Part One Professional Terms
Unit One Architecture
Text Architecture芝麻街英语
1. 建筑物 ;建筑学;enclosure of space; preci activities; be houd in ;dictate ;size;shape; in some logical relation; halls,stairs or elevators; expected load of traffic;different purpos;organization of spaces;destination; subconsciously;edifice;inconvenience; visual confusion; permanence; raw materials; stone, brick, wood ,steel ,古语翻译or glass;resist compression;
2. tensile /compressive strength;withstanding tension; bend downward between the supports; the lower half of the beam; under tension;It follows ; at frequent intervals;sturdy; the spaces between columns ; vertical rectangle ; fibrous material; wooden posts; slender; under construction ;gridiron ;frame construction;skeleton;surfacing material;cantilever construction ;project;meet(cont
ent/satisfy) ;physical requirements; aesthetic unity;the sides / rear/ front of a structure ;bear sufficient correspondence to;
3. the nave, aisles, tranpts and radiating chapels of gothic cathedrals; internal /external ; the exterior /interior; proportion; relationship of voids to solids, of height to width,dhpof length to breadth; golden ction;repetition;dimension;module;visible; scale;世界杯主题曲we will rock youvisually;convey; bench, step;balustrade;normal dimensions of human beings;imperceptibly;intermediate size;doorway;perceive its vastness; identifiable; belong on its site;geography
RMA The Study of Architecture
4. a five-year Bachelor of Architecture program;a studio cour;actual or hypothetical architectural problem;preliminary design solution;graph prented; faculty and professionals;non-architectural cours ;architectural solution; behavioral sciences;freehand drawing;graphic delineation;composition; two-and three-dimensional forms;introductory cour;forces of gravity, wind, and earth quakes;c
alculus芮成钢专访;descriptive geometry;
5. engineering statics;structural materials;engineering-oriented program;timber;reinforced concrete; calculations;professional practice;cost estimating;construction supervision;site planning;acoustics, lighting; heating and air conditioning; electrical and structural design;required or optional cours;contract document;建筑技术; 建筑历史;建筑理论
Unit Two Housing
Text Housing
1. housing ;living quarters ;function ;shelter;neighborhood; available housing ;community center;singlefamily home;metropolitan area; crowdingadsl什么意思;suburban /urban/country(rural); accessibility of transportation ; decisive factor ;resident;
2. professional land developer;mass-produced development; identical ;individually;midetached hou;privacy; row hou; in the upper price brackets;multistory mul
tiple dwelling; dweller; terrace;backyard;laundromats;garage;gardened foyers; block;playground;cooperative/ condominium housing 还钱英语;tenant;
3. building maintenance, rvice, and repair;default;mortgage;public facilities;hallways;incinerator;zoning law; building lot; residential, commercial, or industrial building;building/ housing codes;a building permit; tenement-hou ;sanitary;residential neighborhood ;cleanliness;sanitation;street departments;weld
RMB Recent Trends of Housing
4. urban concentration ;city planning;regional planning;financial aid;FHA(Federal Housing Act) ; Veterans Administration (VA);urban renewal;demolishing of slums;public housing;outlying district;planning and zoning board;land u;speculative building ; government aided;provided for low-rent public housing;九年级英语单词录音slum clearance;
5. housing for the elderly; grants-in-aid ;housing rehabilitation;wage and water faci
lities; health and recreation facilities;Model Cities Program;free-enterpri countries;countries with centrally planned economies; tax exemptions; urbanization放飞梦想演讲稿 ;craftsmen;waste disposal
Unit Three The language of Architecture(Ⅰ)
Text The language of Architecture(Ⅰ):
1. 建筑语言; aboriginal tribesman;reveal ;blithering;have a good command of;illiterate;spire;infinite;innumerable;indeterminate; intangible; interpretive; receptive;prejudices;convictions,and nsitivities;architectural word;an opening; clot;shed;a entrance (to);
2. an exit(from);cottage;slot; a hinged cover;at small scale;at a larger size;a ducal mansion;warrior;gateway;a passage(through);rushhourtriumphal arches;squares or plazas;memorial
RMB The language of Architecture(Ⅲ)
3. architect's vocabulary;architectural design;burglar;stockbroker;face(v.); connection;平面 ,立面 ,剖面 ,总平面 ,透视图 ;architectural term; the face/ opposite/rear/sides/end/corner of the building; anthropomorphism; occupant;cament;
4. the rock-and-roll star;balcony;a great arched or pedimented window;fringe;impersonality;show window;diamond-paned window;inn; snugness;plate glass window; bottle-glass window;cafeteria;architectural elements;roof;railing