背了那么多红宝应该不难发现,我们学过的每个词在红宝书中都都替换的词,所以,在下吐血整理了这些替换词,帮助大家告别龌龊词汇! 第一类: 巨大: big-colossal/enormous/ immen/ gargantuan/ grandio/ massive/ monolithic/ prodigious/titanic/ tremendous 小的:small-diminutive/ miniature/ miniscule 快的(副词):fastly—by leaps andbounds 加强:strengthen-bolster/ buttress/ consolidate/ reinforce/ intensify/ fortify (可以用在argument) 强的:strong-brawny/ muscular/ sinewy/ impregnable/ invincible/ potent/ robust/virile/ stalwart/ stout/ sturdy 强人: baron(巨头) magnate/mogul 削弱:weaken-diminish / debilitate/ enervate/ sap/ undermine/perish/wane 弱的: weak—feeble/decrepit/ frail/ flaccid/ impotent/ puny/ tenuous 重要的: important –conquential/momentous/ eminent/ prominent/ pivotal/ substantial/ significant/ crucial/esntial/ fundamental 重要:importance—core/ hub/ esnce/ gist/magnitude (类似的) 居首位的: leading—foremost/paramount/ overriding /predominant/ prevailing/ preeminent prevalent/ supreme 不重要的: unimportant—marginal/peripheral/ negligible/ trifling/trivial 超过:surpass—eclip/exceed/override/overwhelming/prevail/transcend/ be superior to/outwit / outweigh / be inferior to(劣于)= be subordinate to 霸权:ascendancy/hegemony/supremacy
二 初始: beginning—debut/premiere/prime/ genesis/ inception/ ont/ threshold/ lead off/ lead out (比to begin with好得多拉 ) (或者说什么的到来:adventof something) 初始的: beginning--primitive//budding/ fledgling/ embryonic/(古老的意义解时archaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete) 开始: begin/start—commence/initiate/ embark/ inaugurate 开始:begin/start=undertake/ embark upon 增长: grow—multiply/mushroom/proliferate/sprout/accelerate/ burgeon(慢慢增长) 使其增长:increa--amplify/ magnify/ add-augment/ supplement 加重,升级aggravate (恶化)/ escalate/ exacerbate/ deteriorate/ impair 减少,减弱:decrea—abate/attenuate/detract/ diminish/ slacken/curb/ curtail/ (number)pare/ prune/ slash/ trim/whittle/ 减轻decrea---allay/assuage/ mollify/ soothe/mitigate/ 变弱decrea—dwindle/ ebb/subside/ wane/ weaken/ impair 上升: ascend—lift / surge/rocket/ boast/ soar/ boom 达到顶峰加油 英文 culminate 顶点: peak—acme/apex/pinnacle/ climax/ apogee n.远地点/ zenith(nadir最低点 or abyss深渊) (zenith&nadir特别适合用在比喻 强调两者的区别大~两个词的来源大家可以查查~两个对比强烈哦description是什么意思 ) 下降: descend/ plummet/plunge/ slump/ tumble (fluctuate波动)
三 gather聚拢:accumulate/amass/ asmble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集) group群组:battalion/bevy/ cluster/ drove/ flock/ swarm/ throng combination集合:assortment/medley/ mosaic(马赛克)/ motley(五花八门:形容词也可以) a lot of/ a great many of= manifold 许多 –abundant/ ample(充足)/ copious(大量的)/fraught with/ replete with/ numerous/ innumerable(不计其数)/ myriad 很多/ a multitudeof/ multitudes of/ a myriad of 无数的人们/ limitless无限的/ a deluge of/ beaucoup <法> adj.非常多的 (很多同学都喜欢用~alot of~a great number of~这里注意:numerous这里表达的不是无数很多那样~之表示一般的多~这一点从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到) large quantity: 大量:avalanche/spate(比喻意大量的某物)/ exodus大量流出/ 大量流入influx/multitude大量 /plethora 比喻意:大量/profusion 丰富,繁多 拥有大量:boast/abound / deluge(被大量的某物所淹没)/teem到处 散开:spread-dispel(驱散)/ disper/disminate 稀少的:scarce/meager/ scant/ scanty/ skimpy/ spar/ dearth 节俭的:frugal/thrifty/ mirly/ 富裕的:rich-affluent/ lavish/ luxurious/ opulent/ sumptuous/ palatial 浪费的:improvident/prodigal son(浪荡子)=improvident/profligate 贫困的:poor=destitute/ impoverished/ impecunious/ indigent (形容人)
