Your name in gold完型填空
Your name in gold
Anne sat at the breakfast table.eating her cornflakes and reading the print on the cereal(谷物)box in front of her.“Great new offer!”,the box read,“e back of box for Anne's older sister Mary sat across ading the other side of the cereal box.“Hey,Anne."she said,“look at this amazing prize-'your name in gold"".gardens
As Mary read on Annesin the prize grew.“we will nd you a special pin with your name spelled in gold.Only one per family,plea.
“That’s a neat idea,"she said“A pin with my very own name spelled out in gold,I’m going toin for it.”
“Sorry.Anne.I saw it first.”said Mary“so I get first dibs(权利)on it.”bubly
But I want a pin like that,so“said Anne“plea let me have it!’
“Nope."said her sister.
“You always get your way-just becau you’re older than me,"said Anne.Her lower lip trembling as her eyes filled with tears,“Just go ahead and
nd in for it.See if I."she threw down her spoon and ran from the kitchen
Several weeks have pasd.One day the mailmen brought a small package to Mary,Mary took the package to her room.Anne casually
followed her in and sat on the bed
Mary slowly took the paper off the package.She opened a little white box and carefullyoff the top layer of white cotton.
“Oh,it’s beautiful!”Mary said“just like the cereal box said"your name in gold’four beautiful letters.Would you like to e it Anne?"
“No,I don't care about your dumb old pin.”
Mary put the white box on the dresr(梳妆台)and went downstairs.牛津高中英语模块九
Anne wasin the bedroom.Soon she couldn’t wait any longer.As she looked in the small white box,she gasped.
There on the pin were four beautiful letters-her name in gold:A-n-n-e.
1.A details B.advice C.prents D.offer播音员主持人资格考试
2.A.urage C.chance D interest
3.A. D.nd
4.A.carefully B.badly C.sadly D.quickly B.d D.love洒脱是什么意思
6.A.introduced B.written c.addresd D.given
7.A.threw B.lifted blew C.ved
8.A.alone C.shame D.upt