
更新时间:2023-08-09 12:19:49 阅读: 评论:0

    Part One  Professional Terms   
Unit One  Architecture
Text  Architecture芝麻街英语
1. 建筑物 ;建筑学;enclosure of space  preci activities be houd in  dictate  sizeshape in some logical relation hallsstairs or elevators expected load of trafficdifferent purposorganization of spacesdestination subconsciouslyedificeinconvenience visual confusion permanence raw materials  stone brick wood steel 古语翻译or glassresist compression
2. tensile /compressive strengthwithstanding tension bend downward between the supports      the lower half of the beam under tensionIt follows at frequent intervalssturdy    the spaces between columns   vertical rectangle   fibrous material  wooden posts  slender under construction gridiron frame constructionskeletonsurfacing materialcantilever construction projectmeetcont
ent/satisfy physical requirements    aesthetic unitythe sides / rear/ front of a structure bear sufficient correspondence to
3. the nave aisles tranpts and radiating chapels of gothic cathedrals internal /external   the exterior /interior proportion relationship of voids to solids of height to widthdhpof length to breadth golden ctionrepetitiondimensionmodulevisible scale世界杯主题曲we will rock youvisuallyconvey bench stepbalustradenormal dimensions of human beingsimperceptiblyintermediate sizedoorwayperceive its vastness identifiable belong on its sitegeography
RMA  The Study of Architecture
4. a five-year Bachelor of Architecture programa studio couractual or hypothetical architectural problempreliminary design solutiongraph prented faculty and professionalsnon-architectural cours architectural solution  behavioral sciencesfreehand drawinggraphic delineationcomposition two-and three-dimensional formsintroductory courforces of gravity wind and earth quakesc
alculus芮成钢专访;descriptive geometry
5. engineering staticsstructural materialsengineering-oriented programtimberreinforced concrete  calculationsprofessional practicecost estimatingconstruction supervisionsite planningacoustics lighting  heating and air conditioning electrical and structural designrequired or optional courscontract document建筑技术; 建筑历史;建筑理论
Unit Two  Housing
Text  Housing
1. housing living quarters function shelterneighborhood available housing community centersinglefamily homemetropolitan area crowdingadsl什么意思;suburban /urban/countryrural accessibility of transportation decisive factor resident
2. professional land developermass-produced development identical individuallymidetached houprivacy row hou in the upper price bracketsmultistory mul
tiple dwelling dweller terracebackyardlaundromatsgaragegardened foyers blockplaygroundcooperative/ condominium housing 还钱英语;tenant
3. building maintenance rvice and repairdefaultmortgagepublic facilitieshallwaysincineratorzoning law building lot residential commercial or industrial buildingbuilding/ housing codesa building permit tenement-hou  sanitaryresidential neighborhood  cleanlinesssanitationstreet departmentsweld
RMB  Recent Trends of Housing
4. urban concentration city planningregional planningfinancial aidFHA(Federal Housing Act) Veterans Administration (VA)urban renewaldemolishing of slumspublic housingoutlying districtplanning and zoning boardland uspeculative building government aidedprovided for low-rent public housing九年级英语单词录音slum clearance
5. housing for the elderly grants-in-aid housing rehabilitationwage and water faci
lities health and recreation facilitiesModel Cities Programfree-enterpri countriescountries with centrally planned economies tax exemptions urbanization放飞梦想演讲稿 craftsmenwaste disposal
Unit Three  The language of Architecture()
Text  The language of Architecture():
1. 建筑语言 aboriginal tribesmanreveal blitheringhave a good command ofilliteratespireinfiniteinnumerableindeterminate intangible interpretive receptiveprejudicesconvictionsand nsitivitiesarchitectural wordan opening clotsheda entrance (to)
2. an exitfromcottageslot a hinged coverat small scaleat a larger sizea ducal mansionwarriorgatewaya passagethroughrushhourtriumphal archessquares or plazasmemorial
RMB  The language of Architecture()
3. architect's vocabularyarchitectural designburglarstockbrokerfacev.); connection平面 ,立面 ,剖面 ,总平面 ,透视图 architectural term the face/ opposite/rear/sides/end/corner of the building anthropomorphism occupantcament   
4. the rock-and-roll starbalconya great arched or pedimented windowfringeimpersonalityshow windowdiamond-paned windowinn snugnessplate glass window      bottle-glass windowcafeteriaarchitectural elementsroofrailing

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