Unit 10
Objectives: writing letters for packing matters
iron strap
FCL container
Gunny bag
Sentence patterns:
Customer’s instruction to supplier
1. As is necessary to make transshipment at _______ for the goods to be shipped to our port, your packing must be aworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling during transit.
2. When packing, plea take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handling at this end and must be able to withstand transport over every bad road.
3. The packets must be made up in piles of suitable size before being given their airtight tinfoil cover, and then packed in cas. The cas must be cleated and battened so as to eliminate the risk of damage caud by pressure.
4. We usually pack each piece of men’s shirt in a polybag, half dozen to a box and ten dozen to a wooden ca.
5. Packing in sturdy wooden cas is esntial. Cas must be nailed, battened and cured by overall metal strapping.
6. Our cotton prints should be packed in cas lined with kraft paper and water-proof paper, each consisting of 30 pieces in one design with 5 colorways equally assorted.
个人电脑的英文缩写7. In view of the fragile nature of the goods, they should be wrapped in soft material and firmly packed in cardboard boxes so as to reduce damage in transit to a minimum.
8. The overall measurements of each ca must not exceed 1.5m×1m×1 m.
Supplier’s information to customer
1. Our usual packing for dyed poplin is in bales lined with water proof paper, each containing 500 yards in single color.
2. We packed our shirts in plastic-line, waterproof cartons, reinforced with metal straps.
3. All export bicycles are wrapped in strong waterproof material at the port and packed in pairs in lightweight crates.
4. A special crate with reinforced bottom will be needed for the transport of such a large machine, and both padding and bolting down will be esntial.
5. We will pack the material in bales of approx. 1 meter in length and 3 meters in girth. The protective canvas will be provided with ears to facilitate lifting.
6. We regret to inform you that the goods delivered by our factory are packed in boxes of single size of a box (this might be a misprint) instead of assorted size as required.
7. You will note that our packing has been greatly improved with the result that all our recent shipments have turned out to the satisfaction of our clients.
8. You may rest assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.
Instructions on shipping marks and others
1. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking. The must be strictly obrved.
2. In ca your shipping marks are required, your order should clearly indicate such marks and reach us one month before the shipment time.
3. All boxes are to be marked as usual, but plea number them concutively from No. 11.
4. The goods are to be marked with our initials in a diamond, and warning marks are to be clearly marked.
5. The order mentioned above is completed. We are urgently awaiting your instructions regarding labeling to each package for shipment on board S.S. “Red Star”.
6. affordWe regret being unable to accept your request for indicating the full name and address
of the consignee on each package, as shipping marks comprising the initials of buyer’s name will suffice for your purpo.
7. For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.
8. Plea stencil our shipping marks in letters 10cm high, and give gross and net weight on each box.
Sample letters:
Dear Sir or Madam:
We enclo the countersigned copy of contract No. 350 of the 4 May 2006 for 350 bales of printed cottons. The letter of credit is on its way to you.
Plea mark the bales with our initials, with the destination and contract number as follow
This will apply to all shipments unless otherwi instructed.
Plea advi us by fax as soon as shipment is effected.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Sirs,
cisco是什么Thank you for your quotation of March 23 and the sample sweaters nt to us recently. We find both the price and quality satisfactory and herewith enclo our order form for 300 dozen each of men's and women's woolen sweaters at the prices stated in your quotgoldvish