
更新时间:2023-08-09 17:30:48 阅读: 评论:0

Thank you for choosing to buy a kit from the FUNKAMATEUR Readers' Service. A lot of care was invested in the development of this equipment and it should give you no problems from the mo-ment you switch it on, providing you follow the instructions below carefully. We would be grateful for any comments and suggestions for improvements.
The DYC-817 audio compressor is designed to be be inrted into the microphone lead of the original Yaesu microphone. It receives its operating voltage from the +5 V pin of the microphone plug; the current drawn is not quite 10 mA. The compressor is not suitable for the optional DTMF-microphone.
The reduction in the dynamics of the modulated audio creates an in-crea in the average transmitted power. Especially in the ca of weak-signal SSB reception this characteristic has a positive effect on the speech intelligibility. Receiving stations will register an in-crea of around 6 dB on their S-Meter, although the subjective ef-fect on the signal heard can even be more than that.
The circuit diagram of the compressor can be found in FUNKA-MATEUR 4/2002. The compressor can be inrted into the micro-phone cable without having to change the microphone amplifica-tion default values in the FT-817.
To provide you with the opportunity of varying the compression ra-tio to suit your own wishes, the resist
ance of Pin 6 of the ICI against mass can be varied between 47 kohm and 147 kohm. The resulting compression ratio covers the range from 4:1 to 9:1, which should be adequate for all practical purpos. The sliding switch S1 is ud for turning the compressor on and off. IC1 provides 18 dB of am-plification and is eliminated at the output by the voltage divider. The compressor also compris a basic signal-generator. Using this, it is possible to generate a stable signal for matching antennas etc. The signal provided by the CMOS generator will fully drive the FT-817 with the default tting of 50 for "MIC-SSB" (menu 46).
To activate the signal-generator, press the DOWN-button while the PTT is already presd, which can be done with one hand. The functions of the buttons on the microphone are not affected by this. Pressing in the other order starts the scan function.Packing list: The kit contains everything you need for the dynamic
compressor. In addition, a short length of 8-core cable has been in-
cluded so you can practi removing the insulation and soldering.
We also provide some solder for the SMD-ICs, although some cir-
cuit boards have already been fitted with the SMD-ICs.
Construction: Plea u a suitable soldering iron with a sharp po-
int, and begin with the SMD-ICs. To make sure you solder them in
the right way round, you have to orientate yourlf by using the la-
bel of the SSM2165 and the indentation on the 4093. Check the fi-
gures on the other page. Plea make sure you do u a small sol-
dering iron tip and start by soldering only one of the legs first. This
will allow you to correct the positioning of the IC if necessary, and
also that of the connections on the soldering pads. Next, you should
solder the resistors and capacitors. 100 nF are marked with »104«,
10 nF with »103«, and 1 nF with »102«. Position the capacitors as
clo to the board as possible.
Solder C5 in front of the choke L1. Make sure you have the polari-
ty of the capacitors right! Minus is marked. A little bit of pressure
is needed to press the regulators into the pre-drilled holes. Pay at-
tention to the cathode ring on the diodes. One side of the transistor
casing has been smoothed off to make it clear which way round it
should be mounted. The RJ45-socket also needs a bit of pressure to
mount it properly.
The trickiest bit is soldering the RJ45 cable to the transceiver, as the
wires have a fairly stiff insulating cover and are not too easy to
work with. First, remove 10 mm of the black outside cover. Then
insulate the individual wires with the different lengths as shown on
the sketch. Orientate yourlf by the outside wires which have black
and white insulation. After that you can make grooves in the ther-
mal plastic insulation with a hot soldering iron, then drill and sol-
der the thinner wires.
Before the cable can be soldered it has to be threaded through the
shallow slit from the outside to the inside. While doing this you can
orientate yourlf on the outer black and white wires. The compo-
nent side of the board should be on top, with the black wire in the
direction of the sliding switch. Now you should stick the shorter wi-
res into the soldering holes and solder them into position. Lay the衡阳会计学校
cable flat, stick the remaining four wires through the pre-drilled ho-
les and solder them into position. Now fix the cable in place with
the cable binder. It is important to tighten the cable binder proper-
ly, otherwi it will not take the strain properly.
