Test Test Procedure Criteria Picture (Before Test)
膜厚用膜厚机打实际值色差用色差机打实际值用光泽机打实际值The hardness shall meet the specifications without having any scratches on the test surface (paint, film, etc.).
1. No flaking is allowed.
2. Small flakes of the coating are detached at interctions; less than 5% of the area is affected.
3. Small flakes of the coating are detached
Tape : 3M 610
Cut distance : 1mm with 11cuts for thickness < 50u /2mm
Area : must cover Planar, edges and corners (At least one area at different curve surface)Pencil Hardness Load on pencil tip : 765g Length of strock : 4mm~10mm Speed : 10mm /s Painted Metal or Plastic:H for gloss < 50% / F for 50-
60% gloss / HB for gloss > 60%Anode Reliability Test Report
Corss-Cut 1. No flaking is allowed.
2. Small flakes of the coating are detached at interctions; less than 5% of the area is affected.
3. Small flakes of the coating are detached along edges and at interctions of cuts. The area affected is 5 to 15% of the lattic
The substrate is not visible through the
abrasion in the surface finish.
Tape : 3M 610
Cut distance : 1mm with 11cuts for thickness < 50u /
Area : must cover Planar, edges and corners (At least
one area at different curve surface)
Tape test : 90 conds / 5 times
Painted Metal or Plastic : 4B
Loading: 175g;
Abrasion Speed: 17cycles/min;
Length for Each Cycle: 16cm
Painted Metal or Plastic : 30 cycles
Salt Fogtopdog
Photograph any suspected areas of corrosion
or failure of the protective coating/finish.
transfer to dry cloth or fingers when
cleaning/rubbing surface. UV post fading test
color less than or equal to 4.5 Delta E units
fromthe initial pre‐test color Delta E reading. Expo cosmetic, exterior metal surfaces (such as第三国际
speaker grills, Aluminum palm rests, Aluminum
enclosures, etc.)
Refer to MIL‐STD‐810F for exact parameters:
Salt Solution: 5 ±1% salt solution concentration
Duration: 24 Hours Exposure+24 Hours Drying
Test A: Solvent Resistance
Related test parameter should meet the definition in
remark table.
Test B: Stain Resistance
1. Stain material should contain: Lipstick (Red), Coffee,
Water Soluble Ink & Wax Pencil (Black)
2. Apply test materials to the surface
Environmental High Humidity Thermal Shock高温高湿测试1. No evidence in the appearance of the coating/film/injection material, as manifested by
obrved coating dissolution, blistering, cracking, chipping and peeling off.
2. No delaminating between the parent material (metal or plastic) and the aluminum clad
Stain And Fade(and UV)
Surface finish does not mare and it does not
transfer to dry cloth or fingers when
cleaning/rubbing surface. UV post fading test
color less than or equal to 4.5 Delta E units
fromthe initial pre‐test color Delta E reading. Test A: Solvent Resistance
Related test parameter should meet the definition in
remark table.
Test B: Stain Resistance
1. Stain material should contain: Lipstick (Red), Coffee,
Water Soluble Ink & Wax Pencil (Black)
2. Apply test materials to the surface
Set the temperature at constant 50°C and the Relative
Humidity to 95%.
Run the test 336 hours (14 days)
Apply 3M 610 type test for 5 times
Low Cycle高低温测试
and pass adhesion and abrasion
2. No evidence in the appearance of the
coating/film/injection material, as manifested
obrved coating dissolution, blistering, Chamber t up
Dwell for 4 hours at +25°C ± 2°C, dry bulb, and a
relative humidity of 50% ± 2.5%.
Over a 2 hour period, rai the temperature to 66°
C ± 2°C, dry bulb, and rai the relative humidity to
75% ± 2.5%.
Dwell at this condition for 4 hours
Humidity Test - High / Low Cycle高低温测试1. The surface finish does not discolor or fade and pass adhesion and abrasion requirements.
2. No evidence in the appearance of the coating/film/injection material, as manifested by
obrved coating dissolution, blistering, cracking, delamination, chip
Any loss of mechanical and / or electrical
functionality constitutes a failure, including
fading of
logos / keypad print, material degradation,
discoloration, cracks, or the inability to power
up and
or charge the battery, etc.
Dwell for 4 hours at +25°C ± 2°C, dry bulb, and a
relative humidity of 50% ± 2.5%.
Over a 2 hour period, rai the temperature to 66°
C ± 2°C, dry bulb, and rai the relative humidity to
75% ± 2.5%.rvr
Dwell at this condition for 4 hours
72 hour exposure time
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, >90%
Cola ‐ regular Coca‐cola
Coffee ‐ no preference
Ammonia bad Glass cleaner (e.g. Windex)
Vegetable oil ‐ No preference
Picture (After Test)PASS/FAIL Start Date End Date Status(%)
8°PASS PASS PASS 45um PASS 9/169/16
9/169/169/149/20PASS PASS PASS 9/14