四 困难的:difficult=arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerous(issue中大量存在"困难"的表达) 困境:(陷入困难的处境就是困难)difficultsituations= deadlock/ impas/ stalemate/ dilemma/ predicament/ quandary/ mire泥沼/ morass/swamp/ quagmire/ standstill停止,僵局/ labyrinth迷宫(很好的比喻的说法~可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫~僵局等~) 陷入:reduce/ getbogged down/ plunge into 复杂的:complicated/intricate/ complex/(这里介绍一个很好的押韵的方法:complexand perplexed/ complicate and intricate or sophisticated用在表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇的完善更能有一种押运修辞的效果~读起来琅琅上口) 复杂的事情:imbroglio/mesh/ tangle/ labyrinth迷宫= maze 卷入复杂的境地:involve=embroil/ ensnare/ entangle 从复杂境地脱身:escape=extricate 难以理解:abstru/recondite/ intricate/ arcane只有少数人可以理解=esoteric/ cryptic 简短却令人迷惑/ enigmatic 谜一般的 enigma 形容词形式/ inexplicable无法解释/ inscrutable无法捉摸=unfathomable/mysterious/ supernatural/ mystical/ extraterrestrial (这里的词很多都表示 难以理解~ 很多题目学习类~教育类~社会类~历史类~艺术类~只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用) 迷mystery-puzzle=enigma/ conundrum/ riddle/迷宫labyrinth/ maze 令人迷惑:learn是什么意思puzzle= baffle/ befuddle/ bewilder/ confound/ mystify/ perplex 令人沮丧:depresd=with depression/ frustrating/ daunting/ dismal/ 使可以理解:clarify=elucidate/ enlighten启迪教化/explicate阐明/ expoundon/upon /illuminate照亮说清楚 可以理解的:intelligible= explicit/ lucid 阻碍:hindrance名次= fetter/shackle/ trammel枷锁桎梏/onus负担重任 阻碍:动词hamper= encumber造成负担/foil/ stymie/ thwart阻碍或者挫败工作完成/handicap/ hinder/ impede/ retard 压制:smother/stifle 令人窒息,压制约束suppress/ pin down 协助促进:aid= facilitate/ foster/ nurture/ buttress/
五 著名的:famous =celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/outstanding/ distinctive/ eminent/ notable/ noticeable/ striking/ remarkable/preeminent be famous for = take pride in elite= meritocrat (meritocracy n.知识界精华)(用上的话超级有文采~嘻嘻) 有特色:feature =savor/ 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列 臭名昭著:disreputable= infamous/ notorious/ nefarious因为极坏而臭名昭著 好的名声:reputation= esteem/ prestige 坏的名声:disgrace/disrepute/ ignominy/ infamy/ odium/ opprobrium/ stigma 不好的声誉,耻辱。 尊重 名次:respect =reverence/ veneration/ homage 高尚的:noble =rarefied/ sublime/ lofty 不尊重 名次:disrespect =scorn蔑视 招人轻视的:contemptible= despicable 尊重:动词idolize/worship/ lionize 对待名人一样的崇拜/revere敬爱,敬畏 不尊重:动词 disrespect/ deride/ scoff嘲笑/ despi/ disdain/ slight/ snub 赞扬:名次prai=accolade赞美,奖项/approbation/ encomium/ eulogy/ panegyric/ plaudit/ tribute/ tribute用来表示赞美的行为或者发言 赞美:动词prai= acclaim/ applaud/ hail欢呼/ commend/ extol/ laud高度的,常常带有美化成分的赞美 应该受到谴责的:形容词reprehensible 谴责:condemn=censure/ denounce/ reprimand/ decry/ deprecate/ deplore叹惋/ lament 叹惋/ remonstrate争辩,申辩 责备:admonish/reproach/ reprove温和的责备 严厉责备:动词berate/ castigate/ chasti/ chide/ excoriate/ inveigh/ rail/ revile/ upbraid 令人讨厌的事物:名次anathema 谩骂的:abusive/vituperative