Calibration: Before connecting the compressor to the FT-817 for the
first time, test the current consumption at 5 V. At an operating vol-
tage of +5 V, the current should be roughly 10 mA, 12 mA at the
most. If the current is more than this, you have made a mistake so-
mewhere. Current consumption significantly higher than this can
damage the 5 V output at the microphone socket.
After making sure the current consumption is within the limits and
that you have made no mistakes during the construction, the circu-
it should work as designed.
Using the compressor for the first time: The two regulators are fac-
tory t in a middle position which should be sufficient to provide
bixualnoticeable improvement.
When using maximum  audio amplification or the maximum
amount of compression, it is esntial to check your signal on the
air or have a QSO partner give you a critical report of your signal
quality. High audio amplification can cau the background noi
to swamp the noi gate of the compressor IC and, together with a
high amount of compression, adverly affect the on-air signal. It
is recommanded to u the compressor for SSB only.
Opportunity is available to exchange views on the compressor at
www.funkamateur.de>Foren>FT-817-Kompressor. Plea confine
remarks to the equipment in question.
Have fun, and gd DX!
国庆节英文Other kits from our range:
AAS-817: Automatic antenna switch for the FT-817. Uful
when operating from a fixed QTH, as there is no need to plug an-
tennas in and out. Suitable from 160 m to 70 cm.        $ 54.00
EE-817: Empty ca made of brushed powder sheet steel the
same size as the FT-817. Ideal for home construction of acces-
sories such as power supplies, antenna tuners, linear amplifiers
etc.                                                                                $ 17.00
Kits being planned:
IMC-817: Alternative circuit board for the Yaesu microphone
with audio compressor and tone generator.
PS-817: Conventional power supply.
MAT-817: Manual antenna tuner.
Address for orders:
FUNKAMATEUR-Lerrvice, Box 73, 10122 Berlin翻译器中文翻英文
Fax: ++49 30 44559469
www.funkamateur.de > Online-Shop > FT-817-Zubehör
(starting on 5/18/2002)
Price  $ 22.00  S&H (air mail)  $ 7.00  =  $ 29.00 total
We accept credit cards  (visa  master amex).
DYC-817 External
dynamic compressor for the FT-817
DIL 8polig BC549
P31k P3
黑龙江大学校园信息门户100k R1
22k R2620
R3 47k
Dr L2C71n
C5 100µSSM 2165-1
C3100n R5100k
R7100k R8 100k
R128,2k R11100
C4  3,3µ
C1  100n C2100n C12  10n
+5V S1on
c a b l e t o  m i c r o p h o n e  s o c k e t  o f  F T -817
2 x 1N4148
R J 45-s o c k e t  o n  P C B
R9100k R10100k
C9 10 µC81n
ws 4093
slimfit4093C10100n 11mic gain P3  1k Ω0  pression P4  100k Ω
9:1  4:1
compression on <--> off
Part list
英国巨石阵石料来源之谜被揭开IC1SSM2165-1SMC-IC, 8polig IC24093SMD SMD-IC, 14polig T1BC549C transistor, npn, TO-92D1, D21N4148rectifier R122 kohm red-red-orange R2620 ohm blue-red-braun R347 kohm gelb-violett-orange R433 kohm orange-orange-orange R5100 kohm brown-black-yellow R6100 kohm brown-black-yellow R7100 kohm brown-black-yellow R8100 kohm brown-black-yellow R9100 kohm brown-black-yellow R10100 kohm brown-black-yellow R11100 ohm brown-black-brown R128,2 kohm gray-red-red C1100 nF »104«C2100 nF »104«C3100 nF »104«C43,3 µF 3,3C5100 µF 100C63,3 µF 3,3C7  1 nF »102«C8  1 nF »102«C910 µF 10/25 V C10100 nF »104«C11 10 nF »103«C1210 nF »103«P3  1 kohm    1 k P4100 kohm 100 k L1, L2RF-chocke S1switch Bu1RJ45-socket, flat PCB 14/
02cable with RJ45-jack cable 10 cm for training
enclosure ready for asmbly with all holes plastic binder for fixing the cable
L1/L2 100µ10µ3,3µ100n  10n    1n
SSM2165on PCB
Microphone socket of the FT-817
preparation of the end of the cable before soldering
4093 on PCB point ....

本文发布于:2023-08-09 17:30:48,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:石料   来源   之谜   黑龙江   衡阳   译文
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