1⁄16in.[or1mm].我是一个外科医生英语 the edge ri of a sheet lying on aflat surface.
7.8Camber(e Fig.13):
7.8.1Definition—The greatest deviation of a coil edge from
a straight line.The measurement is taken on the concave side and is the perpendicular distance from a straight line to the point of maximum deviation(A).
7.8.2Methods of Measurement: sample of at least20ft[6m]is laid next to an accurate straight edge.The perpendicular distance(A)is measured using a ruler accurate to1⁄16in.[or1mm]. Method of Measurement–Macro Analysis—Cut two20-ft[6-m]concutive ctions from master coil.Butt together the ctions with similar edges.At a 10-ft[3-m]distance from the end,measure the distance between the two edges.Divide this measurement in half to determine the actual camber. Method of Measurement–Micro Analysis—Obtain concutive customer sheared sheets equiva-lent to20ft[6m].Using a squaring table with a sliding gage t at zero,slide the gages right to left along one slit edge.The reading on the extreme left slit edge of Sheet No.1will be the beginning reading on the extreme right edge of Sheet No.2. This procedure should be ud from concutive sheet to concutive sheet until20ft[6m]have been measured.Divide thefinal measurement in half to determine the actual camber.
comforter7.9Lateral Weave(e Fig.14):
7.9.1Definition—Weave is defined as oscillation of the coil or sheet edge from a straight line.The measurement is taken on the concave side and is the perpendicular distance from a straight line to the point of maximum deviation(A).
7.9.2Measuring Methods: Analysis—A sheet sample of at least20ft[6 m]in length is laid next to an accurate straight edge.The perpendicular distance(A)is measured using a ruler accurate to 1⁄16in.[or1mm]. Analysis—Obtain concutive customer sheared sheets equivalent to20ft[6m].Using a squaring table with a sliding gage t at zero,slide to gages right to left along one slit edge.The reading on the extreme left slit edge of Sheet No.1will be the beginning reading on the extreme right edge of Sheet No.2.This procedure should be ud from concu-tive sheet to concutive sheet until20ft[6m]have been measured.The individual measurements then are plotted,the maximum value being the maximum weave deviation.
8.I-U Calculation
8.1This calculation assumes that shape irregularities most cloly conform to sinusoidal wave forms
and us the shape wave length and height for the calculation.An alternate approach is to u%steepness as a measure of the verity of shape imperfections(e Fig.15).
9.Precision and Bias
zebra的音标9.1Precision—Precision is not specified in the proce-dures for this test method.The procedures are provided so that purchars and suppliers have common methodology and definitions of shape characteristics.
9.2Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias of the procedures in this test method,bias has not been determined.
10.1coated steel sheet;shape characteristics;tin mill prod-ucts;
FIG.1Shapemaster TL1000Shape Gage
FIG.2Shapemaster TL1000Shape Gage
N OTE1—This is a stepblock gage for all thickness and sizes of cut sheets.
N OTE2—Dimensions given are approximate overall dimensions.
FIG.3Shape Stepblock Gage
N OTE1—This is a tapered gage for all thickness and sizes of cut sheets.
FIG.4Shape Tapered Gage
N OTE1—To measure line bow(up or down)requires the u of a shape test jig.
FIG.5Shape Test Jig