六 有害的事物:harmfulthings= contagion传染病瘟疫epidemic/ pandemic也有流行的意思六级分数的分布情况/pestilence/plague 疾病:malady 瘴气:miasma比喻意为有害的气氛或者影响 灾患:scourge 不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气:unafraidto look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world. 有害的:harmful =deleterious/ detrimental/ noxious/ toxic/ virulent/ monstrous/ murderous 邪恶的:evil/ devil=cruel/ crude/ brutal/ wicked/ vicious/ malicious/ atrocious/ virulent/ venomous/ sinister/ hafarious/ vicious/ pernicious/ destructive/ detrimental 致命的:fatal/ lethal前两个并非贬义/ pernicious极其有害的 有益的:形容词:hygienic/sanitary 广义的卫生的/ salutary/wholesome有益身心的 有害的事物:bane致命的毒药 /blight植物的枯萎病/ 损害:harm = blemish/deface/ disfigure/ eviscerate/ impair减损/main mutilate毁伤肢体/ mar/spoil破坏 demolish 有益的事物:antidote解毒药/ remedy药物:纠错开房屋租赁发票/ panacea 万能良药 elixir 炼金药,万能药(有贬义含义)/ boon赐福blessing /tonic 补药 改善:improve =ameliorate/ amend/ 对法律的修改/rectify/ redress/ 毁坏,毁灭:destroy/annihilate彻底消灭/exterminate终结/eliminate/ eradicate/ decimate/ demolish/ dismantle/ raze 彻底摧毁夷为平地/ devastate/ravage/ wreck遭受重创,严重破坏/ obliterate擦去/ pulverize 磨成粉末状/ subvert 颠覆 可怕的:awful =horrible/ terrible/ tragic/ wretched / dire 复苏,复兴 动词:revive=rejuvenate/ resurrect/ resuscitate/ revive 动荡的,混乱的 形容词:tumultuous/turbulent/ 混乱:名词:chaos/confusion/ disorder / mayhem/ disarray/ havoc大面积的破坏-混乱pandemonium 撒旦居住的地方,比喻嘈杂,混乱的地方/ shambles废墟/ turmoil 混乱,动荡/ upheaval突发的巨变 灾难:calamity/cataclysm/ catastrophe 危险 名词:danger/hazard/ peril 危险的:hazardous/perilous/ precarious/ treacherous 危及:动词endanger/ compromi/ imperil/ jeopardize 保护:protect =safeguard 表示进步,提高的动词: improve ameliorate better develop remedy revi enhance enrichupgrade refine 重要,关键: important significant conquential momentous considerableesntial valuable distinctive great weighty major rious grave vitalcapital substantial material; 稍微扯得远一点的还有conspicuous striking prominent eminent noticeable 正确的,无误的: correct rectify accurate preci proper undistorted rightimpeccable 增长和减少(这个超级常用!) increa ri extend magnify decrea reduce fall amplifyaggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrinkterminate lesn abate rai boost inten(intensify) expand augment enlargediminish dwindle(swindle是诈骗的意思) slump 和证明相关的: justify warrant asrt claim contend argue validate substantiateverify accu assign indict allege affirm 论题: statement claim declaration asrtion opinion belief viewconviction persuasion 要求 request demand needs requisition 撤销 to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash 建立 to build up; to establish; to t up; to found; to take root; tostrike root 消除 to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; tosmooth away 推理 1.[Logic] inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination 2.to reason 3.to put two and two together 相应 1.corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate 2.accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in acorresponding way 3.to correspond to; to act in respons; to work in concert with;to support each other 导致 1.to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cau; tospark off; t o conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate 后果 thursday islanda conquence; an aftermath; an outcome 检查 to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to thetest; to keep