Unite 10 showing concerns and giving advice
Unite 10-1
Teaching aims: Talking face to face-eing a doctor
Teaching objective: Know some oral expressions about eing a doctor and uful expressions in the sample dialogues.
Teaching time: 2 periods
Teaching key points: 圣诞节英语手抄报资料1. How to improve the students’ speaking ability.
lucky是什么意思 2. Master the new phras, ntence patterns and make the students be free to talk about eing a doctor.
Teaching difficult point: How to finish the task of speaking
Main teaching method: Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class
Teaching Procedures:
1. Study of words and expressions for eing a doctor.
2. Put in u.
3. Learn sample dialogues of eing doctors
4. Practice showing concerns and giving advice情人节快乐的英文
5. Exercis
Teaching Materials:
Uful words孙子兵法下载
Body parts: lungs throat skin gum bowel neck chest wrist stomach belly
Symptom: headache bite cough sore bleed injure infect strain fever dizzy weak
Cure: injection operate first-aid examine temperature pill X-ray aspirin
Uful expressions
1. Showing Concern to a Friend:
What’s the matter/trouble with you? What has happened to you?
What’s wrong?
Is there anything wrong?
Are you all right?
You look pale/ feverish.
I’m sorry to hear that.
You’d better go to e a doctor immediately.
That’s too bad.
2. Patient’s Complaints :
I’m feeling awful/weak now.
I’ve got a bad headache and a fever/ a bad cold.
The toothache is killing me.
I’m having more stomach trouble.
I’m feeling so sick/I hurt all over.
I’m feeling dizzy and tired.
My whole body feels weak.
I’m not feeling quite mylf.
I couldn’t sleep well.
I keep putting on weight.
3. A doctor’s words to patients:
Let me have a look.
Where does it hurt?
Lie down and let me examine you.
You’d better/need/must…
I advi you (not) to do…
You’d better (not) do….
I think you should/ought to….
I suggest you (should) do…
Drink plenty of water and get some rest
I will give you some medicine for your cough
Take more exerci.
Stay in bed until your fever goes down.
Take this medicine 3 times a day.
Put in u
Imagine you are a doctor. An overas student from England is suffering a toothache. He is coming to you for help. Make a conversation with him by filling the blanks.
You: What’s wrong? You don’t look nemavery well_.
Patient: Oh, doctor. I’ve got a terrible toothache.
You: Let me buildhave a look_. Open your mouth. Oh, the whole gum is red and sore.
Patient: I can’t eat or sleep at all. I’m feeling weak and dizzy.
You: That’s no surpri. Don’t _worry. I’ll prescribe _some medicine for
you. It will be better_ very soon.
Patient: Thank you, doctor. How much should I take the medicine?
You: Take it twice a day. And spray the liquid on the gum once a day.
Patient: I understand. Thank you, doctor.
Learn some sample dialogues of eing a doctor (P)
Practi speaking:
Work together with your partner. Choo one situation and write a dialogue, simulating the samples. Then act it out.
Situation 1
Student A (doctor)
Ask the patient what’s wrong and give him or her some advice
Student B (patient)
I am coughing all the time. I have a fever and a headache.
Situation 2
Student A (patient)
My left arm is broken. It really hurts
Student B (doctor)
Ask the patient what’s wrong and give him or her some advice
Situation 3
Student A (doctor)
Ask the patient what’s wrong and give him or her some advice
Student B (patient)
I can’t sleep at night, so I am always very tired.
Exercis 2, 3 of role-play on page 162
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Unite 10-2
Teaching aim: Practical writing-medical instruction
Teaching objective: enable the students to read medical instruction and describe medicine with simple ntences
Teaching time: 1 period
Teaching difficult/key point: How to develop the students’ speaking ability by describing
Teaching Procedures:
Read a medical instruction and try to answer the questions in English
1.What is the medicine made up of?
2. What is the medicine ud for?
3. How to take it?
4. Where should we keep it?
Learn uful words of medical instruction
Function, application, validity term, storage, components
Read and try to describe