a check on 发(奖品) prize reward award grant assign confer(on) honor fame creditcontribution acknowledgement recognition 表示程度的副词 very strikingly greatly highly insatiably exceedingly dreadfullyremarkably drastically dramatically 足够 sufficient adequate enough 剩下几个也是常用的 prent justify practicable hence conquently examination accountable responsible twist and turn 迂回曲折 might and main 尽全力 part and parcel 重要部分 safe and sound 安然无恙 spick and span 崭新的,极干净的 time and tide 岁月,时光 go to rack and ruin 陷于毁灭 slow and sure 慢而稳,稳妥 hale and hearty 老当益壮 chop and change 变幻莫测(尤指观点,计划等) fair and foul 在任何情况下 weal and woe 福祸 sum and subs tance 主要情况,要点(尤指讲话的主要部分) forgive and forget 不念旧恶 wax and wane (月的)盈亏圆缺;盛衰 1 inferno ready for love地狱,可与幸福生活形成强烈对比 the inferno of war 2 inky 用于个人在生活上或科研道路上的迷茫 the inky darkness of one’s pursuit of owndestiny 3 promulgate 公布,颁布法令,新法律 promulgate a belief, and idea, a theory,etc the promulgation of atreaty 4 latency 如作者主张尚未表现出的危险或其主张的长远作用 latent---latent ability , a latentinfection after a carefulexamination, it is no need to go too far to n that the author’s claimunderlies a latency of peril to both personal and even societal degree./ lurksa latency of profound implication. 5 Connotation 内涵,言外之意――― Hollywood always holds connotation of romanceand glittering success. 贬义词 derogatory connotation 6 Motivate/ ignite 用于深究心理方面深层的原因,或者内因 be motivated by greed, fear, love a teacher who can motive her pupils 7 Nectar 在描写艺术方面的享受时有用,甘露, 8 Emulate 仿效,主要用于名人的作用 emulative 好胜的 9 责任 obligation , responsibility, liability 10 重要 paramount the reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government’conomic policy 11 Ponder1 深思 pondering on the meaning of life 12 Delvein/ into 探索,钻研,起源 a writer delving in medieval French literature delve into the origins of the custom 13 Blood 根源 of the same blood 14 演绎推理 deduce 追溯源头 15 Augment增加提高 continuing rainsaugment the flood waters. 16 混乱 turmoil uproar pandemonium chaos thecountry was in a turmoil during the strike. There was uproar over the tax increas. Left in a state of chaos 17 Rotelearning 死记硬背的方法 18 Reminisce 缅怀美好的往事 reminiscence 怀旧 reminiscence of my youth 19 Halcyon太平盛世 halcyon times the halcyon days of youth 小学英语评课稿20 Quietude平静寂静 equability 平和宁静 21 Equanimity镇静 she maintained herequanimity throughout her long ordeal. 22 Impassivity 泰然自若 23 Equilibrium平衡均势 disturb theequilibrium of the chains of natural environment. 24 Balance-----try to achieve a better balance between work and play. This newspaper maintains a goodbalance in its prentation of different opinions. 25 Placidity平静 the placidity of histemperament 26 Deformity畸形,用于形容教育中重视一方面忽视另一方面 27 Lap 小错失足 a lap from grace 失宠 lap into 陷入 lap back into bad habits lap into a coma 时间流逝 mentalist after a lap of veral decades 28 Peccadillo小过失 guilty of some mildpeccadillo 29 Falsity 谬误错误 30 Menace威胁,危害 nuclear weapons are amenace to world peace 31 Jeopardize 破坏危害 jeopardous 32 Imperil 危害 the curity of the country had been imperiled 33 Transient 转瞬即失的 transient success transience transient years is not enough to make theconclusion 34 Ephemeral 短暂的 ephemeral pleasure 35 Permanent permanence permanency 36 Angle 角度 try looking at the affair from a differentangle 37 Facet 方面角度 there are many facets to this question 38 Dissimilitude 不同不同之处 39 表示实用的功利的 utilitarian function pragmatic utilitarianism pragmatism 40 神话(用于艺术类的issue 中) insomnia mythology 神化 apotheosis apotheosize 寓言 allegory fable 圣歌 psalm anthem hymn 亵渎的 profane 圣乐和俗乐 scared and profane music 神灵saint 41 Didactic 教诲的,说教的 教诲 edification inculcate 42 Elicit 43 表示竞争极其后果的词 良性竞争 good-natures rivalry 恶性竞争、循环 vicious circle 憎恨 antipathy 44 Salvation拯救(描写精神,崇高事业时)redemption 45 Mundane 世俗的 46 Ethnocentrism民主优越感 racialism racism 种族主义 nationalism 民族主义 chauvinism 沙文主义 patriotism patriotic 爱国主义 47 Ingrained根深蒂固的 48 注定 predestine destine foreordain 49 Populace 平民 50 描写文化差异/ 相同的词语 cultural shock 设身处地的vicarious vicariously vicarious pleasure, satisfaction be acclimatized to assimilation culturalhomogenization 文化适应 acculturation 51 Emblem象征 the dove is an emblemof peace 52 修辞手法 metaphor onomatopoeia rhetoric 53 Crusade(为争取好的或反对坏的事物的)斗争或运动 a crusade against corruption 54 Transatlantic大西洋彼岸的,横越大西洋的 transatlantic flight, voyage, telephone call a transatlantic trade agreement 55 Tottering蹒跚的 56 Recidivism 累犯 57 Spacecrunch 空间紧缩 crunch 58 表示渠道的词 channel vehicle 59 Melancholy忧郁 60 Epithet 绰号 61 Pernicious 有害的 62 Proclivity倾向 63 家谱 genealogy pedigree 64 政府行为 stipulation of a poverty line 环境: delicate balance upon whichanimals—including human—depend (ecosystem)生态平衡 the depletion of the atmospheric ozone 臭氧空洞 extinct species, rious pollution of water, excessive cutting ofjungles and rainforests consumption of the earth’s finite natural resources 社会问题 rely on labor force,equipment, and raw materials of developing countries 企业的需求 incread crime, unemployment, insurrection, hunger, plague, andso forth vicious competition, vicious circle, monopoly 经济问题 恶性竞争,垄断 科技: 1. impact on daily life/ saturated every aspects in our dailyroutine 科技深入生活 2. we need to control the development and u of technologicalinnovation so that they benefit all aspects of community 防止科技危害生活: Although scientific discoveries and technological advances haveproduced tremendous improvement in the quality of human life, they also havenegative conquences. nuclear power, chemical plants, → threaten our life 教育: education always plays a key role in determining a person’ssuccess 教育决定成功 we must be conscious of our obligations to help tho who aretruly infirm, aged or incapable of providing for themlves 公民的责任,帮助困难人员 教育的目的 the primary purpo for education is to transmit democratic values, innovative ideas and so that it canprepare new generations of citizens in society, rather than simply instillinginformation and knowledge. 儿童社会化行为:negotiate, bargain, cajole, compromi, conflict, deceive. 领导教育 value the input of subordinates, by involving them in decisionsabout matters or strategies 接受下属意见 a leader’s effectiveness as a competitor is not necessarilyinconsistent/ exclusive with his or her ability to cooperate with subordinatesor competitors. 合作与竞争不矛盾 冷门热门学科 |